
  • yup... so freaking hard to stay on track.. I may have one good weekend out the 4.... but i don't beat myself up over it.. just dust yourself out and
  • I am glad to see I am not the only in this boat. Yes, during the week, I do so good and then every weekend, I eat bad things. I still seem to be losing though, but probably not as much if I did not cheat on the weekends so much. But I have more time to exercise on the weekends and burn more calories than I do the work week, so maybe it all evens out.
  • That's good advice. Work harder during the week, so you can have a day off. Seems like that would work :smile:
  • Xstitcher74
    Xstitcher74 Posts: 124 Member
    Fall off the wagon would imply that I simply stumble and trip and run to catch back up to get back on. I literally cannon ball off the back end of the wagon some weekends!
  • fall off as in eat more than intended or of the unhealthy variety of foods? When I get the need to snack(which is rarely, but when I used to) I'd pig out on vegetables and fruit with plant-based dips* that's important, because that way you're very low on fat and your body would even detox(i.e. lose weight) while you pigged out. It helped over the first 3 weeks of my new lifestyle :) Hope that helps! If you want specific recipes lemme know!
  • danbradley1970
    danbradley1970 Posts: 42 Member
    yeah more some weekends than others, buti also do my toughest workout on will nto be perfect, just keep the needle moving in the right direction, One day is nto a trend
  • I'm the same. I'm so focused Monday thru Friday but then the weekend hits and I run a train on everything. I use it as motivation on Monday to hit the gym and give it 110%. Food gives you energy so if you over eat use that energy at the gym.

    LMAO!!! "I run a train on everything." Funniest thing I've on here! lol

    But I agree. I designate Saturday as my cheat day, and I try to go back into my healthy eating routine on Sunday but sometimes it doesn't always work that way. We need to have moments where we can indulge or else we'll go crazy
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    I actually leap off the wagon excitedly some weekends. Sometimes you just have to live a little. Are you going to stay on said wagon happily for the rest of your life? No? I didn't think so.


    (and learn how to fit healthy new habits into your life because otherwise you'll be on another message board on another site in a year from now asking the same exact question)
  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    How about not considering it 'falling off the wagon' and just carry on with your life as usual? If you like drinking on the weekends, just continue your normal routine throughout the week and enjoy your alcohol on Friday night or whatever. Same if you like eating on on weekends, ordering pizza, etc. Just do it and proceed to eat 'normally' the rest of the week and you'll be fine.

    I never plan on giving up having care free nights and I don't get why anybody would. Treat this as something that you will do for the rest of your life. If you want a junk food night, just do it with no regrets..
  • gkwatra
    gkwatra Posts: 431 Member
    I do somewhat, but it is due to the hectic schedule of my weekends. My husband just opened a shop 2 hours away from where we currently live and I join him on the weekends to help him (I work at my job during the week). My eating gets very erratic on those days because I can't stop and eat when I need to and sometimes we eat from nearby restaurants. During the week, I am on track. I would try to reduce my calories during the week but I wonder if I might tire myself out by doing that since I may need more for my (newly) busy life. Not sure but I guess I need to do some trial and error tweaking. But I definitely know where you're coming from.
  • DenyseMarieL
    DenyseMarieL Posts: 673 Member
    I use the wknds as my excuse to go over a bit. I try to make up for it by taking an extra long walk or doing extra cleaning at home. But food just calls to me! We can't all be perfect.
  • I know what the problem is and it doesnt take science to figure it out or thousands of different opinions. Its just discipline. How bad u want it. All the excuses are a waste of ur time. Sorry if it seems rude what im posting but u know its true
  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    I celebrate every weekend and eat lots off pizza and what ever I want but since I don't work on the weekends I spend half the day at the gym working out so I have extra it would only be falling off the wagon if I didn't work out.
  • mconway79
    mconway79 Posts: 49 Member
    Trying doing your weigh in on Mondays. Then you may be more motivated to stay on track. I find it helps if I have healthy meals planned a head and snacks divided up into servings. Good luck.
  • laarae
    laarae Posts: 332 Member
    I use one day of the weekend for my 'cheat day" I usually do not log into MFP :wink: and I don't count calories-I still try to stay in calorie range but if I go over well........ it's ok and before I know it here it is- Monday
  • Yep, its my month long birthday celebration and the middle of football season, which are my big two biggest excuses to act somewhat ignorant with my weekend diet.........but I am phasing more and more into the raw food realm so Im not too discouraged.......
  • nannadawninsc
    nannadawninsc Posts: 8 Member
    try Good Earth brand Original Sweet & Spicy tea. Kind of pricy but definitely worth the cost.
  • Mcctin65
    Mcctin65 Posts: 507 Member
    I do the same thing. I don't take my vitamins or anything. I'm not lazy on the weekends but I don't formally exercise and don't track as well if at all.
    For me it works to forcefully change my routine. Instead of lounging around in the am, I try to get up and go. I really have to kick my own *kitten* and I will talk out loud to myself and yell like a crazy person to pump myself up. Sometimes it works!
  • I chose Monday as my weigh in day to make me accountable for the weekend and it seems to work really well!!
  • WandaMM1
    WandaMM1 Posts: 132 Member
    I can have bad weekends too. The "problem" for me is that my family has always associated all events with food. They never are an intentional bad influence so I don't blame them. I actually think it's a psychological trigger I have being around them rather than anything they are doing. Honestly, I haven't found a way to avoid this completely. It helps to tell them my plans goals (i.e. Mom, don't let me eat any of the dessert OR asking one of my nieces to remind me to go for a walk - preferably with time -- later).