"Did you know that running is bad for your boobs?"



  • ecw3780
    ecw3780 Posts: 608 Member
    To piggyback on this topic... Does anyone have any suggestions for good, supportive sports bras for larger busted women?

    You should start a thread with this topic. I've seen some suggestions for "regular" bras on MFP threads, but I'm a 38DD (and bigger during my week) and would love to find a sports bra that fits.

    Intimacy sells amazing bras for larger chests. I have always been a two sports bra girl until I went to Intimacy.
  • mommanurse33
    mommanurse33 Posts: 189 Member
    So is having children... I run and have given birth twice. Guess I'm in big trouble. LOL:laugh:
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    To piggyback on this topic... Does anyone have any suggestions for good, supportive sports bras for larger busted women?

    Enell bras are THE BEST for a large bust, but they're pricy. They are definitely worth it though.
  • OkieinMinny
    OkieinMinny Posts: 834 Member
    Someone has been watching too much Baywatch.

  • IamBlackMamba
    OP, please don't let your cousin's urban legend dissuade you from running.

    I ran track throughout my high school and my college careers and still am a very avid "cardio queen" to this day.

    I would recommend investing in some good quality "high impact" sports bras/tops and double up if you need more support (I do!)

    You and your boobs will be fine!

    Good luck and have fun!
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    What.. but... how... what? WHAT?
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    I wouldn't say running is bad for boobs, but my boobs are bad for running. These girls move around way too much even double bagged. I do cardio, but running and jumping jacks are not high on my list of things I like to participate in. OUCH.
  • ksraider
    ksraider Posts: 107
    To piggyback on this topic... Does anyone have any suggestions for good, supportive sports bras for larger busted women?

    Moving Comfort brand, Juno style. Best job bra ever! Nothing moves, you are strapped in tight.
  • perfectingpatti
    perfectingpatti Posts: 1,037 Member
    What.. but... how... what? WHAT?

    Think about it, Nicole. When you run, your boobs go up and down, thus causing a stretching reaction. After just a few months, they stretch out, "sag" if you will. Keep it up, and they'll be down to your waist. Don't run. Just don't.
  • Laurej
    Laurej Posts: 227
    LuLu Lemon makes an awesome sports bra called the TaTa Tamer... trust me mine don't move a bit :)
  • agil113
    I have larger boobs, the way I deal with it is to sometimes just wear multiple bras. It is often hard to find one sports bra that provides full support so I would put on a cotton normal bra, and then a tight sports bra over the top. Keeps those babies in place. I don't know whether it is good for them or not, but I just hate having them bouncing around!
  • BSchoberg
    BSchoberg Posts: 712 Member
    Get FITTED!!! You're probably wearing the wrong size! I was shocked when they put me in a D cup (been a C all my life - I thought), but good Lord, it's perfect! Moving Comfort - love 'em! I've already had to buy a 38 because the 40 had gotten too big even on the tightest set of hooks... but so worth every penny!
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    I particularly love this when I hear it from friends or family who have never run a day in their lives and who struggle with weight problems. I generally reply: "You know what else is bad for your breasts, knees, joints, internal organs, etc? Being sedentary. Also being overweight."

    This is the first thing I thought of too. I'd rather be thinner and running a few miles every day then sitting on my @ss at 300 pounds where I was!
    Babies - having them balloon to twice their size while pregnant and nursing, then nursing for a year *times two kids* - THAT wase bad for my boobs.

    Fat loss - losing a lot of body fat... THAT was bad for my boobs.

    Running? Those puppies are crammed into my sports bra so tight that there is NO WAY it will have any noticeable effect... tho I do look like I end up with cleavage...

    Yeah, RUNNING is NOT bad for my boobs.
    Or at least, not what I have LEFT!!!

    And this! LOL :laugh:
  • claporte69
    Lululemon has Tata Tamers which are great..best ones I ever found
  • MtnKat
    MtnKat Posts: 714
    Holy crap!

    If I keep running, I may have to learn how to pick them up off the ground so I don't step on them! What will I do??

    And it doesn't matter....guys will still want to see your boobs....even if they are dragging on the ground lol.
  • Eleisabelle
    I had someone tell me that I should stop running because it would make my face sag and make me look old.

    :huh: Neh. Age makes your face sag, but running doesn't accelerate that process noticeably.

    What's more likely is that, if you don't wear adequate sun protection, the sun and wind CAN cause the skin of your face to age faster. But that happens whether or not you run. Outdoor runners just have a higher chance of it because, well, they run... outdoors.

    So wear sunscreen and shade your face with a running cap and you'll be fine. Or you can run inside on a treadmill. But running won't make your face sag any more than it already will.
  • claporte69
    To piggyback on this topic... Does anyone have any suggestions for good, supportive sports bras for larger busted women?

    Lululemon has a great one: tata tamers.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I'm 40 and a runner, and my boobs could be stunt boobs for a teenager.
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    If that's true, we'd better abstain from 95% of athletic/healthy activity out there. I've yet to do any vigorous activity that didn't have my girls bouncing around like a couple of big rubber balls. I'm with most of the ladies on here, invest in some good sports bras and keep the exercise.
    CINDYRN33 Posts: 148 Member
    I went on a quest to Academy and tried on every single sports bra I could get in a 38D to find the most supportive/comfortable one! I got an Under Armor one that is soooooooooooo amazing! I love it! Is very comfortable and holds the girls in place!

    I agree with this!