Calling All People With Disabilities



  • Cbaker5156
    Cbaker5156 Posts: 76 Member
    Hi guys. Feeling much better this week. Got one more physical therapy visit. Have a great week.
  • Serenity79
    Hi everyone - I'm really struggling with pain at the minute, and my appetite isn't great because of that, I've been having trouble meeting my calorie goals. That could be why I only lost half a pound this week. Have been living on painkillers instead of food, lol!!
  • CaptainJim157
    Aww, I went up on my anxiety meds, I dunno if they have a different effect at first, but I had the worst panic attack while I was out last night, very embarrassing too, lol,
  • Serenity79

    No change in weight for me this week, but I have been mainlining Lucozade so it's not really a surprise.
  • CaptainJim157
    Did a lot better today :) Walked for 150 min throughout the day :) Feels good man :P
    my weight hasn't changed either, so don't worry about it ^^

  • chickybabe05
    Well I guess this is the thread for me. I have IIH (Idiopathic intracranial hypertension) was diagnosed in july 2010 so pretty new to this. Still trying to work out how to cope with the problems it causes. If you have any questions about my illness of me your more than welcome to ask.

    Sorry to read all of the other posts, but it is very comforting that i'm not alone. Looking forward to getting to know you all better.

    Cheers Chicky
  • lil_miss_stephy
    Glad I found this board. I have Fibromyalgia, PMDD and migraines. I understand all of the frusterations with pain and meds and trying to get out of bed and off the couch to live life. If its not the meds weighing me down its pain. I feel like I cant win most of the time. I do have times where I push myself and go work out but many times I push too hard and end up too sore to do much. It has gotten a little better over the past couple years, but it is hard to keep up.
  • Cbaker5156
    Cbaker5156 Posts: 76 Member
    Welcome Stephy... I also have fibro and understand about the working out. I have worked with my rheumatologist for a Month or so now to get mine back under control. I have a back injury and it makes it harder to work out at all. But i've discovered that I can't really push myself too much. My doctor recommended to work out atleast 20 minutes every day. Even if it is just walking is all you can do that day. I have to say this really helps. He truly believes that you have to do 3 things to feel better.
    1. Sleep good. take sleeping meds if you need to but sleep every night..
    2. Exercise atleast 20 minutes every day. As light or as hard as you can with out over doing it.
    3. Minimize stress.

    So far these have helped. Good Luck to you.,.
  • CaptainJim157
    Hey Girls! :) Saw the doctor today, stayed the same with my meds, but having a difficult time at work :/
  • GolfLady10
    GolfLady10 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi there. So glad to see this post. I have a neuro muscular disease in that mostly affects my legs below my knee. They do not have a specific name for it. I even went to the Mayo clinic in 1990. I was diagnosed in 1987. Lucklily for me I have no pain at all. Only when I trip and fall, which happens often. Though there are many things I can not do, like run or walk very fast I do the best I can. My calf muscles do not work at all and I can not even move my toes. Thank goodness I wear braces on both legs. The drawback is the things I can wear. I am also an avid golfer with an 11 handicap. At times my balance is not the best, but I am so glad I can play the game of golf. I always walk 18 holes and push my clubs. In the warmer weather, I have ankle braces I can wear that give my the stability I need to walk around the house and golf course.

    When I walk on the treadmill, I feel I am working as hard as the person next to me. But when you walk with a limp, it takes a lot more energy to get around. My walking at 3.0 is the max I can do, and I get a great workout.

    I always have to remember to be happy with what I can do, and not dwell on what I can not do. Just do the best I can at all times.

    Thank you
  • CaptainJim157
    Wow, that was really inspirational! I really needed that! :) Thanks!
    Btw, hope everyone is having a lovely day! ^^
  • CaptainJim157
    I finally worked more hrs this week :) Worked 20 hrs in 3 days :) It feels good to be able to work more again,
    I was only working 6-8 hrs a week 'cause my anxiety, but my boss was giving me shifts from 11-2 pm, but then I'd tell him I could stay later if I was feeling good, needless to say I worked longer all 3 days! ^^
  • CaptainJim157
    Where's all my friends? :(
    I work Fri-Sun this week, about 18-20 hrs :) I hope you all are doing okay, & come back when you can ^^ *HUGS*
  • CaptainJim157
    Hello :)
    So last week was my birthday & I bought the Kinect for Xbox 360 :) I thought it'd be a nice fun way to get exercise, well,... I was definitely on the ball with that one ^^ I have a few games for it, but a couple days ago I bought "The Biggest Loser Ultimate Workout" for it, I've actually been doing okay keeping up with Bob & Jillian, :) I just finished my workout today & burned 121 calories in 24 min, but I also did a lot of shopping today, so in total I burned almost 1000 calories ^^ Go me! *Screams in Joy* :P
    I'm going to go shopping tomorrow again (gotta meet my mom at her work, (walmart) so that'll be about an hour or two of walking)
    Also gonna do TBL exercise on Kinect again tomorrow night.
    I put in my food for tomorrow, I noticed I made a lot of healthier choices, it's still tough to stick with them, but I'm sure if I keep sticking with it it'll get easier, I gotta remember, this is a lifestyle change! Not a diet, ^^
  • CaptainJim157
    Where did my friends go? :P