1200 is not difficult.



  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member

    Isn't the amount of protein u need dependent on ur weight? I think you really need more protein.

    What is OP's weight? Going by the official recommendations in the USA, my protein needs are somewhere in the 30 or 40 g a day. (Not sure which because I don't like to get that little protein, so my goal is usually to get as much protein and healthy fat as possible.)

    Most here will tell you it starts around 1g per lb of lean body mass.
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    I eat at 1200 too. I eat all the time. Every few hours. I'm never hungry. I feel great, except when I hit "clock in".

    I'm also short. I can't even reach the cereal. :sad:

    I understand that taller people need to eat more.

    I'm satisfied at 1200. I don't like people telling me I need to eat more.

    Different strokes for different folks.

    I agree! Seriously gotta love the "anti 1200 calorie" people rapidly denouncing the idea without any true knowledge of the health of the OP. People love to berate others offering their generalized advice to apply to everyone. What works for them won't necessarily work for others...

    you are right, people here jump on the calorie diets that seem to be too low, especially 1200cals.

    its possible some heights / body types may be able to eat 1200 and be healthy. but like you say, its not something you can generalise for everyone.

    1200 for most women may too low due to their height / body type, and it is also harder to eat a balanced diet and this can lead to serious health problems.

    in the end the answer to "is 1200 healthy for women" is not a hard NO or a hard YES. it has its risks moderate risks for those who its not suitable for, so when people post on here without seeming to have checked if their diet is safe for them or not, people start telling them the risks, but noone here has the answer as everyones nutritional needs are different and people are airing on the side of caution.

    in the end this is a terrible place to get specific and definitive nutritional information.

    all they are able to say definitively is that "in general 1200 cals is too low for lot of women" and the other side of the argument (pro 1200) can say is "1200 works for me/can work for some" and you are both right.

    what neither of side can say is what is right for the individual or apply our diets to another person, especially around the 1200 mark.

    blah blah. i dont care anymore. just go to a nutritionist.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I eat 1200ish from time to time. :indifferent:


    Minus you're 1000 for 2lb weight loss goal. Too easy. (although weight loss is not linear)
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member

    You didn't at all imply that. In fact, I thought you were pretty clear that it depends on the individual. You were responding to the general attitude that people on 1200 are miserable, weak, and starving.

    Now see, I read the original post completely opposite, that 1200 shouldn't be hard. I am guessing our interpretation of the original post comes down to our views of the debate.


    Quite possibly! I read her post more as a response to people who don't eat 1200 and proclaim that those who do are miserable. I see this a lot too, and it always grates, because I'm not miserable or underfed. So I probably do notice it more and get more annoyed by it. I thought her last paragraph though spoke to the different motivations for different people, not that one is better or worse.

    (I very recently got a full medical workup including blood work and the medical professionals were extremely pleased with my results, so it's not just personal bias saying I'm ok.)
  • savageman69
    savageman69 Posts: 339 Member

    Oh yah im real silly...well considering that eating 1200 is going to get you some weight loss then your gonna stop so you may end up doing it years or you give up return to over eating and gain it all back.

    Or best case you add cals because you realize eating 1200 is dumb and just a low set number that means nothing and that you coulda ate 1500-1800 a day and still lost weight...probably more fat actually because on your crash diet your losing muscle to but hey who needs that enjoy your loose skin and chicken wings.

    Hey what do i know not like ive lost much weight and lost little to no muscle nor do i have any loose skin to be found.

    Enjoy your 1200 cals im gonna keep eating my 2200 and shedding fat and keeping my muscles.

    You appear to be male and outweigh me by more than 100 lbs (at your high weight on your ticker). You are more than twice my weight but eat less than twice as much as I do in addition to being male and more muscled. Why would you expect that I can lose weight on similar numbers to you? If I could eat that much and lose (much less not gain), you'd be able to eat more than what you are now. (I have to be active to avoid maintenance/gaining on 1500, and for a lot of reasons, that's not possible for me right now. But even when active, I don't lose much on 1500, whether or not I've been in maintenance or in a deficit or an overage prior to that.)

    Even at your current weight, you outweigh me by a significant amount and I'm sure have a much higher muscle mass which requires more calories.
    i weight a 100 lbs more then you LOL....are you 62lbs by chance lol
  • nicebumwhereyoufrom
    I highly doubt anybody will read my comment here but... everybody's different for God's sake.
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member

    Isn't the amount of protein u need dependent on ur weight? I think you really need more protein.

    What is OP's weight? Going by the official recommendations in the USA, my protein needs are somewhere in the 30 or 40 g a day. (Not sure which because I don't like to get that little protein, so my goal is usually to get as much protein and healthy fat as possible.)

    I thought it has something to do w/ ur LBM. I cant remember the exact equation. But last time I did it, My number was over 100g & my weight is pretty low. I think it's even higher now, since I've dropped sum BF%
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member

    i weight a 100 lbs more then you LOL....are you 62lbs by chance lol

    See the quote you quoted, I edited (and it shows in the quote you posted) to mention that at your higher weight, and that at your current weight you still outweigh me by a lot.
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    I highly doubt anybody will read my comment here but... everybody's different for God's sake.

    I'm not.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member

    You appear to be male and outweigh me by more than 100 lbs **(at your high weight on your ticker).*** You are more than twice my weight but eat less than twice as much as I do in addition to being male and more muscled. Why would you expect that I can lose weight on similar numbers to you? If I could eat that much and lose (much less not gain), you'd be able to eat more than what you are now. (I have to be active to avoid maintenance/gaining on 1500, and for a lot of reasons, that's not possible for me right now. But even when active, I don't lose much on 1500, whether or not I've been in maintenance or in a deficit or an overage prior to that.)

    ***Even at your current weight, you outweigh me by a significant amount and I'm sure have a much higher muscle mass which requires more calories.***
    i weight a 100 lbs more then you LOL....are you 62lbs by chance lol

    I'll star it for you.

    At your current weight, you are still about 1.5 of me. And male. And all that muscle.
  • savageman69
    savageman69 Posts: 339 Member

    i weight a 100 lbs more then you LOL....are you 62lbs by chance lol

    See the quote you quoted, I edited (and it shows in the quote you posted) to mention that at your higher weight, and that at your current weight you still outweigh me by a lot.
    So if i out weight you by alot why in gods name are you trying to lose weight.??? im at the lower limit for a male, if your that much lighter you either A are 5ft or close to it...or your a tooth pick that thinks you should see all your bones.

    Either way if your sub 5ft 2 then your 1200 calories is justified but if your much taller then that and WAY lighter then me as you state then maybe you have a eating dissorder

    Saw your post.....so your 108lbs...you better be like 5ft or 5ft 1.

    If not then you have an eating dissorder without a doubt hate to break it to you
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    I'm on 1200 a day and it's not that difficult and if I gym it, I can have that burger king burger and still be under....
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member

    So if i out weight you by alot why in gods name are you trying to lose weight.??? im at the lower limit for a male, if your that much lighter you either A are 5ft or close to it...or your a tooth pick that thinks you should see all your bones.

    Either way if your sub 5ft 2 then your 1200 calories is justified but if your much taller then that and WAY lighter then me as you state then maybe you have a eating dissorder

    I am 5'0 tall, at a healthy weight for my height, and my GW is also a healthy weight for my height.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member

    Either way if your sub 5ft 2 then your 1200 calories is justified


    And that's really all some of us want to hear! That right there. That we need to know more about a person before we tell them how many calories to eat, on the high or low side. Stats matter, don't just throw 1800 calories (or 1200) at the wall and hope it sticks.
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member

    Either way if your sub 5ft 2 then your 1200 calories is justified


    And that's really all some of us want to hear! That right there. That we need to know more about a person before we tell them how many calories to eat, on the high or low side. Stats matter, don't just throw 1800 calories (or 1200) at the wall and hope it sticks.

    But then we'd have to think and stuff.
  • smnmltn
    smnmltn Posts: 18 Member
    1220 is where I've been for several weeks now. It works fine and broke me through a slight plateau. I actually eat a good amount of food. I don't deal with serious hunger issues because I've found lower calorie foods that I can eat in larger quantities. I'm down 30 lbs since May, but I'm also lifting to build muscle mass. I have more energy than ever (diagnosed with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue 6 years ago) and I no longer have to take insulin. My RD/CPT closely monitors my progress and my doctor approves. BTW, I'm 5'9" (not exactly short).

    Again...what works for some won't work for all. Many blessings to you in your journey! :)
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I'm not looking to be a bikini model, but if I suddenly find myself without any leg muscles because of the rapid loss, I'll just make more. :)

    Catch 22 though, as you'll need to significantly increase your calories to "make more". I'm assuming you're talking about gaining lean muscle mass?

    Why would you want to lose it and have to gain it back again when you could simply increase your calories to a reasonable level now, lose slower and have a better chance or retaining muscle?
    I have a lot (a lot is relative of course, but I need to lose at least 65 more).
    I could do it slowly, and get discouraged at the slow loss, and either give up, or get to my goal in another year or 2. Or I could do it quicker and remain motivated, and incorporate muscle building when I get closer to my goal.
    FOR ME, the answer is easy.

    on a side note, as I've said earlier I've lost a lot of weight before, very quickly. I was not without muscletone at the end. in fact, I looked great and was quite strong (I benched 250 after gaining back 20lbs... so either I only gained muscle, or I was already fairly strong and hadn't really lost much muscle at all)

    YOU BENCHED 250LBS?!?!?!
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    1220 is where I've been for several weeks now. It works fine and broke me through a slight plateau. I actually eat a good amount of food. I don't deal with serious hunger issues because I've found lower calorie foods that I can eat in larger quantities. I'm down 30 lbs since May, but I'm also lifting to build muscle mass. I have more energy than ever (diagnosed with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue 6 years ago) and I no longer have to take insulin. My RD/CPT closely monitors my progress and my doctor approves. BTW, I'm 5'9" (not exactly short).

    Again...what works for some won't work for all. Many blessings to you in your journey! :)

    Oh I get it. "I ate all the pie." Nice!
  • savageman69
    savageman69 Posts: 339 Member

    So if i out weight you by alot why in gods name are you trying to lose weight.??? im at the lower limit for a male, if your that much lighter you either A are 5ft or close to it...or your a tooth pick that thinks you should see all your bones.

    Either way if your sub 5ft 2 then your 1200 calories is justified but if your much taller then that and WAY lighter then me as you state then maybe you have a eating dissorder

    I am 5'0 tall, at a healthy weight for my height, and my GW is also a healthy weight for my height.
    Well there you go.... You cannot say that 1200 is a good goal for anyone taller its that easy...Your tiny so yes 1200 is probably good maybe a bit more but ....there is 100s of people on this site eating 1200 at 5ft8 5ft10 and thats stupid.

    Like i said 1200 should not be a common goal everyone should find what they need and most are much higher......I mean that one guy 4 pages back was 210lbs and eating 1400 calories what the hell is that?...
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member

    Because only people who eat 1200 calories to lose weight gain it back. Everyone else makes a lifestyle change by virtue of eating 500 more calories a day, even if proportionately that's the exact same factoring in height and weight. They then never gain their weight back and don't have to worry about eating at maintenance. :tongue:

    Generalize much?

    I assumed it was a joke.