10 pieces of advice you would have told the old you ?



  • evov31
    evov31 Posts: 5 Member
    -5 redbulls a day isnt good for you , stop kidding yourself

    - It wont happen overnight

    - Gimmicky diets and fancy protein shakes powders and acids dont work. Working hard does

    - You are accountable. Not your MFP friends , real life friends , family , personal trainer. You.

    - Inside you know that the cake/doughnut/crisps/fries/kebab/fizzy drink is bad for you, dont justify or accept it.

    - You will have ups and you will have downs. Persevere.

    - Dont obsess over it, youre changingy our life to live better, so live life too (:

    - Train in a way you love, if you hate the gym dont go. Find something else. Same to eating , if it tastes bad dont ****ing eat it (:

    - Always push your limits

    - Dont curl in the squat rack.!

    Yep to all 10.
  • rides4sanity
    rides4sanity Posts: 1,269 Member
    1. An in active 5'1" female can't eat the same as a 5'10" marathong running guy.
    2. Exercise alone, won't get you there.
    3. Do YOUR best, you aren't perfect and you never will be. It's okay, nobody other than you ever expected it.
    4. Training hard doesn't mean 110% everyday. You need moderation and rest or you WILL burn out or injure yourself.
    5. Food isn't the devil, it's yummy fuel. Know what & how much you're eating and how it makes you feel.
    6. You are worth the effort.
    7. It's normal to struggle, the theory is simple, but sometimes life gets in the way.
    8. Do things you enjoy, exercise shouldn't be punishment unless you're into that kind of thing. Somedays I am.
    9. People are watching you because they admire what you're doing, not because they want to see if the big girl can finish the class.
    10. When you get where you want to be, don't stop. Always strive to be a better you, you will thank yourself down the road.
    Forgot, pack a good lunch and stock your desk with healthy snacks.
  • soniabogonia
    soniabogonia Posts: 778 Member
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    1. Drop the "all or nothing" approach
    2. If you're eating to satisfy an emotional need, you'll never feel full because you weren't hungry in the first place
    3. Listen to your body
    4. Take your weight loss slowly - you can't rush a masterpiece
    5. Being morbidly obese is not okay, whichever way you look at it
    6. Fad diets don't work
    7. Stretch-marks are hard to shift
    8. Losing weight feels amazing - you'll feel physically and mentally awesome when you've lost 63lb
    9. Love yourself
    10. You can do this


    All of your list is terrific, but this one "2. If you're eating to satisfy an emotional need, you'll never feel full because you weren't hungry in the first place" is profoundly DEEP to me. Sometime for me to meditate upon for sure!
  • skinnysalamander1
    skinnysalamander1 Posts: 2 Member
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    Just one thing:

    1. Run..you are a kenyan by birth..running is etched and engraved in your destiny. Run, Run, and run .
  • nickcoje
    nickcoje Posts: 1 Member
    Drugs are bad

    Pick up more girls

    Be selfish

    Do what is right for YOU

    Dont follow the crowd

    Invest your money - Think of the future

    Say yes
  • Petrapoo45
    Petrapoo45 Posts: 271 Member
    Over halfway to my goal...notable things I have learned!!

    1. When you are not hungry, dont eat...its that easy
    2. when you have had your serving at dinner, wash your plate right away so your not tempted to get seconds.
    3. frozen grapes are the best treat ever.
    4. Mio in water rules when you get that 8pm sweet tooth
    5. In this crazy life your living in, diet is the one thing you CAN control
    6. Dont be so concerned with how others lost their weight
    7. You have to do what is right for you, the hell with everyone else and their 2 cents.
    8. Having your husband check you out again is the best feeling in the world!
    9. Its not the end of the world if you have a snack attack...just dont make it a habit.
    10. This is a journey, it takes a long time to gain weight, and a long time to take it off. Just keep on keeping on!!
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    I can't count all the way to 10, but here are a couple:
    * focus on progress, not perfection
    * don't stop when you are tired, stop when you are done
    * STAY in shape so you don't have to get BACK in shape
    * don't give up what you want MOST for what you want NOW
    * relationships are more important than calories in a meal, splurge with friends once in a while!
    * own your space and don't let others tell you what you 'should be doing'
    * don't be afraid to acknowledge that you are sometimes your own worst enemy and kill the resistance from within
    * throw away the scale. the mirror and your jeans are a better indicator of progress
    * first QUANTITY and then QUALITY
    * tomorrow is the worst time to start. NOW is the best time to start

    ALL of these are terrific...but here's the one I'll be adding to my mental FLAB&FAT exercising from now on:

    * don't stop when you are tired, stop when you are done

    Wow, I LOVE this and again, will be meditating on this as I'm doing my daily working out (physically and mentally) WOOT!

    I want to thank you again for posting this:

    "* don't stop when you are tired, stop when you are done"

    I was thinking about this as my boyfriend and I were walking around the lake today--thought about walking around it TWICE (that's 4 miles) and was tired after the first trip...thought about what you said here and walked around it twice! Then when I got home, walked another mile or so with my children--even though I was super tired...I wasn't done! WOOT!!!!!
  • Daisychain65
    Daisychain65 Posts: 161 Member
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    1. Don't go vegetarian, you still won't eat many vegetables and while it's true that a honeybun doesn't have a face, it still isn't healthy to live off them, even if you do lose weight.

    2. Don't work factory. That bad back that runs in the family? You inherited it.

    3. Do work out and build up those core muscles.

    4. In fact, go work out right now, you lazy procrastinating sod.

    5. Diet pills are a joke. Except ephedra. They're making that one illegal in the future, so stock up now or move to a country with sane drug laws.

    6. Speaking of moving, you know those allergy problems your mom has almost year round? Well you're going to inherit those, too. By the time you are in your thirties you will be sick most of the year. Move now while it's easy!

    7. Take that highschool part time job money and invest in Microsoft so you'll have money later to pay for gym memberships and steak. Low carb is expensive!

    8. Never get fat. Loose skin isn't pretty. And put down those chips ffs!

    9. Bread and water isn't a diet, it's a punishment. You can lose weight without starving yourself half to death, you idiot.

    10. Losing weight won't make a bad man treat you good. Ever. Just dump him.
  • Seaglass1123
    Seaglass1123 Posts: 500 Member
    I haven´t reached my goal yet, i´m actually very far from it! But I´m definitely a new me since I started my journey.

    - You have to want it for yourself, not to please others.
    - Is a healthy lifestyle not a diet.
    - Exercising puts you in a good mood.
    - Stop drinking sodas, they are awful for you.
    - Cucumbers are delicious!!
    - Drink tons of water!
    - Don´t give up, EVER!
    - If you have a bad day, the next day is a new day to do it better.
    - You can do it, believe in yourself.

    I quoted this because all of it is true except that I am close to goal.
  • lailahmed
    lailahmed Posts: 38 Member
    1. NO MORE Being a LAZY Fat A**
    2. NO MORE SITTING around wishing for a THINNER ME
    6. NO MORE I CANT...
  • jc46
    jc46 Posts: 14 Member
  • HZ15
    HZ15 Posts: 21 Member
    1) You won't know what your body, or your mind, is capable of until you put them to work.

    2) Don't stop yourself trying something because of fear of failure. Not trying is the most spectacular failure of all.

    3) Gym's aren't scary. They're not full of stick thin people judging you. The people there work at their bodies. They'll respect you for doing the same. You'll learn from them and very soon some of them will be learning from you.

    4) Excuses are your fear and your laziness bullying you into living a life you don't want, can't like and won't enjoy. Knock them on their *kitten* for even trying to do that to you.

    5) Peer pressure doesn't just happen to kids but that doesn't mean it should happen to you. Don't let others put you off doing what you know you need to do for you.

    6) You're here for you. If you want to go all out and give it everything you've got, DO IT and reap the reward! Don't let people who hold themselves back hold you back too. (This particularly applies in a gym class - unleash your zumba diva, your inner Chris Hoy or your yoga master)

    7) Your body is not whatever fixed type you think it is that's gotten you into this state. Your mind did that. Your mind can be changed.

    8) Embrace the easy changes. Black coffee instead of latte. A bag of sliced apple rather than a bag of crisps. That 40cal jaffa cake rather than the 110cal kitkat, etc. etc.

    9) If your perception of what you eat is skewed the only way you can fix it is to keep a diary.

    10) Don't scoff at things just because they're obvious. If they're that obvious, you have no excuse for not doing them.
  • Sparlingo
    Sparlingo Posts: 938 Member
    1) Try something that you are afraid you might fail to accomplish: how are you ever going to experience meaningful victories if you're only willing to work at things of which you're already capable?

    2) Celebrate every 0.2 lbs lost. Do a happy dance on the scale. Call yourself a winner. It's that positive energy that will carry you.

    3) You will find exercise that you like. Keep trying different things.

    4) Zumba is AWESOME. Dance like an idiot. It's more fun and you burn more calories that way. Plus others may just try a little harder because they won't be the only ones looking like fools :).

    5) Take pictures, measure yourself -- you will be amazed at how far you have come and can lean on the proof to keep you motivated when you hit a dry spell.

    6) Love yourself along the way. Forgive the failures and start every day afresh.

    7) Protein is your friend.

    8) Weights aren't that scary. You are stronger than you think.

    9) You don't wear your weight as a neon number emblazoned on your forehead, so don't let the readout on the scale destroy your day. You DO look good. You look better than yesterday. You'll look even better tomorrow. But you've ALWAYS been beautiful. Live like it.

    10) Resist the urge to do something drastic. Make lots of small good decisions, a few big ones, and keep it up every day. This isn't all or nothing! You can have a cupcake -- just remember to eat your veggies.
  • Sparlingo
    Sparlingo Posts: 938 Member
    1) You won't know what your body, or your mind, is capable of until you put them to work.

    2) Don't stop yourself trying something because of fear of failure. Not trying is the most spectacular failure of all.

    3) Gym's aren't scary. They're not full of stick thin people judging you. The people there work at their bodies. They'll respect you for doing the same. You'll learn from them and very soon some of them will be learning from you.

    4) Excuses are your fear and your laziness bullying you into living a life you don't want, can't like and won't enjoy. Knock them on their *kitten* for even trying to do that to you.

    5) Peer pressure doesn't just happen to kids but that doesn't mean it should happen to you. Don't let others put you off doing what you know you need to do for you.

    6) You're here for you. If you want to go all out and give it everything you've got, DO IT and reap the reward! Don't let people who hold themselves back hold you back too. (This particularly applies in a gym class - unleash your zumba diva, your inner Chris Hoy or your yoga master)

    7) Your body is not whatever fixed type you think it is that's gotten you into this state. Your mind did that. Your mind can be changed.

    8) Embrace the easy changes. Black coffee instead of latte. A bag of sliced apple rather than a bag of crisps. That 40cal jaffa cake rather than the 110cal kitkat, etc. etc.

    9) If your perception of what you eat is skewed the only way you can fix it is to keep a diary.

    10) Don't scoff at things just because they're obvious. If they're that obvious, you have no excuse for not doing them.

    Very well spoken. Love all of these!
  • llamanoir
    llamanoir Posts: 16 Member
    "It doesn't have to be this way."
  • HZ15
    HZ15 Posts: 21 Member
    Very well spoken. Love all of these!

    Thank you. And right back atcha with yours.
  • moonmistmm
    moonmistmm Posts: 178 Member
    1) When you have knee pain running...STOP training for a half marathon. You may have finished, but now you need physical therapy.
    2) You should've never stopped dance. Or playing soccer.
    3) Just because you're home from school does not mean that you should pig out because you can just lose it later. Just be healthy at home too!
    4) Break ups are not an okay to break out the canned frosting.
    5) Low fat stuff is often more unhealthy than the full fat stuff. Make sure Mom learns this too.
    6) If you buy Greek yogurt, EAT THE YOGURT. Buying that in attempts to be healthy does no good if you don't actually eat it.
    7) You will plateau. Try maintenance for a couple weeks.
    8) Sleep more. (not just naps!)
    9) Drink more water. You will faint and have to go to the hospital because your head made a hole in the wall on the way down.
    10) Be aware of injuries. Don't overwork them, but don't use them as an excuse either.
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