Secrets of thin people...



  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    Love4Fitness thank you for this post. I liked it. The point is to stay "not fat" requires a concious effort when thinking about foods and eating strategies and this article has some very good points. It reminds me of Bethany Frankel's "Naturally Thin" which I have gotten a lot of good ideas from as well.

    So what that the term thin may not always equal healthy? Sometimes it does mean healthy, probably more often than not. The term big does not mean healthy either. I would be considered thin now by comparison to my old self, and I'm quite healthy and my doctors are quite happy with the change.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    Love4Fitness thank you for this post. I liked it. The point is to stay "not fat" requires a concious effort when thinking about foods and eating strategies and this article has some very good points. It reminds me of Bethany Frankel's "Naturally Thin" which I have gotten a lot of good ideas from as well.

    So what that the term thin may not always equal healthy? Sometimes it does mean healthy, probably more often than not. The term big does not mean healthy either. I would be considered thin now by comparison to my old self, and I'm quite healthy and my doctors are quite happy with the change.

    Thank you. You completely grasped the point. I wasn't trying to be offensive, nor do I think there is anything inherently offensive about the word "THIN," so I appreciate your post.
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    You did not write the original post, did you? ( I hope not).. I dont think using "thin people" term helps anybody and it does not even mean anything ( at least to me)..I would hate to classify myself as thin. Just sayin

    You are thin. Just sayin. I'm not sure what else you'd classify yourself as. Pull your panties out of your crack and move on.
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    Not a bad article - there's certainly some good information there that I'm sure at least a few people aren't aware of... Though, I do think most of that stuff is common sense. lol.

    Thanks for posting. :)
  • surromom2010
    surromom2010 Posts: 457 Member
    I thought that was pretty interesting. But then again noone pissed in my wheaties this morning so I have no rage against a word like "thin"
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    Not a bad article - there's certainly some good information there that I'm sure at least a few people aren't aware of... Though, I do think most of that stuff is common sense. lol.

    Thanks for posting. :)

    Yeah--some is common sense. I like the fact that it acknowledged genetics to an extent as well as somewhat dispelled the idea of NATURALLY thin--showing that thin people are often proactive about keeping themselves thin.
  • Jxnsmma
    Jxnsmma Posts: 919 Member
    2 of the thinnest people I know exist on coffee and cigarettes. To me its not about thin, its about overall health. They will still be thin in theri thin little coffins when they die from their extreme thinness.
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    Not a bad article - there's certainly some good information there that I'm sure at least a few people aren't aware of... Though, I do think most of that stuff is common sense. lol.

    Thanks for posting. :)

    Yeah--some is common sense. I like the fact that it acknowledged genetics to an extent as well as somewhat dispelled the idea of NATURALLY thin--showing that thin people are often proactive about keeping themselves thin.

    Me too - and the stress bit. I still know lots of women that are unaware of the fact that stress can make it a lot harder to lose weight, which is kind of funny because most people stress so much more when they're "dieting".
  • meeka472
    meeka472 Posts: 283 Member
    Thanks for posting this info. It is very good info and I believe it to be very true.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    2 of the thinnest people I know exist on coffee and cigarettes. To me its not about thin, its about overall health. They will still be thin in theri thin little coffins when they die from their extreme thinness.

    Sounds like the thinnest people you know are anorexic or have bigger issues. Again, no one equated thin with healthy.
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    Wow - this post thread has really gotten off topic with all the snarky comments!

    So - subsitute the word "healthy" for 'thin" and let's go from there. Secrets of Heathy People

    1- favor bulky foods - like salads that you can eat a lot of it without a lot of calories
    2- watch portion sizes
    3- take care of yourself - sometimes that will mean putting yourself first
    4- it's only 30% genetic
    5- don't skip meals
    6- limit options - the more types of food that are available (for a meal the more we'll eat - i.e. stay away from buffets!
    7- live in Colorado - they seem to prioritize health and fitness
    8- don't sit still - move more!
    9- don't skip breakfast (oh no - I can hear it coming.....)
    10- enjoy your food
    11- practice early intervention - take action when the scale starts creeping up, don't wait until tht OMG moment
    12 - do what works for you - integrate good habits into your lifestyle

    It all makes sense to me. Yes, even the "don't skip breaksfast" one.
  • MemphisKitten
    MemphisKitten Posts: 878 Member
  • eatcleanNtraindirty
    eatcleanNtraindirty Posts: 444 Member
    Do you think being thin is relative? Meaning can you 'feel' thin and not look thin or visa versa? People who are 'thin' say they have and feel 'fat days', when in reality they are 'thin'.

    Does thin equate to BMI or Body Fat %? The term skinny fat is often thrown around due to more of a health dynamic than a weight/number.

    This is a good article and sounds like it was researched rather well. Kudos to OP (even if you did unfriend me) :)

    I think thin can definitely be relative --different people have different standards and frames of reference. I don't think that objective thinness is even necessary--people should aspire to the body that = healthy AND confident. Whatever thin means to them is irrelevant--I simply liked the principles and message of the article.

    Thin can definitely be relative. I think "thin" is a much better word to describe HEALTHY people in an article like that rather than "skinny"

    IMHO I think thin should be more related to overrall BF% rather than BMI... many people can be listed as "overweight" according to BMI but have lower BF% than people who are the "correct" weight for their height. I for example, am overweight according to the BMI scale :'( but as far as I can tell I am not fat...

    There are plenty of people who are "skinny fat" meaning that they may appear to be thin, but have high BF%. I see this a lot in 5k/10k participants who are exercising frequently but have bought into the garbage "recovery" drinks that groups/companies like P90X, Insanity, and GNC promote. These drinks have a TON of carbs and sugar and barely any protein. Carbs are so easy to get from our normal diet and they are super cheap! The reason why they sell these "recovery" drinks is because they can sell them at the same price a lean whey protein can be bought for. But the lean whey protein (say 30g protein and 1-5g carbs) cost the manufacturer TWICE the price that they can make some **** high carb/low protein drink for.
    Lower cost to produce + sold at same price of lean whey = HUGE profits.

    Sorry I went a little off topic with that one...
  • whiteheaddg
    whiteheaddg Posts: 325 Member
    oh no you didn't... wanna thumb wrestle?

    I got an edge cause I have fat thumbs...

    Well You gotta work on your thumbs Mikey. They have to be wanna be cool, dont ya

    huh? Did I miss something? Did someone say thin = cool? Did someone say that everyone should aspire to thinness? No and no. Why are your taking issue with the message? I don't see any logical reason. You're upset about the use of a term? Is SKINNY better? Thin is a descriptor of a specific type of physique --what's your issue with it?

    I'd like to go on record with saying that I'm THIN and COOL.

    ...that's all...just wanted to say that...please continue...
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    Options's another anger thread.
  • Cheri_Moves
    Cheri_Moves Posts: 625 Member
    I'm not about to read through all the crap, but love, you are amazing! You are such an inspiration to so many... This article was great, awesome tips for many of us striving for lower body fat! Lower body fat/ more definition/ better body composition= thinner. Any way you wanna cut it.
  • swolegirlcb
    this whole post is stupid
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    Wow - this post thread has really gotten off topic with all the snarky comments!

    So - substitute the word "healthy" for 'thin" and let's go from there. Secrets of Healthy People

    Exactly! Thin, healthy, fit....whatever you wanna call it. The list makes sense to me! Thanks for sharing :)
  • thesarahsundae
    thesarahsundae Posts: 240 Member
    I hate the words "thin people" WTF does that even mean. Thin is not always healthy. And healthy is not always thin..

    Couldn't agree more.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member