Should I stop?



  • VB95
    VB95 Posts: 13
    Ok if I have read this right you are saying that you are basically starving yourself and you are still gaining weight.
    I dont know how to explain it in medical terms but basically I am pretty sure this is correct..Because you are barely eating anything and doing so much excersie your bodys metabolism is slowing down to hold on to any nutrience it can and then when you do eat the food it will turn into as much fat as possible when digesting so that your body can keep going (your body naturally does this). If you eat little and often your metabolism will become faster and you will find you lose weight at a rate that will satisfy you more. for example if you had 3 small meals a day and then in between keeping snacking every 30mins on carrots celery fruit salad etc. Your metabolism will fasten because your eating often but the calories in the snacks are low so you dont have to go over the daily limit. I would say lower your excersise slightly. Hope this helps like I said this isnt a definite answer but I know it works for me, if anyone thinks there may be errors in my response they can correct me, also with the excersie you might be getting cramp because your not doing a proper cool down or warm up. I am a dancer so I can definitely say that the warm ups and cool downs are absolute must as I have to keep my muscles in top condition so I dont tear them. Hope this helps :)