I want to kill and maybe eat a coworker...



  • TinaCleg
    Now that is just funny ! I work with an office full of men so we have cookies, chips and candy in the kitchen at all times. Of course none of them are over weight!
  • sweetalker
    sweetalker Posts: 43 Member
    Take something healthy and dip it in that non-healthy sauce. One packet of it is not that bad, just skip the fried chicken mystery parts with breading. The sauce is the tasty part, anyway.
  • sarahharmintx
    sarahharmintx Posts: 868 Member
    ...or at least kill him and take his lunch, you know, whichever.
    My coworker just brought in McD's chicken nuggets and despite my rather large lunch, the smell is driving me nuts. I've had to catch myself from bashing in his head from behind and gorging myself of chicken-like nugget shaped sauce reciptecles several times now.

    My new lifestyle has been pretty easy up until right now...maybe I'll go punch a whale to take my mind off of it and mark something off my bucket list...unless someone else has a better suggestion.
    This has to be one of the greatest things Ive read on MFP lately. Yesterday I said Id punch a monkey to be able to get off work at 3pm. I bet we could be great friends. Ive also threatened to punch a duck for some chocolate or kick a donkey in the uterus for a drink.
  • happiness2286
    ...or at least kill him and take his lunch, you know, whichever.
    My coworker just brought in McD's chicken nuggets and despite my rather large lunch, the smell is driving me nuts. I've had to catch myself from bashing in his head from behind and gorging myself of chicken-like nugget shaped sauce reciptecles several times now.

    My new lifestyle has been pretty easy up until right now...maybe I'll go punch a whale to take my mind off of it and mark something off my bucket list...unless someone else has a better suggestion.

    hahahahah this made my day :laugh:
  • mandy0688
    mandy0688 Posts: 335 Member
    Will power one of the housekeepers bought some chicken from southren classic and it smelled awesome so i turned around grabbed my protein shake and stayed away from the smell lol.
  • MemphisKitten
    MemphisKitten Posts: 878 Member
    They put pink slime in their chicken nuggets, or maybe they changed it to blue slime now. . . and no, I am not joking!
  • Tallblondechick
    Coworkers meals----
    Breakfast---BIG Breakfast from McDonalds....add whatever....not even sure whats in there...I turn my back.
    Lunch----4 piece white meat from KFC with two sides....not sure what they are
    Afternoon snack....vending machine, chips and candy...with a 20 oz regular coke....

    Thats 8:00 to 4:30......seriously..... Whats for dinner?

    I am so happy my lifestyle is what it is...yes maybe I drink a beer on Friday nights... and just maybe I have a CUP of gumbo on Sunday....but geez Louise....I am trying !

    I don't want to kill her....she is killing herself!
  • jessc4343
    jessc4343 Posts: 214 Member
    I don't want to kill her....she is killing herself!

  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    well if you kill and eat him--just make sure you log your exercise and food calories when you're done.

  • MindyG150
    MindyG150 Posts: 1,296 Member
    I hear ya! Last night I was on a walk and 3 TIMES, I went past our local Fish Pub...what is wrong with me! Find a different route, put a nose plug on, run faster.....
  • serena569
    serena569 Posts: 427 Member
    Mine brought chicken tenders and french fries. I gave in and also had tenders. No fries but now I have heart burn.

    Do I have to log my Tums?
  • melsmith612
    melsmith612 Posts: 727 Member
    If your annoying coworker is made of chocolate please forward his name and address to me and I will take care of your problem immediately. :bigsmile:
  • againagain
    againagain Posts: 27 Member
    You could try watching this:


    But if you're like those kids, it won't work :)

    I just think about pink slime and then I can't eat fast food meat. Still trying to figure out some aversion technique for french fries...
  • hughtwalker
    hughtwalker Posts: 2,213 Member
    Bet you couldn't manage a whole one.

    We took the grandchildren to a shopping centre food hall, as I munched my 'scrummy' MacHealthy salad I could smell the KFC behind me - I could have cried.
    ELCABRA Posts: 50 Member
    God I hate mortals and the wonderful smelling slop they eat, why can't food smell as good as it is for your body. If it is crap for your body it should smell like crap!!!
  • bonitacubana
    oh my gosh you guys are brutal hahaha! :-)
  • cmpollard01
    justifiable homicide. Go for it.


    My assistant has a bowl that is literally bottomless and is filled with kisses and mini snickers and (right now) candy-corn - a personal weakness from earliest childhood. She has a drawer full of cracker sandwiches (peanut butter, cheese, everything). That stuff I manage to leave alone. But some jerk out in the outer office keeps bringing in meatball subs and pizza and spaghetti - and the smell of that reheating makes me crazy.... and suddenly, all that candy on the next desk looks really good. It's a daily purgatory... *sigh*

    I feel ya...candy corns are like crack for me. I know I can't always resist them, so I restrain myself to a serving size and make it fit. We, too, have that seemingly bottomless bowl of yummy goodness. It ALMOST makes me wish i didn't care about being healthy!
  • MemphisKitten
    MemphisKitten Posts: 878 Member

    Here it is, McDonald's did get rid of the "pink slime" but still uses ammonia soaked beef parts! That's much better!!
  • schell81
    schell81 Posts: 187 Member
    I've been having a rough time today and McDonald's is my biggest weakness (2 cheeseburger meal with fries and iced tea, McChicken sauce on the cheeseburgers). My co-worker comes in with my favorite meal at lunch... I seriously considered ditching my lunch and getting some. But, I had my turkey burger with avocado and tzatziki, which tasted much better and I don't have a stomach ache now, which I'm sure he probably does. My boss came in awhile ago to tell me that Friday is pizza day. I might have to call in sick to avoid that one, boxes of pizza outside my office door might be too much for me to take on a friday afternoon.
    If you do punch a whale, can you youtube it for us?
  • renamarie77
    renamarie77 Posts: 98 Member
    The chick who sits opposite me comes to work everyday with a massive carb heavy lunch. She heats up her plate and chows down in front of me day after day...the smells coming off the plate are just divine. When she gets up to put her dishes in the kitchen I get a look at her big fat *kitten*...and then I go back to smiling down at my salad...

    I did this last week. The girl near me has McD's for breakfast and lunch EVERY single day, stuff from the machine ALL day, and 2-3 bottles of soda. Ugh. I have a much bigger butt than her FOR NOW, but while MINE will be shrinking... hers will DEFinitely be expanding... Much happiness. :-)