10 pieces of advice you would have told the old you ?



  • Hesperidean
    Hesperidean Posts: 3 Member
    Myfitness pal really helps, get the App!
    Use mfpal to sketch out what you are going to eat each day at breakfast and stick to it, then you will not miscalculate and it takes the random (incorrect) guessing at snack time out of the equation.
    Eat more at lunch time and less in the evening.
    Eat two lunches two hours apart.
    Earn wine or pudding with exercise!
    It you hit a plateau relax, eat a good meal, rest for a day or two and then get back onto it.
    Do not drink too much coffee - it upsets the body and makes it crave sugar
    Eat cabbage and cauliflower instead of potato and pasta.
    Avoid bread as a filler - eat fruit and veges instead.
    Stop eating sugar.
  • kellehbeans
    kellehbeans Posts: 838 Member
    - You need to eat more
    - Starving yourself or a fad diet does not make you wondrously skinny
    - Skinny isn't happiness
    - You can still enjoy all the foods you love
    - Exercise is amazing and fun
    - Exercise can definitely shape you differently, alongside eating well
    - Regular coke sucks
    - Sugar will make you go hyper and then you will get really down
    - Reese's cups are amazing
    - You don't need a gym to exercise
  • rjcelmer
    rjcelmer Posts: 431 Member
    "There's pretty much no need to eat 50 hot wings and a tray of pizza for lunch. Really."
  • Mutant13
    Mutant13 Posts: 2,485 Member
    1) Lift. It's not just for the Arnies of this world
    2) eat less sugar, it may not affect your results but you will feel so much better
    3) after a few weeks without diet coke, you will realise it tastes like *kitten* anyway
    4) you don't need an excuse to work out. But you need a damned good one not to.
    5) the scales don't matter
    6) you can still have beer, pasta, cheese, burgers, chocolate, ice cream, bacon and pizza
    7) sweet potato is the greatest thing ever
    8) understand your macro needs
    9) chewing gum is the culprit behind your indigestion
    10) family guy isn't going to get good again. Just let it go.
  • Tamandrea
    Amazing thoughts :)
  • Dagoth
    Dagoth Posts: 172
    - Stop eating so much
    - Stop eating so much
    - Stop eating so much
    - Stop eating so much
    - Stop eating so much
    - Stop eating so much
    - Stop eating so much
    - Stop eating so much
    - Stop eating so much
  • fattyfoodie
    fattyfoodie Posts: 232 Member
    1. Don't bother trying to be a runner. You hate it. Stick to Bikram.
    2. Stop talking about "good" and "bad" food. Eat mostly healthy foods but stop denying yourself treats.
    3. Don't compare yourself to others.
    4. Don't take internet advice to heart.
    5. Get your damn blood pressure checked.
    6. Get some damn blood work so in a year when you are down 30 or 40 pounds, you can see the true benefit to your health.
    7. Avoid Brussels sprouts. I know you love them but you STINK after you eat them.
    8. Stop dieting. This is not a diet, this is for life.
    9. Regardless of how you feel about your body, get in the pool with the kids for God's sake.
    10. Don't obsess over the scale. It is just one measure of health.
  • mogletdeluxe
    mogletdeluxe Posts: 623 Member
    - PUT DOWN THE EFFING FORK. Do you have ANY idea how hard you are going to have to work to undo all of this?

    - Take more progress pictures

    - Stop being unhappy and just do something about it, doofus - it's in your hands

    - Buuuut...you judge yourself far more harshly than other people do, Ms Moglet

    - Denial is not a river in Egypt. That's not that angle making you look fat; it's your fat making you look fat
  • micheleld73
    micheleld73 Posts: 914 Member
    1. Record everything (don't cheat yourself by saying "it was just a bite")
    2. Make reasonable goals and celebrate your achievements
    3. Have workout buddies (it helps with accountability and makes it more fun)
    4. Eat to fuel my body, not my mouth, emotions, or mind
    5. NEVER say you're dieting - you're not denying yourself those tasty treats, you're just moderating the amounts!
    6. Water, water and more water
    7. Document progress with pictures - it's rewarding to see the changes
    8. Measurements over scale
    9. Experiment, if you are bored with something, try something else - just don't quit
    10. Watch how often you eat out - the sodium could kill you!
  • JenniferMary_9169
    Wow! This really made me think. Mine are not necessarily weight related but here goes:

    1. Marry Tim. You will get divorced but he will give you three amazing children that are irreplacable.
    2. Do NOT start your friendship with that person. It only brings heartache
    3. Be firmer with your children - especially your oldest.
    4. Stay in shape. Its much easier to keep the weight off then to gain 30 pounds and try to get skinny again 15 years later.
    5. Depression is your downfall. Exercise through it instead of drinking it away. Alcohol makes it worse
    6. LOVE YOURSELF! You are worth it!!
    7. If you wanted that job you should've taken it. Do what makes YOU happy sometimes.
    8. After your divorce, you've got to stop being such a control freak.
    9. You teach people how to treat you. Don't let them walk all over you in the interest of being "nice". It doesn't work.
    10. Relax. God has you under His wing. He will always protect you.

    I would also add two more:

    11. Give your dad one more kiss and tell him you love him again. Spend every minute you can with him. He died way too soon.
    12. Forgive your mom sooner. She died way too soon as well.

    THIS list made me cry. There are so many thingys that I can relate to (especially 11 and 12, I need to change these now while I still have the time). Thank you for writing this :flowerforyou:
  • mogletdeluxe
    mogletdeluxe Posts: 623 Member
    Wow! This really made me think. Mine are not necessarily weight related but here goes:

    1. Marry Tim. You will get divorced but he will give you three amazing children that are irreplacable.
    2. Do NOT start your friendship with that person. It only brings heartache
    3. Be firmer with your children - especially your oldest.
    4. Stay in shape. Its much easier to keep the weight off then to gain 30 pounds and try to get skinny again 15 years later.
    5. Depression is your downfall. Exercise through it instead of drinking it away. Alcohol makes it worse
    6. LOVE YOURSELF! You are worth it!!
    7. If you wanted that job you should've taken it. Do what makes YOU happy sometimes.
    8. After your divorce, you've got to stop being such a control freak.
    9. You teach people how to treat you. Don't let them walk all over you in the interest of being "nice". It doesn't work.
    10. Relax. God has you under His wing. He will always protect you.

    I would also add two more:

    11. Give your dad one more kiss and tell him you love him again. Spend every minute you can with him. He died way too soon.
    12. Forgive your mom sooner. She died way too soon as well.

    THIS list made me cry. There are so many thingys that I can relate to (especially 11 and 12, I need to change these now while I still have the time). Thank you for writing this :flowerforyou:

    Blimey. Damn those onion-cutting ninjas in my office today...
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    1. (in high school) You are not a "whale." You could stand to lose maybe 20 pounds, but you are not a whale! Now get off the sidelines and have some fun.

    2. (in college) Stop binge eating and avoiding people while studying like a madwoman. Have some fun!

    3. (later in college) Ok, now you are overweight. Try a sensible eating plan and exercising. Stop starving yourself.

    4. (in the midst of an eating disorder) YOU HAVE TO EAT SOMETHING! Yeah, you're skinny now but living like this is messing up your metabolism and in a couple years when you start eating normally, you are going to gain weight so fast it'll make your head spin.

    5. (a few years down the road) Well now you've gone and done it! All the weight is back plus some and your life is so stressful right now, nothing seems to be working. Just chill. Get some sleep. Get some exercise. Start a food diary. Quit worrying and ruminating over all the stuff you can't change at the moment. Besides, it's going to get worse than you ever imagined while laying awake at 2 am so why borrow that trouble now?

    6. Nobody 'needs' 15+ cups of coffee with flavored cream or soda per day. This is a major reason why you "can't lose weight" and you're pretending like it isn't happening or that it has no consequence.

    7. Just start exercising. Something. Even walking. You will be shocked how quickly your endurance and strength improve and it's a great anti-depressant.

    8. GO TO SLEEP! Nothing on the internet or TV is so fascinating or important that you need to stay up late for and you feel better and perform better with a solid 8 hours.

    9. For God's sake, eat some vegetables. All you eat, all day long, is junk and it makes you feel like crap.

    10. Don't ever pick up a cigarette.
  • alwayskungfu
    Get off your bum
    Love yourself
    Help people out
    Smile and count your blessings
    Find your life work exercise balance, or you will burn out
    Listen to your body
    Sleep (you need 8 hrs)
    Eat real food slowly (savour it)
    Try new things
  • jcbkb47
    jcbkb47 Posts: 1 Member
    Love these tips! Thanks!
    I am not finished with my weight loss yet, but I've learned:

    - Moving feels GREAT!
    - Water isn't as bad as you think. Plus drinking a ton of it helps keep your skin nice and your belly feel fuller.
    - You can do this!!!
    - Log, Log, Log and be honest with yourself and your MFP friends
    - Cheer your MFP friends and they will cheer you
    - Log before you eat
    - Get rid of your clothes as soon as they are too big
    - Sweat isn't bad and washes right off
    - Lifting weights is fun and makes your feel strong and sexy.
  • fishermanmatt
    fishermanmatt Posts: 308 Member
    1. Tomorrow never comes. Start today.
    2. Don't avoid joining a gym for fear of being judged by all the fit people. They don't care that you're fat and out of shape and will gladly welcome you into the "club" if you work hard.
    3. When you are stressed or worried or just need some time to think things thru, cardio beats cheeseburgers.
    4. Perfection is a myth. Improvement is real and can be measured.
    5. Help and encourage others. You will gain more then you give.
    6. There's a great sense of satisfaction that can be gained physical exhaustion.
    7. Get out and enjoy life. A head full of memories beats a house full of objects.
    8. Don't over think things.
    9. Always look on the bright side of life.
    10. When all else fails, maintaining a positive attitude does help.
  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member
    1. *****
    2. You
    3. Be
    4. Too
    5. Big
    6. Don't
    7. Eat
    8. Chips
    9. For
    10. Dinner
  • zealousmissjj_wechange
    1) You can't be friends with everyone so stop trying so hard
    2) Enjoy the time you have with your parents
    3) Don't ever stop drawing (I did sadly)
    4) Learn to dance in the rain cause it's gonna keep raining, you might aswell enjoy it!
    5) Have faith in yourself, you don't need validation from others
    6) Do what you love, not what you're expected to do
    7) Life's too short to be embarrassed so make sure you have fun
    8) Take better care of your friends
    9) Don't wait for that moment 'when you're older' to make things happen in your life
    10) Don't make excuses for yourself; if you want it, you can do it!
  • nivekeh
    nivekeh Posts: 10 Member
    In no particular order:
    1 - Get up early and start the day with a workout.
    2 - You don't have to go heavy to get a good workout..
    3 - Squatting 400# at 45 is a bad idea.
    4 - You can have fun without eating and drinking.
    5 - Diets are BS. Eat sensibly and make it a lifestyle.
    6 - A little ice cream is OK once in a while.
    7 - You can inspire others by being healthy and in-shape.
    8 - Water is good for you.
    9 - Coaching is not exercise.
    10 - Find active hobbies.
  • skinnymalinkyscot
    skinnymalinkyscot Posts: 174 Member
    Wow! This really made me think. Mine are not necessarily weight related but here goes:

    1. Marry Tim. You will get divorced but he will give you three amazing children that are irreplacable.
    2. Do NOT start your friendship with that person. It only brings heartache
    3. Be firmer with your children - especially your oldest.
    4. Stay in shape. Its much easier to keep the weight off then to gain 30 pounds and try to get skinny again 15 years later.
    5. Depression is your downfall. Exercise through it instead of drinking it away. Alcohol makes it worse
    6. LOVE YOURSELF! You are worth it!!
    7. If you wanted that job you should've taken it. Do what makes YOU happy sometimes.
    8. After your divorce, you've got to stop being such a control freak.
    9. You teach people how to treat you. Don't let them walk all over you in the interest of being "nice". It doesn't work.
    10. Relax. God has you under His wing. He will always protect you.

    I would also add two more:

    11. Give your dad one more kiss and tell him you love him again. Spend every minute you can with him. He died way too soon.
    12. Forgive your mom sooner. She died way too soon as well.

    number 11 and 12 brought a gulp to my throat, thats so true about family
  • sally_jeffswife
    sally_jeffswife Posts: 766 Member
    1.Don't eat anything you want because your metabolism is fast, after 30 its gonna slow way down.
    2.Don't look at excercise as a chore, just find something you like doing and stick with it consistantly
    3.Excercise is really gonna benefit your health and both you and your family will thank you for sticking to that
    4.Soda has alot more calories than you think, stick to the zero brands of it
    5.Drink plenty of water more than you would think to, It takes drinking water to lose water weight
    6.The grown up thing to do is not drink a ton be responsible, Instead have a glass of wine with dinner only now and then or on special occasions
    7.Don't expect to have the perfect body right away and don't give up cuz magazines feature them..its a long slow process and God made you the way you are for a reason
    8.Don't be afraid to lift weights,they aren't gonna turn you into a brute they are gonna make you stronger,make alot of things easier for ya and you actually are gonna lose alot of weight lifting them
    9.Surround yourself with uplifting people and people that will keep you accountable that helps in your journey
    10.Really look at what calories are in the foods you eat, some of them have alot more than you think. Log everything it makes it much easier to stay on track
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