10 pieces of advice you would have told the old you ?



  • mswaters27
    mswaters27 Posts: 24 Member
  • courtneywiens
    courtneywiens Posts: 148 Member
    Here goes:

    1) Take responsibility for being fat and stop making excuses. Life is not perfect and neither are you. You just have to suck it up and do it. No one else can do it for you.

    2) Get your vitamin D levels checked. Most likely you are deficient and this can contribute greatly to depression, fatigue, and aches.

    3) Dieting is hard. Exercising is hard. Being overweight is hard. Choose your hard.

    4) Join a gym and take classes where you will be surrounded by people who are supportive and motivating. It's important to be a part of a community that prioritizes health and fitness. Join MFP. You will make new friends and find out that you are not alone. People will understand and emphasize with your struggles.

    5) While exercise is really important, place an even greater focus on eating healthy and sticking within calorie limits. Cut out the junk. You will actually feel less hungry throughout the day and will not have the cravings for sugar and salt.

    6) Try non-fat greek yogurt! Mix it up with some fresh or frozen fruit.

    7) Be patient. It took a while to gain the weight. It's going to take a while to lose it. It's going to take a lifetime to maintain it. Make a commitment to a new way of life.

    8) Forgive yourself. Everyone has their struggles. Just because your struggle is weight doesn't make you any less of a person or weaker than anyone else.

    9) Don't give up. It's not too late. You can do it. Even if you are not convinced that you can...start telling yourself everyday that you can do it and you are worth the effort. Eventually, you will begin to believe it.

    10) Baby steps are okay. When you are overweight, exercise is more difficult than when you are lighter in weight. You don't have to run. It's okay to just walk, because that is the same energy output that running is for a thinner person. Purchase a heart rate monitor so that you can see how hard you are working. You don't have to hold extra weights when you are doing squats. You are already carrying more weight on your body.

    great advice!
  • xocrystalox99
    BUMP! so i can read this later :)
  • Mcctin65
    Mcctin65 Posts: 507 Member
    1. Stop smoking! I did.. but it took too long
    2. You have no idea what you are worth.
    3. Eliminate processed foods (still learning this one)
    4. Diets do not work.. well they do but they are temporary. You have to change your lifestyle and learn to cook healthier.
    5. Alcohol is not better than pop. Well I think it tastes better and makes me a great dancer but it certainly is not good for me and totally detrimental to my health.
    6. Find positive and active friends. Don't waste time on the rest.
    8. Read labels. All natural does not necessarily mean its good for you. Less than 5 ingredients is my newest motto.
    9. Sushi can have alot of calories (who knew)
    10. What are you afraid of?
  • persilcolours
    persilcolours Posts: 92 Member
    Bump. Love this thread
  • Mexicanbigfoot
    Mexicanbigfoot Posts: 520 Member
    I put alot of thought into these, I could probably write a hundred more if I tried... :smile:

    1. Don't let depression win. Get help NOW. People love you.
    2. You got fat because you ate too much. Period. Stop making excuses.
    3. LIfe is hard. When it pushes you around, push back. Harder.
    4. The weight did not go on overnight, and it's not going to come off overnight. Patience!
    5. Don't let anyone defince success FOR you. Make your own defination.
    6. MOVE. No matter how slow you go, you are lapping everyone on the couch.
    7. There is no such thing as "tomorrow"; there is only today. Here and now. Don't lose anymore time waiting for "tomorrow"
    8. Binge eating never solved a single problem. Don't do it. Journal. Take a walk. Call a friend. Anything but eat.
    9. Don't let other people sabotage your sucess, unintentional or otherwise. Stand up for yourself and your health.
    10. Look in the mirror. Tell youself you are beautiful, worthy, awesome, smart. Every. Single. Day.
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    1. College college college, no matter HOW much you hate studying.
    2. Don't settle when it comes to men or jobs.
    3. Self preservation is a good thing.
    4. Pay attention in math. You WILL use that math problem sometime in your older years.
    5. Get a job with enough money to pay for a cook.
    6. Leave the credit cards ALONE. Seriously.
    7. Your Dad won't be an *kitten* forever. He WILL improve with age.
    8. You can begin to think your fat after having three kids.
    9. Start your martial arts EARLY. Don't wait until you're 35 to start.
    10. Make at least one person a day laugh. It'll help you keep your sanity.
  • Daisychain65
    Daisychain65 Posts: 161 Member
  • CupcakesAndRazorblades
    i only have one.

    starving yourself dosnt make you beautiful, your heart soul and actions toward others do.


    I love this, very beautiful:)
  • jeremyw1977
    jeremyw1977 Posts: 505 Member
    1. Hey buddy, I agree that Jack in the Box tastes good..........but it isn't necessarily the best food choice for breakfast..........and lunch..........and dinner..........and random snacks..........all in the same day.

    2. Sure, college sounds like it might be hard..........now, but try going to college in your 30's..........with a wife and 2 kids.

    3..........listen to #1 and #2 a few more times until it equals 10 pieces of advice.
  • Inshape13
    Inshape13 Posts: 680 Member
    Know that you are worth it.
    Put the effort in to exercise even when you don't feel up to....you will feel great after.
    Treat yourself as kindly as you would a great friend and be kind to yourself.
    There will be ups and downs, hang in there for the long run.
    Eat foods that fuel your body, not foods that satisfy a temporary craving.
    Lose weight for you....not anyone else.
    You ARE good at activity, even if you are not strong enough the first few times....you will get it over time.
    Find friends who are like minded and choose health.
    Be completely honest with yourself.....if you ate it, record it.
    YOU CAN DO IT!!!
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    I don't think I need 10. For my health I would just say (to myself several years ago) " Forget Curves, spend your hard earned money on a real gym, swallow your anxiety and hit the weights. Eat right and be active. When I come back to thank you, I will look the way you want to right now."
  • meeulk
    meeulk Posts: 246 Member
    You will be where you want to be in 2013 if you don't quit!
  • placeboaddiction
    placeboaddiction Posts: 451 Member

    Thats it. Life is awesome, sometimes you have to experience it to really love it. Wouldn't change a thing.
  • cherylatkwechanged
    cherylatkwechanged Posts: 479 Member

    What are 10 pieces of advice too tell the old fat unhealthy you ?

    1. "Old me, you are STILL the old me--and ALWAYS will be, the only thing different is there is a New old me Sheriff in town, that Sheriff's name is Jesus your New Boss, and we'll be following Him--I know you don't like it or want too, and ashamed to openly admit and confess this but too bad--You Will."

    2.) Old me, you've been trying in vain, in your own strength, desire and power to lose this weight, live a good and decent and wise life and you can NOT do it apart from Him. Others can...but YOU can not! Others have and will continue to succeed, yes great achieve their dreams and goals apart from committing their whole lives unto Him/God, but YOU, old me can not.

    3.) I'm GLAD old me, you've FINALLY got it thru your thick skull that there is One God, and you aint Him! Old me, you have GOT to humble yourself, obey God and Seek His Face daily, in all things, from the smallest to the most important things not merely in this battle of the bulge, this battle of the bulge is simply a symptom to a far bigger problem. God Himself is in you to Help you, old me, to make this change a total one--that means not just a "mere" body change, but a completely Renewed spirit, soul and body change!"

    4.) Old me, stop expecting others to understand, agree and pet you. This is a WAR, this battle of the bulge is-- and old me...it's a war that you ultimately MUST face alone. Others may encourage you and/or attempt to discourage you, but old me, you are the one who is going to have to ultimately CHOOSE to daily say YES to what is Good and godly and NO to what is destructive and ungodly to and for you. Old me, everyone's battle is different, so don't compare yourself with anyone NOR expect others to follow you, nor judge others in anyway. Judge yourself old me!

    5. "Old Me, I KNOW that you are really not on my side, you literally hate the things of God and God Himself--you don't want what's best for me, you influence me to do, say and eat and drink things that are not good for me--old me, you are like and undisciplined and spoiled child. You are lazy and gluttonous--I'm GLAD there's a New Sheriff in Town.--The NEW me, that's Christ that IS in me...my Hope of Glory"

    6. "Old me you can't have your way anymore. Your way is the popular way, the easy way, the blaming everyone but me, me. Those days are over, I would say my friend...but old me, you're not my friend and you never were.

    7.) Old me, I'm GLAD you're me...I love you, but I know I can not trust you...it's nothing personal

    8.) Old me you MUST make time to sleep. Sleeping is extremely important in this battle.

    9.) Old me, you MUST do this...not just for you--but for God, The Kingdom of God and ALL of His Righteousness (not your own nor your Glory, Honor and Praise--but His Alone and to be a Witness of His and a godly and encouraging influences upon people that ask--how the hades did you do this...you'll be able to share a GREAT testimony, and look as good outside as you do inside while you're sharing!

    10.) Old me, I'd like to say it's been fun carrying all this access baggage in weight and mess around with the "new me" all these years, but I'd be lying to you. You're days are numbered old me...get used to it!


    Sorry had to pinch this
  • mumtoonegirl
    mumtoonegirl Posts: 586 Member
    1. healthy feels better than fat tastes
    2. drink lots of water
    3. strength training is for women too!
    4. you will never feel better in your life
    5. you will never be more proud of what you have done
    6. it will be hard work but it will be worth it
    7. stop eating gluten it will change your life
    8. you will wear a two piece bathing suit again
    9, you will weigh less than you did when you got married 14 years ago
    10. you will feel better at 40 than you did at 20!!!!!
  • AllisonPlease
    AllisonPlease Posts: 48 Member
    1. You were not fat THEN but you are NOW
    2. Put down that soda and go get some water Allison
    3. Step away from the pie Allison
    4. No, It's not a good thing when you can't remember the last time you ate
    5. Yes, You really have gained THAT MUCH WEIGHT
    6. No lazy you don't need anybody's surgery or lap band
    7. Trust me, you really don't need a workout partner you are accountable for youself and you can do it
    8. Just start moving, its that easy
    9. Stop saying *kitten* like 'I just don't sweat' when you're half assing it in the gym.... you sound stupid
    10. This sounds crazy but eventually you do stop hating it, it does become habit, It can be fun, sweat is sexy!
  • BlueInkDot
    BlueInkDot Posts: 702 Member
    1. There are a lot of factors that cause your body to do what it does...

    First, you can give your body ALL SORTS of different types of food and drink that have all sorts of different ratios of carbohydrates to fat to protein and sugar and sodium and chemicals,
    Second, you can exercise in different ways, different heart rates, different amounts of time, different demands on your muscles, different environments, different impacts, etc. etc. etc.
    Third, you feel different ways at different times, and your body is going to react to emotions like stress or sadness or happiness.
    Fourth, what YOUR body does in response to those inputs might be different from what OTHER peoples' bodies do because you might have a different balance of hormones, more fat in certain locations, a sensitivity to a certain chemical - WHO KNOWS. What works for someone ELSE might not work for YOU, and what works for YOU might not work for someone ELSE. Not to mention that you are your own personality and you have your own priorities and values and goals.

    In the end there are just SO MANY factors determining what your body is going to do under certain conditions, that all you can do is treat your body like some kind of magical science machine.

    You put food and drink and exercise and emotion in, and results come out! How did it happen? I don't know! But I DO know that THIS combination of inputs resulted in THAT output.

    SO. Record your butt off. Record everything. Track everything. Analyze results! SCIENCE.

    No need to bring guilt or shame into this. THIS IS SCIENCE.

    2. I know you are confused about how many calories you should eat and what it means when you are "over" or "under" your calories.


    Go to scooby's workshop and go to the calorie counter. POOF! Now you have your BMR and TDEE. Trust me those are the right numbers now go make it happen. #youwin

    3. Stop feeling like a failure. This is what you do:

    Start writing down what you're eating. Just write it down. Don't even start with a goal, just write it down.
    Write everything down for a week and don't think about it too hard.

    Now look at what you wrote down and find 3 places you can improve. Things like DRINK MOAR WATER or EAT MOAR FRUIT or GET SOME VEGGIES IN THERE or EAT OUT ONCE LESS NEXT WEEK or GO FOR A WALK or COOK SOME CHIKEN... Y'know? Whatever, just a few little things, then try again next week. Bam. Improvement.
  • bellyboosmom
    bellyboosmom Posts: 55 Member
    Here goes:

    1) Take responsibility for being fat and stop making excuses. Life is not perfect and neither are you. You just have to suck it up and do it. No one else can do it for you.

    2) Get your vitamin D levels checked. Most likely you are deficient and this can contribute greatly to depression, fatigue, and aches.

    3) Dieting is hard. Exercising is hard. Being overweight is hard. Choose your hard.

    4) Join a gym and take classes where you will be surrounded by people who are supportive and motivating. It's important to be a part of a community that prioritizes health and fitness. Join MFP. You will make new friends and find out that you are not alone. People will understand and emphasize with your struggles.

    5) While exercise is really important, place an even greater focus on eating healthy and sticking within calorie limits. Cut out the junk. You will actually feel less hungry throughout the day and will not have the cravings for sugar and salt.

    6) Try non-fat greek yogurt! Mix it up with some fresh or frozen fruit.

    7) Be patient. It took a while to gain the weight. It's going to take a while to lose it. It's going to take a lifetime to maintain it. Make a commitment to a new way of life.

    8) Forgive yourself. Everyone has their struggles. Just because your struggle is weight doesn't make you any less of a person or weaker than anyone else.

    9) Don't give up. It's not too late. You can do it. Even if you are not convinced that you can...start telling yourself everyday that you can do it and you are worth the effort. Eventually, you will begin to believe it.

    10) Baby steps are okay. When you are overweight, exercise is more difficult than when you are lighter in weight. You don't have to run. It's okay to just walk, because that is the same energy output that running is for a thinner person. Purchase a heart rate monitor so that you can see how hard you are working. You don't have to hold extra weights when you are doing squats. You are already carrying more weight on your body.

  • karenhray7
    karenhray7 Posts: 219 Member
    1. Get out of your ****ing pyjamas and put on your sneakers.
    2. Eat your breakfast. Every day. Every Single Day.
    3. Put down the cupcake.
    4. Just because you had one bite doesn't mean you have to eat the whole thing.
    5. Rewarding yourself with a cigarette after the gym is nearly as bad as rewarding yourself with a cupcake.
    6. Put down ALL the cupcakes and WALK AWAY.
    7. Just because you carry your weight well doesn't mean you have to carry it.
    8. You were never a fat child, you were normal. So get over that crap.
    9. You are much too strong willed to let the food win. Don't be a sissy.
    10. If you ask your husband to buy you cupcakes, he will. Every time. So stop ****ing asking for cupcakes.

    Apparently New Me is kind of a b***h. :devil:
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