"Did you know that running is bad for your boobs?"



  • nis75p06
    nis75p06 Posts: 114
    Enell is my fav. The uni-boob look isn't attractive, but NOTHING moves!
  • Laurej
    Laurej Posts: 227
    Lululemon has Tata Tamers which are great..best ones I ever found

    Aren't they amazing! I tried all the high impact sports bras. After finding TaTa tamers I was so thrilled! Plus they r cute! and no uniboob :)
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    On a side note, I can't believe there are almost two pages of comments on a thread about boobs, but I have yet to see any comments from the guys asking for photos of bouncing bazooms. :laugh:
  • thedreamhazer
    thedreamhazer Posts: 1,156 Member
    I had someone tell me that I should stop running because it would make my face sag and make me look old.

    :huh: Neh. Age makes your face sag, but running doesn't accelerate that process noticeably.

    What's more likely is that, if you don't wear adequate sun protection, the sun and wind CAN cause the skin of your face to age faster. But that happens whether or not you run. Outdoor runners just have a higher chance of it because, well, they run... outdoors.

    So wear sunscreen and shade your face with a running cap and you'll be fine. Or you can run inside on a treadmill. But running won't make your face sag any more than it already will.

    I probably should have specified that I don't BELIEVE that running will make my face sag. I just thought it was ridiculous that somebody took it upon herself to "warn" me that running is going to make me ugly, lol. The level of cattiness there is mega.

    I don't think stupid myths about cosmetics should deter you from being healthy. I also lift weights even though the same person told me I was going to look like Arnold if I did heavy weights at low reps.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    What.. but... how... what? WHAT?

    Think about it, Nicole. When you run, your boobs go up and down, thus causing a stretching reaction. After just a few months, they stretch out, "sag" if you will. Keep it up, and they'll be down to your waist. Don't run. Just don't.

  • gtlightning98
    gtlightning98 Posts: 10 Member
    So if guys run unsupported maybe it'll actually help us out?!
  • dawn2313
    dawn2313 Posts: 125 Member
    "Your boobs are big so you can't run." BULL.

    It irritates me when people say that. It's basically saying anyone with big boobs are doomed? (Drastic, but whatever) Anyone else who loves running would agree with me. It's a release. All you need is a good sports bra and you're set! I got mine at lulu lemon and it's great! I'd recommend getting them from any sports/fitness shop, they may be more expensive but it's the support you need so it's worth it in the end. :)
  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member
    Just as I suspected! Another reason not to do it!
  • namluv
    namluv Posts: 194 Member
    For me (36DD) the Tata Tamer took 2nd place in the bounce test - first went to Hold It Against Me
  • soehlerking
    soehlerking Posts: 589 Member
    Not running makes my *kitten* sag.
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    Not running makes my *kitten* sag.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :sad: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    These 36DD's love Moving Comfort's Mia. No bouncing at all and no uni-boob.
  • jen10st
    jen10st Posts: 325 Member
    So if guys run unsupported maybe it'll actually help us out?!
    waaaahahahahahahahahaha! Genius!
    Seriously though I wear a high impact sports bra because without it it is painful. Strengthening your chest muscles will help keep them perky but aslong as you keep the girls well supported you shouldn't have a problem and with muscle toning they should even get better.
  • arifrancesca
    "Oh, I've been meaning to tell you: do you know that running is bad for your boobs? It helps them to sag more. Never will I run".

    I got this comment from my cousin and I have read this before in websites. I am quite content to run regardless, because of the way it engages my body in physical work and it especially helps me when my mind is overwhelmed with loneliness and feelings of self-doubt. Plus it has helped me lose weight where worrying about the firmness of my breasts has not.

    My resolve is that I have to purchase sports bras what provide good support. The condition of the skin on my breasts isn't very good from all the weight gain and weight loss over the years (at my heaviest, I was 60, 70 lbs heavier than today). For this, I can try to replenish the skin with lotions and stuff. But for now it feels like I cannot compromise overall fitness and health over a physical flaw that isn't really a flaw but a reality for a woman's body.

    I am admitting things about my body that I would normally be embarrassed to say to friends or family so openly. If anybody was some suggestions or opinions about this issue, you are welcome to add your opinion.

    Sounds like someone is jealous of your motivation and is putting you down to make themselves feel better about being lazy.
  • MelissaGraham7
    MelissaGraham7 Posts: 405 Member
    I'm 58 and my boobs still get good looks <grin> That's ridiculous. Although for comfort, I highly recommend a good sports bra. I grew up in the 70's during the burning of the bra revolution. Years of no bras which supposedly was also bad for you. NOT. TRUE. silly people. :laugh:
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    I had someone tell me that I should stop running because it would make my face sag and make me look old.

    :huh: Neh. Age makes your face sag, but running doesn't accelerate that process noticeably.

    What's more likely is that, if you don't wear adequate sun protection, the sun and wind CAN cause the skin of your face to age faster. But that happens whether or not you run. Outdoor runners just have a higher chance of it because, well, they run... outdoors.

    So wear sunscreen and shade your face with a running cap and you'll be fine. Or you can run inside on a treadmill. But running won't make your face sag any more than it already will.

    I probably should have specified that I don't BELIEVE that running will make my face sag. I just thought it was ridiculous that somebody took it upon herself to "warn" me that running is going to make me ugly, lol. The level of cattiness there is mega.

    I don't think stupid myths about cosmetics should deter you from being healthy. I also lift weights even though the same person told me I was going to look like Arnold if I did heavy weights at low reps.

    :noway: :laugh: :laugh: I'd love to meet said individual. Everything said so far has me just rolling lol
  • 00Melyanna00
    00Melyanna00 Posts: 221 Member
    While I don't think it's true (just wear the right bra, make sure that everything is held firmly in place and you will be fine), even if it were... who cares? Running lowered my heart rate enough to get me off the beta blockers. I don't have tachicardia and palpitations any more and I feel happy about myself, because of the things I achieved. Who cares if boobs aren't high up any more?
    I'd rather have a healthy heart and low boobs, than the opposite.
  • muscravageur
    I'm with you. After nursing for a year, when my boobs on a daily basis would inflate to DDDs and deflate to Ds depending on how full of milk they were, my boobs will never be the same! But I ran through all that and I'm still running today. My advice to you is to get a great bra. There are bras out there that will stop the bounce 100%. Then you won't have to worry about running doing any harm to your precious ladies.

    If you find a cream or something that helps, PLEASE let me know. I use Palmer's Cocao Butter which helps the quality of the skin, but there is only so much improvement that I'm seeing with that.

    I was recommended this http://usa.loccitane.com/almond-supple-skin-oil,82,1,29230,262124.htm
  • thesarahsundae
    thesarahsundae Posts: 240 Member
    You have got to be kidding me. :noway:
  • heagler870
    heagler870 Posts: 280 Member
    Yes, it can be bad for your breasts. I have huge boobs and I wear 2 bras while jogging plus a tight cami to strap them down. It really helps so hopefully I'm not contributing to any more tissue damage!