10 pieces of advice you would have told the old you ?



  • rides4sanity
    rides4sanity Posts: 1,269 Member
    1. An in active 5'1" female can't eat the same as a 5'10" marathong running guy.
    2. Exercise alone, won't get you there.
    3. Do YOUR best, you aren't perfect and you never will be. It's okay, nobody other than you ever expected it.
    4. Training hard doesn't mean 110% everyday. You need moderation and rest or you WILL burn out or injure yourself.
    5. Food isn't the devil, it's yummy fuel. Know what & how much you're eating and how it makes you feel.
    6. You are worth the effort.
    7. It's normal to struggle, the theory is simple, but sometimes life gets in the way.
    8. Do things you enjoy, exercise shouldn't be punishment unless you're into that kind of thing. Somedays I am.
    9. People are watching you because they admire what you're doing, not because they want to see if the big girl can finish the class.
    10. When you get where you want to be, don't stop. Always strive to be a better you, you will thank yourself down the road.
  • Moxie42
    Moxie42 Posts: 1,400 Member
    1) Make YOU a priority. It's OKAY to put yourself first and yes, you do deserve it.
    2) You CAN do this- the only one stopping you is you.
    3) You feel better when you work out, no matter how much you don't want to or think you don't have time. So do it.
    4) Eat healthy, but do eat.
    5) The scale isn't everything. Take measurements and pictures too.
    6) Everyone slips sometimes and that's okay. The only way to fail is to give up.
    7) Binging on unhealthy foods is NEVER worth it. Don't ban food groups but remember- everything in moderation.
    8) Your health is worth spending money on, whether that means a higher grocery budget, a gym membership, joining Curves, buying fitness classes, etc.
    9) Limit drinking to social situations- not at home by yourself and not at pool league. You like life better sober...seriously.
    10) Drop the cigs. Completely. Permanently. No exceptions. You are a slave to them and they are killing you. And no matter what your mind says "just one" is NOT okay!
  • rmojo13
    rmojo13 Posts: 80 Member
    1. One year from today you will wish you started today and stuck with it instead of fizzling after a few weeks.

    2. It is not just about what the scale says, it is also about physical transformation and how I feel and look in the mirror.

    3. You can do this but if you think you can fix 40 years of being overweight in 1 month you are lying to yourself!

    4. There are no quick fixes. You need to change your crappy eating habits and plan it and write down what you eat.

    5. If working out all the time allowed you to eat what you want why the hell are you still fat and miserable?

    6. Learn to look at going to the gym to work out as something you look forward to and become passionate about it. If you see the gym as something you have to do you will see it as a chore and eventually will lose your drive to go.

    7. You can't imagine how good you're going to feel when you comfortably fit in those regular size 40 jeans you bought 8 years ago but never came close to fitting into! You've worn those baggy size 42 and 44s jeans for so many years you don't even realize how bad you look in them! Your wife likes how you look in your 40 jeans too!

    8. You need to KNOW how much you are eating and what it is you are eating. You can't guess how many calories are in something or guess how much something weighs. When you figure this out you can start planning how to trim weight.

    9. This will take effort, focus and determination. If it were easy, you and all the other fat people would not be fat, would they? You will have days that you struggle to eat right or don't feel up to going to the gym. If you give in to one of those days do not beat yourself up or quit. Tomorrow is a fresh day and get back with the program. You will win if you only have a bad day here and there and the rest are great days!

    10. Believe that you can do what you sit down and put on paper for your goals. There may be days that you start to question yourself but you have to be realistic in that it will be a journey and it will take some time but it WILL be all worth it when you reach the finish line!
  • AllisonPlease
    AllisonPlease Posts: 48 Member
    1. Get out of your ****ing pyjamas and put on your sneakers.
    2. Eat your breakfast. Every day. Every Single Day.
    3. Put down the cupcake.
    4. Just because you had one bite doesn't mean you have to eat the whole thing.
    5. Rewarding yourself with a cigarette after the gym is nearly as bad as rewarding yourself with a cupcake.
    6. Put down ALL the cupcakes and WALK AWAY.
    7. Just because you carry your weight well doesn't mean you have to carry it.
    8. You were never a fat child, you were normal. So get over that crap.
    9. You are much too strong willed to let the food win. Don't be a sissy.
    10. If you ask your husband to buy you cupcakes, he will. Every time. So stop ****ing asking for cupcakes.

    Apparently New Me is kind of a b***h. :devil:

    LOL my new me is also quite the b*tch lol
  • DayTripper87
    1. Don't sweat the small stuff.
    2. Keep your head up, you are strong, you are beautiful, don't let anyone tell you different.
    3. Enjoy yourself. Live in the moment.
    4. Lighten up on the scale. It's just doing it's job.
    5. Laziness is not an excuse. Apply yourself to the best of your abilities in all aspects of life and you will succeed.
    6. You have to love yourself before you can love anyone else. Work on YOU.
    7. Spend more time with your family. They won't always be there, but while they are they will ALWAYS encourage your greatness.
    8. Get out of your head. Stressing about everything isn't going to get you to your goal any faster. In fact stress will make it worse.
    9. Just because your old yoga pants still fit, doesn't mean your old jeans will.
    10. Pain is not forever.
  • NuttyNat24
    NuttyNat24 Posts: 30 Member
    Here goes:

    1) Take responsibility for being fat and stop making excuses. Life is not perfect and neither are you. You just have to suck it up and do it. No one else can do it for you.

    2) Get your vitamin D levels checked. Most likely you are deficient and this can contribute greatly to depression, fatigue, and aches.

    3) Dieting is hard. Exercising is hard. Being overweight is hard. Choose your hard.

    4) Join a gym and take classes where you will be surrounded by people who are supportive and motivating. It's important to be a part of a community that prioritizes health and fitness. Join MFP. You will make new friends and find out that you are not alone. People will understand and emphasize with your struggles.

    5) While exercise is really important, place an even greater focus on eating healthy and sticking within calorie limits. Cut out the junk. You will actually feel less hungry throughout the day and will not have the cravings for sugar and salt.

    6) Try non-fat greek yogurt! Mix it up with some fresh or frozen fruit.

    7) Be patient. It took a while to gain the weight. It's going to take a while to lose it. It's going to take a lifetime to maintain it. Make a commitment to a new way of life.

    8) Forgive yourself. Everyone has their struggles. Just because your struggle is weight doesn't make you any less of a person or weaker than anyone else.

    9) Don't give up. It's not too late. You can do it. Even if you are not convinced that you can...start telling yourself everyday that you can do it and you are worth the effort. Eventually, you will begin to believe it.

    10) Baby steps are okay. When you are overweight, exercise is more difficult than when you are lighter in weight. You don't have to run. It's okay to just walk, because that is the same energy output that running is for a thinner person. Purchase a heart rate monitor so that you can see how hard you are working. You don't have to hold extra weights when you are doing squats. You are already carrying more weight on your body.

    Wow! What great, motivating advice you gave :D Thank you.
  • JamieRebecca23
    1. Leslie Sansone IS exercise. You have to start somewhere.

    2. 2013 is YOUR year. Guess What? 2008 could have been too!

    3. COOK! This will drastically change your life. By cooking all of your own meals you will lose weight without feeling hungry. Pick out what you will make for dinner in the morning. It'll help you avoid stress later. P.S. your husky 5 yr old will lose weight too!

    4. You have always been a quitter.. at exercise, dieting, etc. By sticking with this you will have lit a fire under your *kitten*. Let it burn.

    5. Moderation doesn't always work for you. Buying a box of 6 donuts means you will at some point eat the 6 donuts even though you intend to eat 1. Avoid those trigger foods.

    6. When you first feel hungry, drink water. You will be shocked how your hunger pains go away. Stay hydrated.

    7. Make the most of your calories. Making good choices will make you feel better.

    8. Too much of a good thing is REAL. Just because your eating vegetables doesn't mean you don't need to watch how much you're eating. Everything has calories!

    9. Stretch Marks... you got them from pregnancy. It doesn't ruin your body. Feeling this way was a slippery slope to let yourself go.

    10. Stop using your children as an excuse. You had plenty of time when Bella was born through 4 years old. Now she's five and you have added a 10 week old to your family and you're doing it!!! Stay the course!

    11. When your husband isn't supportive, it isn't about you. That's his own issues showing. STAY THE COURSE!
  • mollymao
    mollymao Posts: 13
    1. When you're short, that 10-lb gain is already noticeable. Deal with it before it becomes 15, 20, 25....
    2. Portion control! We tend to eat way too much and think it's normal. Track what you eat and plan ahead.
    3. You will find that you're more confident in all areas of your life when you're at a healthy weight.
    4. People will respond to you differently. Partly because you're more confident (see 3) but - as you already know - anti-fat prejudice is a real thing. Unfortunately.
    5. Muscle mass *does* raise your resting metabolism. Better than cardio workouts ever will.
    6. It's not just pop (soda) that you should stay away from -- fruit juice too!
    7. Limit your alcohol intake. For all kinds of reasons.
    8. Buy clothes that fit.
    9. If you're hungry, eat something. But choose wisely and track it.
    10. Best not to keep your danger foods in the house. For me, that's chocolate ice cream.
  • jules_02
    jules_02 Posts: 46 Member
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member

    9. Repeat mantra: "I do not quit when I'm tired, I quit when I'm DONE."

    I LOVE this. May I borrow it for myself? :flowerforyou:

    1. Just becasue you could eat whatever you wanted when you were unloading freight for 8 hours does not mean that you can still eat whatever you want when you sit on your behind at a desk for 8 hours.

    2. Yes, your husband loves you no matter what you look like, but can YOU love you when you're treating your body like you don't care about it?

    3. Lifting weights won't automatically make you look like a body builder. The muscle tone you had from unloading trucks was sexy; the Olive Oyl arms and legs from not doing anything is not.

    4. Exercising feels GREAT! You'll be glad you got out of bed when you're done.

    5. Weight loss is not an all or nothing endeavor... you can still have the "bad" food, just not mountains of it every day. Rewarding yourself now and then doesn't mean you might as well give up.

    6. You give everything 100%, why not this? Yes, it's tough, and yes it doesn't always feel good or make you happy, but the same could be said for working to get your college degree.

    7. Just because a little is good, that doesn't mean that a lot is better.

    8. It's okay to have a bad day. Pick yourself up and move on.

    9. The number on the scale or on your clothes doesn't define you.

    10. It's okay to not be a rockstar the first time you try something. This is a long road so there's plenty of time for practice... do what you can, and don't make this something you hate but something you want.
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    Not sure if I'll get to 10, but here it goes!

    1. Lift weights. Heavy ones
    2. Eat enough to fuel your body
    3. You may not lose as quickly as you anticipated, but losing is still losing, so KEEP GOING!
    4. Yeah, you've screwed up, don't give up though, because that would be an even bigger mistake
    5. Buy clothes to fit your size. If you keep wearing tight clothes, it's not only unflattering, but it damages them so you can't wear them when you've lost enough weight to wear them
    6. Running might not be your thing right now, but there's no reason you can't try later
    7. Do it for yourself, nobody else.
    8. Bench pressing the cat may not be the best exercise out there, but it's enjoyable
    9. Find healthy food that you like so you don't feel like you're torturing yourself to become fit
    10. I'll reiterate number 1: LIFT WEIGHTS!
  • wormy80
    wormy80 Posts: 64 Member
    These are great...bumping for later.
  • sandi117
    sandi117 Posts: 445 Member
    1) Get moving! I know you're tired, I know you want to sleep, but you will feel MUCH better if you just get going.
    2) Don't base your self-worth off your weight. You are beautiful, people love to be around you when you're happy and confidence.
    3) Confidence takes off at least 20lbs.
    4) Focus on you first. You can't be there for others, help others, until you are where you need to be.
    5) Get good running shoes! Your shins will thank you!
    6) Show off your best assets and no one will pay any attention to your tummy. (Best assets = your bossom and your legs!)
    7) Your body will let you know when it's hungry, and when it's full. You just need to listen!
    8) You can have your cake and eat it too, just get a smaller piece.
    9) The gym can be your new Prozac. You will feel much better after a workout, and in the long run NO MORE PILLS. (I have chronic depression, and I'm slowly tapering myself off my medication which are part of the cause of my weight gain.)
    10) Do this for yourself! You can only be truly happy when you start to love yourself. You can have all the love in the world for everyone else around you, but until you love yourself, including your stretch marks, you will never be truly happy. Get happy, love yourself.
  • sandi117
    sandi117 Posts: 445 Member
    8. Bench pressing the cat may not be the best exercise out there, but it's enjoyable

    :laugh: You just made me laugh out loud in class. My teacher is giving me a dirty look. :blushing:
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    there's 1200 calories in that sandwich you just ate as a "snack" fata$$.
  • runfrommygenes
    I have just 1....
    DON'T TRY THE CADBURY MINI EGGS!!!! The are pure evil!
  • ClammyCupcake
    ClammyCupcake Posts: 49 Member
    *from future me to past and present me*

    -Stop eating dairy NOW, it makes you poop
    -don't get off birth control, it will make losing weight harder and make you break out, causing emotional eating. Stop it.
    -you're not even that fat, so just get up and run and stop crying.
    -vegetables arent that aweful
    -lift heavy weights often
    -start now, not tomorrow, and stick to something.
    -chinese food is not good for you, idiot
    -train harder in BJJ. I would have a gold medal by now b****!
    -stop being a lazy p.o.s.
    -stop being so hard on yourself! <3
  • Sharon_73
    Sharon_73 Posts: 189 Member
    1) You really are worth it.
    2) Why are you afraid? Look at the other things you have overcome!
    3) Stop comparing yourself to the 5'0" size 0 girls. You will never be that and that it OK!
    4) Quit worring about what you think other people are thinking about you at the gym! They really don't care and nor should you!
    5) No, you are not single because you are fat. You are single because even you don't like yourself.
    6) Food isn't the enemy. Wrong choices are the enemy!
    7) RUN! Run fast, run slow, just run!
    8) You need time for yourself. You are a good mom but you don't need to give every waking minute to your kids! They are ok!
    9) It's ok to get upset and frustrated but instead of allowing yourself to give up, use that energy and let it out at the gym!
    10) Find something that makes you happy, not what you think will make other people happy.
  • meglynne1987
    meglynne1987 Posts: 382 Member
    1. Do it for yourself
    2. Stay Positive
    3. Move
    4. Drink Water
    5. Find a friend
    6. Establish Small Goals
    7. Do it NOW
    8. Log Everything
    9. You can do it, if you try
    10. Don't pay as much attention to weight, pay attention to how you feel.
  • ktrn0312
    ktrn0312 Posts: 723 Member
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