Halloween~ My children are not happy!



  • CherryOnionKiss
    CherryOnionKiss Posts: 376 Member
    I bring leftovers to work and give them all
  • mispotatohead
    mispotatohead Posts: 42 Member
    Hand out scarrots....you know, carrots dressed up like candy! I'm sure it will be a hit with the kids.

    Really....hand out candy, just buy less than normal then donate the leftovers!
  • CherryOnionKiss
    CherryOnionKiss Posts: 376 Member
    Though Rice Krisy Treats aren't terrible thing to hand out. I can't eat them, anyway, being veg and all.

    Why wouldn't an ovo-lacto vegetarian eat rice krispy treats?

    probably vegan
  • opus649
    opus649 Posts: 633 Member
    Though Rice Krisy Treats aren't terrible thing to hand out. I can't eat them, anyway, being veg and all.

    Why wouldn't an ovo-lacto vegetarian eat rice krispy treats?

    probably vegan

    Her profile says lacto-ovo
  • MommaKit79
    We dont hand out because we go to my brother's house and walk with them, in the next town over. So, all we have to worry about is the candy from Trick-or-Treating. I usually have the, "Out of Site, Out of Mind" mentality with it but, my husband will devour it if we let him. My daughter is only 2-1/2 so I end up bringing most of what she gets into work..keeping a few little pieces for me on NEEDING SWEETS (TOM) days! LOL!!! And, my step-daughter, at 7, has bad teeth already so, we dont let her have much of it or we let her take it to Mommy's house so we arent tempted!! :-)
  • SweetNSassee
    I'll be handing out raisins and protein shakes and ezekiel bread with sweet potato spread.

    Then, I'll move to another state because my house would get burned down.

    ^^LOL that would be epic!!! not the house burning down part though -_-
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    We've always just bought candy we don't prefer. For example, malted milk balls literally make me gag. Tootsie rolls are too chewy for me to really value eating.
  • Yieya
    Yieya Posts: 168 Member
    I try to give it all away towards the end of the night but if I have left overs it goes to work with me and I give it away there. I don't want that stuff in my house!...lol but I don't have kids either to get upset at me :bigsmile:
  • Shelbert79
    Shelbert79 Posts: 517 Member
    Last year, my husband stayed home and gave out candy while I took our kids tick or treating. We went through half of the neighborhood, came home and 'recycled' the candy they received so my husband could hand it out to trick or treaters, then we went through the other half of the neighborhood. I have 4 kids (3 which were trick or treaters last year), they get more candy than they could EVER eat. So for the first week, they each get one maybe 2 pieces of candy a day then I bag it up and donate it. I know I'm such a mean mommy! :wink:
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    Though Rice Krisy Treats aren't terrible thing to hand out. I can't eat them, anyway, being veg and all.

    Why wouldn't an ovo-lacto vegetarian eat rice krispy treats?

    They have gelatin in them. :-(
  • LanaeCarol
    LanaeCarol Posts: 158 Member
    We live out in the country and don't get any trick or treaters. Starting when our girls were about 9 and 11 we stopped trick or treating since they were not interested in dressing up. We let them each pick out a normal sized bag of whatever kind of candy they wanted and then we rented movies and had a good time together on Halloween night. Now they are all grown up and in college, we don't have the problem any more.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    That's one huge advantage to living in the country on a dirt road...no whiney little monsters knocking on the door looking for candy (and nothing around the house to tempt me)...I love it :laugh:
  • Tx_Ambrosia
    I don't avoid things I like to eat, I just control myself lol
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    There is a family by me that gets together in their garage and they make fresh funnel cakes to hand out! Adults, nieces, nephews and inlaws. The only leftovers are what they decided to fry up!

    Awwww ...... I wish I lived in YOUR neighborhood :drinker:
  • opus649
    opus649 Posts: 633 Member
    Though Rice Krisy Treats aren't terrible thing to hand out. I can't eat them, anyway, being veg and all.

    Why wouldn't an ovo-lacto vegetarian eat rice krispy treats?

    They have gelatin in them. :-(

  • leannems
    leannems Posts: 516 Member
    Honestly, I'll be handing out candy bars and when it nears the end of the night some lucky kid will be getting a buttload of candy. This solves the leftover candy issue and it makes one kid really freakin' happy.

    This is exactly what we do. Toward the end of the night, the last few kids get handfuls upon handfuls. Eventually, when I'm over it, the last kid (who may or may not be the last actual trick or treater, but it going to be the last one at our house), gets the bowl dump, we shut off the porch lights, and no longer answer the door. No candy left = no eating it.

    And as far as the stuff your kids bring home - that's theirs. Hands off. :wink:
  • alw141
    alw141 Posts: 59 Member
    I sent all the leftover candy into work with my husband. It's gone from the house and all the maintenance guys love it!
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    I don't have kids so it's not as big of a deal but I'll do what I do every year and will be bringing left over candy into work the next day, I'm lucky if it lasts an hour in my office :laugh:
  • Amo_Angelus
    Amo_Angelus Posts: 604 Member
    I purchased Rice Crispy Treats!
    Why? They're much cheaper to make than to buy, they're really easy to make and really fun! Get the kids involved in making the treats, it always make them taste nicer, plus gives you something to do as a family. Practically every kid I've ever met would rather make rice Crispy treats than buy sweets, it's something they've made and can be proud of, plus they have fun and can lick the bowl. Now personally I don't like them, but I was always happy to make them.

    When I lived alone, the rule in my house was the only junk food allowed in the house was either on sae at the local Tesco clearance section (chocolate cake usually) or hand made. Even on halloween! In my first house, the local kids randomly just popped over to play because I had huge rabbits, still don't know why their parents let them as I don't have kids, but figured better my house than someone elses given the area so I let them come over and play with my bunnies. Anyway, because they knew me I was on their halloween route, especially because they knew it was my favourite time of year. Rule was you'd get whatever I had made and once I was out, I was out. I would not be nipping to the shop for you, I would not be making more. It was handmade fairy cakes. Nothing else. Afterwards, if I had any left, they were passed out to whoever was visiting over the next few days to play with my bunnies until they were all gone, then I'd go back to single person numbers of baking. Failing that, I handed my left overs to my mum, who adores cake and was always comissioning some baking.
  • VanessaGS
    VanessaGS Posts: 514 Member
    I say buy a few bags to where you know you will run out. Once you run out turn off your front porch light so the rest of the trick or treaters will skip your house. Or buy a few bags of candy and a few bags of toys. Get rid of all the candy first...then hand out the toys.