Women, lets have a talk... a really "personal" talk



  • ktillotson14
    Sounds (and from what I can see, looks) like the OP has no idea what it's like to be an active woman. I was a competitive dancer for 12 years so trust me...my feet are far from perfect. My bi-monthly pedis won't erase the broken toes and callouses from years en pointe.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Sometimes I can smell myself at the gym. Hey, after my husband gives it to me good before I get out of bed and I only have time for a baby wipe swipe before I head out the door to the gym, then workout for 2 1/2 hours burning 1100 calories, my kitty just needs a bath. Don't hate.
  • jrojeck
    jrojeck Posts: 51 Member
    I do get a little self-conscious when I go to the gym with hairy legs (and by hairy, I mean that I haven't shaved in over a week). But I'm lazy and it's a pain in the butt to shave several times a week. It really is more of a beauty aesthetic than a hard rule that women MUST have hairless legs. At any rate, please don't stare at my hairy legs, OP.
  • StillChangingAmie
    I agree with you totally aside from the shaving bit. I personally can't stand hair on my own body, but it's their personal choice and they probably are not trying to please you or anyone else. They are there to work out just like you, not be judged for their personal choices. :]
  • gauchogirl
    gauchogirl Posts: 467 Member
    You have issues. I might be oblivious but I never smelled another woman vagina....well there was that time in college......

    LOL, Yep, this ^^^ , I have never, EVER experienced anything like this, not even in college athlete locker rooms, so not sure it's a real problem for other women??

    Thinking if the OP has this problem at her gym, maybe she should address it at said gym. This is passive-aggressive at it's finest -- talking about it here doesn't solve the problem THERE (gym) or THERE (vag).
  • lamoursuffit
    lamoursuffit Posts: 267 Member
    If you're so offended, why not comment to the ladies in the locker room, and see what they have to say to you?

    Also, pu**y isn't supposed to smell like flowers, powder, bubblegum or apples. It's supposed to smell like pu**y.

    Everyone else can stop commenting now, because this one just wins it all.
  • Here's a thought: why don't you go to the gym, do your workout, mind YOUR business and then leave. Its people like you and stories like this that keep others from going to the gym and getting fit; because people like you are judging them and then writing opinion pieces.

    I can hardly believe a woman would be so disgustingly judgmental of other women. Disappointing.
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    You Know Homeless people shower at the YWCA right?
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    A little sweet yummy feminine smell never killed anyone.

    You probably missed my post, but feminine washes are not recommended for most women. It messes with the PH of your vagina, and actually leads to acid/base problems in the vagina which can lead to yeast infections...so yeah, no. Soap and water will work just fine, and you should wash your whole body on a regular basis.

    And plus, vulvas aren't supposed to smell like perfume...they're meant to be natural. Yes, if they smell fishy or yeasty then yes something is wrong, but the normal everyday smell is 100% normal.
  • icjason
    icjason Posts: 27 Member
    ladymiseryali :
    Not all women shave. There's nothing wrong with that. The beautiful and amazing Amanda Palmer comes to mind. She wears her hair everywhere!

    Ha! that was awesome!

    I've had a number of hairy, active partners in my time. Not. A. Big. Deal.

    Grownups have hair, sweat, the occasional stink, and bits of their bodies that can get gnarly with use.
  • lamoursuffit
    lamoursuffit Posts: 267 Member
    I cannot imagine caring THAT much about whether another broad decides to shave her hairy toes before working out. Because she's obviously there for others...ohwait.
  • Stac2004
    Stac2004 Posts: 88 Member
    First, ya -- what gym is this??? Secondly, I thank you for this post just for the extremely entertaining responses to it.
  • ktillotson14
    Here's a thought: why don't you go to the gym, do your workout, mind YOUR business and then leave. Its people like you and stories like this that keep others from going to the gym and getting fit; because people like you are judging them and then writing opinion pieces.

    I can hardly believe a woman would be so disgustingly judgmental of other women. Disappointing.

    You tell em, sister!

    If I don't feel like shaving my damn legs before I go work out then who are you to judge me. Most of us have lives, careers, etc. I refuse to spend 45 minutes getting ready to go to the gym just to please YOU.
  • tameejean
    tameejean Posts: 197 Member

  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    1) maybe those women don't give a **** what men like
    2) it's a gym. maybe it's sweat you're smelling.


    No country in the world is as obsessed with shaving as America is. It's a social view of beauty, not a commandment handed down by some higher deity. If you're that disturbed by other people's body hair, you should probably stop staring at the naked people in your locker room and sniffing around vaginas. It's 2012, honey. Not everyone woman in the world slits her wrists because a guy frowns upon what she does with her body hair.

    Also, if you still smell powder fresh after visiting the gym, I'm pretty sure you're doing it wrong.

    I love you.
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    Sometimes I can smell myself at the gym. Hey, after my husband gives it to me good before I get out of bed and I only have time for a baby wipe swipe before I head out the door to the gym, then workout for 2 1/2 hours burning 1100 calories, my kitty just needs a bath. Don't hate.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    ladymiseryali :
    Not all women shave. There's nothing wrong with that. The beautiful and amazing Amanda Palmer comes to mind. She wears her hair everywhere!

    Ha! that was awesome!

    I've had a number of hairy, active partners in my time. Not. A. Big. Deal.

    Grownups have hair, sweat, the occasional stink, and bits of their bodies that can get gnarly with use.

    I'm a fan of hers and her hairiness just makes her all the more awesome. lol. I personally shave because I find hair ON ME to be icky. However, my feet are not in the best shape. Cracked heels and one of my toes sticks out funny because I broke it years ago. Plus, I'm aware of my own scent down south and it's normal. lol.
  • grim_traveller
    grim_traveller Posts: 627 Member
    Oh, please. I'd be willing to bet the worst women's locker room is like a walk through a meadow on a bright spring morning compared to any men's locker room. Take a deep breath in a men's locker room and you'd need several shots and have to log an extra 100 calories for whatever got inhaled.

    To paraphrase Paulie Walnuts, "Your average men's (locker room")is a ****ing sewer. You look at lady's (locker rooms) you can eat maple walnut ice cream from the toilets."
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