Funny or Not?



  • spade117
    spade117 Posts: 2,466 Member
    So? Laughing at fat people is off limits or something? I find it funny because it's like the 2012 version of Adolf Hitler.

    People are way too sensitive.

    I didn't say that, however just like being too sensitive, people can be too insensitive too.

    I much prefer insensitivity vs. over-sensitive.
  • HelloDan
    HelloDan Posts: 712 Member
    I much prefer insensitivity vs. over-sensitive.

    Neither is the best really.
  • BrunetteRunner87
    BrunetteRunner87 Posts: 591 Member
    Too soon to make fun of Hitler?
  • BeingAwesome247
    BeingAwesome247 Posts: 1,171 Member
    I don't really care but why is it hard to understand that, 1. That guy was doing his thing, could be a super nice guy, and is now all over the internet compared to a murderer of over 6 million people. So there's that. Then 2. even though it is not pro-hitler, some people don't want to mix humor with 6 million deaths and an almost genocide of a race. Like I said, it's whatev, but I'm sure you can understand how it offends some people.

    I agree that I have sympathy for the subway guy. But it's really OK to make fun of Hitler. The Three Stooges and the Marx Brothers did it before, during and after WWII. Mel Brooks did it in The Producers.

    People make fun of Hitler all the time. It's like it's OK to laugh at bin Laden but not OK to laugh about 9/11.

    So true!
  • mcrowe1016
    mcrowe1016 Posts: 647 Member
    I see no problem making fun of Hitler (I love me some South Park) nor do I see a problem making fun of fat people doing stupid things (see most of the People of Walmart website).

    However I feel that this is mostly making fun of someone for having stupid facial hair and for being fat.

    So in my opinion, not funny.
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    Too soon to make fun of Hitler?

    This is not making fun of hitler its making fan of some guy minding his own business
  • RedBullLiz
    RedBullLiz Posts: 469 Member
    Nice belt.
  • So? Laughing at fat people is off limits or something? I find it funny because it's like the 2012 version of Adolf Hitler.

    People are way too sensitive.

    I didn't say that, however just like being too sensitive, people can be too insensitive too.

    Ok, I will say it, Yes laughing at fat people is not only "off limits" it is a sign of your own insecurities. There is no need to belittle others, regardless of if they are fat, blonde, thin, etc. It is not necessary to insult people in order to lift yourself up. As this is a Fitness site, making fun of people that are not fit is ridiculous. What might be funny to a 12 year old, should not be the standard for what is funny to adults. Of course that is just my opinion, and I actually still believe there are more helpful and honest people than deceptive and evil ones in this world.
  • LauraMacNCheese
    LauraMacNCheese Posts: 7,173 Member
    That's pretty much making fun of some random guy on a train....

    THIS is making fun of Hitler...

  • Dub_D
    Dub_D Posts: 1,760 Member
    So? Laughing at fat people is off limits or something? I find it funny because it's like the 2012 version of Adolf Hitler.

    People are way too sensitive.

    I didn't say that, however just like being too sensitive, people can be too insensitive too.

    Ok, I will say it, Yes laughing at fat people is not only "off limits" it is a sign of your own insecurities. There is no need to belittle others, regardless of if they are fat, blonde, thin, etc. It is not necessary to insult people in order to lift yourself up. As this is a Fitness site, making fun of people that are not fit is ridiculous. What might be funny to a 12 year old, should not be the standard for what is funny to adults. Of course that is just my opinion, and I actually still believe there are more helpful and honest people than deceptive and evil ones in this world.

    You missed my point completely. If a fat person has a hole in their pants exposing their yellow ducky grannie panties (i don't know lol) should I not laugh, because they're fat? It's off limits? We have to be extra cautious because they are fat?
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,749 Member
    I didn't really find the humor in it to be honest.

    I also think the guy looks a lot more like Charlie Chaplin then Hitler.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I didn't really find the humor in it to be honest.

    I also think the guy looks a lot more like Charlie Chaplin then Hitler.

    Charlie Chaplin made fun of Hitler, if I remember correctly. :-)
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,749 Member
    I didn't really find the humor in it to be honest.

    I also think the guy looks a lot more like Charlie Chaplin then Hitler.

    Charlie Chaplin made fun of Hitler, if I remember correctly. :-)

    And your point is . . .?

    My point was the guy is rotund and his mustache is more Charlie Chaplin then Hitler. Either way I don't care who he looks like, I just didn't really see the humor in it. I mean I get it if they showed a picture of Hitler and then a guy who looked like him but I'm not sure where McDonalds fits in. I guess that's what threw me off and made me miss the "ha ha ha!" aspect of it.
  • HelloDan
    HelloDan Posts: 712 Member
    You missed my point completely. If a fat person has a hole in their pants exposing their yellow ducky grannie panties (i don't know lol) should I not laugh, because they're fat? It's off limits? We have to be extra cautious because they are fat?

    I think it depends, if we're laughing because the incident is funny, irrespective of whether the person involved is fat or thin or whatever else or if it's because the person is fat. There is a difference.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I think it's rude to the poor guy whose photo was taken.
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,271 Member
    I see no problem making fun of Hitler (I love me some South Park) nor do I see a problem making fun of fat people doing stupid things (see most of the People of Walmart website).

    However I feel that this is mostly making fun of someone for having stupid facial hair and for being fat.

    So in my opinion, not funny.

    That's funny that we cant laugh about it but you have no problem calling his choice in hair/beard/mustache stupid
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,271 Member
    You missed my point completely. If a fat person has a hole in their pants exposing their yellow ducky grannie panties (i don't know lol) should I not laugh, because they're fat? It's off limits? We have to be extra cautious because they are fat?

    I think it depends, if we're laughing because the incident is funny, irrespective of whether the person involved is fat or thin or whatever else or if it's because the person is fat. There is a difference.

    So in this case we are laughing at the resemblance and how Hitler got fat...and in my mind I imagine him hiding in Urban America this whole time addicted to ChezBurgers and Filet-o-Fish. The mental image to me is what is so funny. In my mind Im not thinking ohhhh AHAHAH look at the fat guy he is so Hitleresque. Im laughing because Hitler got fat not because Fat Guy looks fat or stupid or whatever
  • So? Laughing at fat people is off limits or something? I find it funny because it's like the 2012 version of Adolf Hitler.

    People are way too sensitive.

    I didn't say that, however just like being too sensitive, people can be too insensitive too.

    Ok, I will say it, Yes laughing at fat people is not only "off limits" it is a sign of your own insecurities. There is no need to belittle others, regardless of if they are fat, blonde, thin, etc. It is not necessary to insult people in order to lift yourself up. As this is a Fitness site, making fun of people that are not fit is ridiculous. What might be funny to a 12 year old, should not be the standard for what is funny to adults. Of course that is just my opinion, and I actually still believe there are more helpful and honest people than deceptive and evil ones in this world.

    You missed my point completely. If a fat person has a hole in their pants exposing their yellow ducky grannie panties (i don't know lol) should I not laugh, because they're fat? It's off limits? We have to be extra cautious because they are fat?

    Laughing at someones apparel, is about personal choice. What I find humorous, sad, or absurd, the next person may find absolutely normal and "trendy". For example, the "style" of wearing baggy clothing that is falling half way off your body, I find absurd, but many people find it "trendy" and see nothing wrong with it.

    In the picture displayed, the "humor" has nothing to do with what the man is wearing, and is solely about him being obese. I would find it no more "humorous" than a picture of a severely malnourished child sitting outside a McDonald's with a tag line of "I'd rather starve than eat here". To me, it is juvenile attempt at humor solely through the humiliation of others.
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,271 Member
    So? Laughing at fat people is off limits or something? I find it funny because it's like the 2012 version of Adolf Hitler.

    People are way too sensitive.

    I didn't say that, however just like being too sensitive, people can be too insensitive too.

    Ok, I will say it, Yes laughing at fat people is not only "off limits" it is a sign of your own insecurities. There is no need to belittle others, regardless of if they are fat, blonde, thin, etc. It is not necessary to insult people in order to lift yourself up. As this is a Fitness site, making fun of people that are not fit is ridiculous. What might be funny to a 12 year old, should not be the standard for what is funny to adults. Of course that is just my opinion, and I actually still believe there are more helpful and honest people than deceptive and evil ones in this world.

    I feel so uplifted I cant breath *reaches for oxygen tank*
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    While I did snicker... It's not gut wrenching funny... but whatever... I think it's more humorous that people are making much ado about nothing.
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