Smokin' Hot Green Pepper's 1/22 wk 4



  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Sorry been MIA, DS is having trouble with her heart again and then I got food posioning.Back on for the moment. Sorry to hear all the stuff thats been happening. What a way to start the New year with a bang. Well hope this means the rest of the year should only get better
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    Morning all, just choking down an egg and tortilla and planning on getting some coffee going here. I have plenty of housework to do today but my monster child is not wanting me to... plus the 20 gallon fish tank is not looking real pretty and the hubby is not getting the hint:grumble: I feel like a one man band here lately and I didnt sign up for it to be this way WHILE HE IS HOME! so I am angry about that.
    got a little time in at teh gym yesterday, got to admit that I love going without my kids! because the junk equiptment that they put in there for the moms is not up to par! Yesterday I did a curcuit training including rowing maching, eliptical,stair master, bike, and rowing some more..... Hate to be in that room but glad that i ended up going.
    Want to go today but have to work in older daughters class for 1-320 and have little monster daughter until 1210 maybe I can get home and do a good walk down to the water with the pups taht would be fun! Ill see. Wishing that we could have skating lastnight! missing that burning feeling, but no money for that right now.
    Anyhow everyone! hope taht you have a great day!
    Ill check in later
    Kelly-come to my house theres nothing good to eat here! :laugh: i think i am starving the last few days, the only thing left is jenieo turkey burgers and Im not meat eating! so Im SOL
    Barb~He was supposed to be a purse dog but hes too macho for that lol but he loves to go everywhere with me and bark at every tree he sees.Great job at curves I keep thinking about joining.
    Sindy~ glad that you are feeling better:)
    Jacque~Hope taht everything turns out ok with DS, Im praying for your family, hope that you get to feeling better too Ive heard that food poisioning is rotten:sick:
    Hugs to all
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    My fellow green peppers, I ask that you all pray for my sister, her name is Meredith. She found out today that she needs a pacemaker. She is only 45. the surgery will be next week. not sure what day yet but I will let you know. Will try to be on but, well u know. Will be spending as much time as I can with her.
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Hi All

    Jacque - sad news about your sister. Keep us informed and we'll keep her in prayer.

    Sindy - good to hear you're feeling better.

    Miss V - The Curves works for some folks. I first saw the program and thought this isn't going to work for me. A year later I walked back in thinking I'm desperate for a change.
    What I like about the program is women only and in 30 minutes it's a complete workout. There's a "smart" computer that tells you how well you worked your muscles and how many calories you burned. My location is very social. What I don't like is the hours of my location. If they would stay open just a bit longer in the evening....

    Speaking of which, if I don't leave now I won't make it in time. Last workout 7pm. It's 6:36pm now. Gotta drive away.
    Take care
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Here's the link for 1/29! I'll check back in later...gettin ready to go haul precious cargo!! :heart: