Hate My Boss



  • fcp1234
    fcp1234 Posts: 1,098 Member
    My Dad is my boss 3 days a week when we have a problem it usually ends up very physical but i wouldnt suggest you trying to choke your boss out lol

    Count to 50 if that doesnt work get the fists out oj :))

    haha now I know why he kicked you when you were 12 lol
  • laurenz2501
    laurenz2501 Posts: 839 Member
    New job, and who do I not get along with? it's not the off-colour joke guy, it's not the passive-aggressive guy, it's not the bipolar guy... it's the snob girl. *sigh*

    LOL...yeah, i get along with most people, i just honestly believe this one has a personal vendetta against me for no apparent reason.
  • laurenz2501
    laurenz2501 Posts: 839 Member
    What does he do to put you down? Is it always business related?

    I don’t know what type of business you are in, but sometimes things can get very stressful. For example, my yearly performance and bonus depends on the performance of my employees. I have found out that nothing works best than positive motivation. But yea, I have to be a b*** once in a while when needed.

    If your feel that you work hard and put 100% of yourself into your job, I would suggest you say something. Just tell him how you feel. Again, I don’t know what type of manager he is, but I would love my people coming to talk to me, before they decide to hate me and the job.

    Very well put. Yes, it is always business related. He doesn't use expletives or anything, of course, but it's just the way he talks down to me and/or comments that are made that really make me feel small. And I am not exaggerating when I say it has been every. single. interaction. with him since I started here.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    My dream job is helping penguins put on their bowties.
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    What does he do to put you down? Is it always business related?

    I don’t know what type of business you are in, but sometimes things can get very stressful. For example, my yearly performance and bonus depends on the performance of my employees. I have found out that nothing works best than positive motivation. But yea, I have to be a b*** once in a while when needed.

    If your feel that you work hard and put 100% of yourself into your job, I would suggest you say something. Just tell him how you feel. Again, I don’t know what type of manager he is, but I would love my people coming to talk to me, before they decide to hate me and the job.

    Very well put. Yes, it is always business related. He doesn't use expletives or anything, of course, but it's just the way he talks down to me and/or comments that are made that really make me feel small. And I am not exaggerating when I say it has been every. single. interaction. with him since I started here.

    it could be lots of things.

    did he hire you or inherit you?
    do you do your job well?
    is he intimidated by you for some reason?
    does he not like you for some reason?
    does he treat other employees the same way?
    does he treat other female employees the same way?
    does he treat other attractive female employees the same way?

    it's really hard to guess what might really be going on.

    normally, you get a review once per year. that is your time to express your concerns directly to him, in person. that review has to be filled out and initialed and given to HR. he can't fire you if you make your personal concerns clear in your review because then you can sue. there are mechanisms in most workplaces to resolve issues like this without your job being put in jeopardy, you just have to understand the career risks if you do so (in that company at least), but unless they catch you having sex with a unicorn over the dead body of the CEO while looting the company safe, there is virtually no way they would ever give you a bad recommendation for some future employer because they simply don't want to risk a lawsuit.

    BTW, some people are just jerks. for no reason. is this guy one of those?
  • AmberJo1984
    AmberJo1984 Posts: 1,067 Member
    I wished I could quit my job as well... but, I'm to responsible for that (unfortunately). It's just me and my mom... and my mom is disabled, so I have to make the living. As it is now... I'm barely doing that. I get paid way less than I should with a college education.... and both of my bosses (director and manager) treat me like crap. They are constantly belittleing me, complaining, etc... They constantly find something that I've done wrong. And, when I try to kiss butt (just because I need the job), I'll do what they tell me to do to "improve", and they ridicule that too. It's always a no-win situation with them. So far, I've been told that I make a bad first impression, because I don't dress nice enough and don't wear make up everyday. I'm inconsiderate. I'm ungrateful. I'm a snob. Blah, blah, blah....

    Last year, I was sexually harassed at work. When I brought it up to them, their exact words were "forget it, move on, and pretend it didn't happen".

    I probably should end there. I start ranting a lot when talking about these 2 women.
  • laurenz2501
    laurenz2501 Posts: 839 Member
    it could be lots of things.

    did he hire you or inherit you? Inherit
    do you do your job well? Yes
    is he intimidated by you for some reason? Not sure.
    does he not like you for some reason? Not sure (unless it's racial, which has crossed my mind)
    does he treat other employees the same way? Some of them have had similar complaints, yes, but not all.
    does he treat other female employees the same way? I've "heard" he has but haven't seen it in action.
    does he treat other attractive female employees the same way? again not 100% sure but I've heard he has
    unless they catch you having sex with a unicorn over the dead body of the CEO while looting the company safe, there is virtually no way they would ever give you a bad recommendation for some future employer because they simply don't want to risk a lawsuit.
    LMAO@ unicorn part
    BTW, some people are just jerks. for no reason. is this guy one of those?
    I believe so...I've heard he's like this "to everyone" but some people like him, and I don't know how that's possible. It makes me wonder what they do differently that I don't do. I've tried to figure "it's just the way he is" and I know all bosses are different so we have to adapt to each boss, but this is really getting out of hand with this particular one. I just don't know if it is reportable at this point because a) I don't have any other incidents documented and I don't remember them clearly by now (haven't worked with him for about 2 months) and b) Since it is work related, he could probably argue "constructive criticism", but it's not when you're degrading someone. It's not like he curses me out or does something he could be fired for, but yeah, it does feel like it's personal. Absolutely.
  • KatKisses
    KatKisses Posts: 296 Member
    How would you like to have a woman boss who talks in baby talk all day long and still dresses in her 80"s clothes..........I want to punch her everyday!:grumble:
  • jsj024519
    jsj024519 Posts: 400 Member
    I love my boss.
  • laurenz2501
    laurenz2501 Posts: 839 Member
    How would you like to have a woman boss who talks in baby talk all day long and still dresses in her 80"s clothes..........I want to punch her everyday!:grumble:

    i'll take an annoying voice and bad dresser over an a-hole any day!! at least she can be nice with her annoying voice LOL
  • AmberJo1984
    AmberJo1984 Posts: 1,067 Member
    How would you like to have a woman boss who talks in baby talk all day long and still dresses in her 80"s clothes..........I want to punch her everyday!:grumble:

    i'll take an annoying voice and bad dresser over an a-hole any day!! at least she can be nice with her annoying voice LOL

    I agree. I'll take the baby voice over what I have now... It would probably get on my nerves... but, at least I can take it better than being criticized every minute of every day.
  • laurenz2501
    laurenz2501 Posts: 839 Member
    How would you like to have a woman boss who talks in baby talk all day long and still dresses in her 80"s clothes..........I want to punch her everyday!:grumble:

    i'll take an annoying voice and bad dresser over an a-hole any day!! at least she can be nice with her annoying voice LOL

    I agree. I'll take the baby voice over what I have now... It would probably get on my nerves... but, at least I can take it better than being criticized every minute of every day.

    BOOM. Nailed it.
  • d_Mode
    d_Mode Posts: 880 Member
    I fired my boss...all NINE of them. I was the only male in a Marketing Dept. full of women.

    "Can you go unjam the copy machine?"
    "WHAT? No, I'm on a deadline and have to get these ads to the newspaper..."
    "Oh, we're still waiting for an approval from legal, call them and tell them the ads are gonna be late"

    Guess who unjammed the copier?!
  • ShaSimone
    ShaSimone Posts: 270 Member
    Not to compare but I work in a male dominated office, my dad works here also, sometimes he's my 'boss' because what I do supports what he does. Guess what?? Sometimes I have to 'stand up' to my dad and require respectful talk and 'allow' him to treat me like an adult.
    If we are all adults, professionals in the workplace then there is no reason for disrespect. Talk to him about it and if he doesn't correct his behavior, take it up the food chain. You deserve and should expect R-E-S-P-E-C-T, male or female!
  • cdngirl71
    cdngirl71 Posts: 2,641 Member
    I had a boss like that and eventually quit as I couldn't take it anymore. Now I have a better paying job and I get along really well with the boss I have now.
  • CherryOnionKiss
    CherryOnionKiss Posts: 376 Member
    some bosses are just *kitten*. some uses their autorithy do get what they want or for personal vendetta. Some are cool but they're are to find.
  • MidlifeGlowUp
    MidlifeGlowUp Posts: 91 Member
    I've been where you are. I made the change, believe it or not, by doing more work. I volunteered for subcommittees and fact-finding groups, I attended every institutional party to which I was invited. I attended training sessions and chatted with the people at my table. I made an effort to be cordial to senior administration and offer my assistance whenever it was convenient. I geared every moment of my workday to drawing attention to my skills and professionalism.

    In an economy like this one, who you know becomes extremely important. Make sure the right people know who you are.

    Good luck.
  • fcp1234
    fcp1234 Posts: 1,098 Member
    What does he do to put you down? Is it always business related?

    I don’t know what type of business you are in, but sometimes things can get very stressful. For example, my yearly performance and bonus depends on the performance of my employees. I have found out that nothing works best than positive motivation. But yea, I have to be a b*** once in a while when needed.

    If your feel that you work hard and put 100% of yourself into your job, I would suggest you say something. Just tell him how you feel. Again, I don’t know what type of manager he is, but I would love my people coming to talk to me, before they decide to hate me and the job.

    Very well put. Yes, it is always business related. He doesn't use expletives or anything, of course, but it's just the way he talks down to me and/or comments that are made that really make me feel small. And I am not exaggerating when I say it has been every. single. interaction. with him since I started here.

    What would I like my employee to if she was in your shoes?? To talk to me, maybe I dont realize Im doing something wrong. I am human too..

    I would tell him you would like to talk. Tell him that you feel like he is not very happy with your work and ask what would he like you to improve. Tell him you take your job seriously and would like to be the best at it. By doing this, he knows that you are open, serious about your work and maybe he will realize that he is treating you wrong.

    Good luck.
  • laurenz2501
    laurenz2501 Posts: 839 Member
    Not to compare but I work in a male dominated office, my dad works here also, sometimes he's my 'boss' because what I do supports what he does. Guess what?? Sometimes I have to 'stand up' to my dad and require respectful talk and 'allow' him to treat me like an adult.
    If we are all adults, professionals in the workplace then there is no reason for disrespect. Talk to him about it and if he doesn't correct his behavior, take it up the food chain. You deserve and should expect R-E-S-P-E-C-T, male or female!

    You guys are all right, I need to stand up for myself...but on the other hand, I am fairly new here (only been here 1 year) and I'm honestly afraid that if I do stand up to him, he'll be harsher on me and think "oh SHE wants to get an attitude with ME now?" I really don't understand having to be mean to someone who is mean to you, so that they won't be mean anymore. Doesn't make any sense. I've always been a "kill them with kindness" kind of person, and that obviously doesn't work with this guy.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    Why not start looking for a new job? No need to be irresponsible and just quit, it's possible to plan ahead for a job change?