guys are different



  • bufger
    bufger Posts: 763 Member
    I'm a big guy and ive been concentrating more on weights. The scales are showing no movement but i can see and feel thet my fat is reducing! I've gone down 2 jeans sizes but with only a loss of 12lb on the scale? i'm ignoring the scale now as i can feel some mean guns under my arm fat and they're begging to break through. I think i might just be destined to be a bigger muscly guy, i dont really want to cut until goal and then build muscle if its better to do it now whilst i have the size.
  • Vonwarr
    Vonwarr Posts: 390 Member
    @taekwonkenpo - Notice that I never said no cardio, just not to do too much cardio. It comes down to personal preference, but I mostly meant that in general it's a bad idea to drop strength training for more cardio as a healthy way to lose fat. You may lose more weight, but some of the loss may be lean tissue as well as fat.. :)

    @bufger - I found this article useful when I started and tried to decide what direction to take my approach training.

    I'm fairly short (5'8"), but large framed, so I have also been focusing on the weights. From what I've read, the best thing is to lose weight while attempting to maintain your current muscle mass, and then build muscle after. There are several reasons in the article I linked above, and from personal experience, it's a lot easier to perform some lifts with less body fat. Especially things like dips and pull-ups.
  • taekwonkenpo
    taekwonkenpo Posts: 1,004
    better stated : ). i totaly agree