Serious question for the swingers.....



  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    Seriously, why are these discussions even on here? This is a diet and exercise website. But since I'm reading this, I shall give my opinion. This society has lost sight of what the sanctity of marriage really is. I have seen COUNTLESS marriages end while "swinging" just because they thought they needed some excitement. One I know of, even went on to have sex with her BEST FRIEND"S HUSBAND! It truly disgusts me that this world takes marriage so lightly. In this world of "if it feels good, do it", we have truly lost sight of what a REAL marriage is. And I tell you what, I have 4 kids (a daughter and three boys) one of the main things I try to instill in them is that marriage is a COMMITTMENT to one person, for LIFE. ANd that is will not always be romance and roses. Times will be hard and marriage is work. And you do not just throw in the towel because things are not what you thought they'd be.

    Spoken like a True Christian :flowerforyou:

    and we all know all christians have perfect marriges that NEVER EVER end in divorce
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    I am not going to look for or join a swingers group as I am happily married.

    What makes you think that being happily married precludes swinging?

    As I have learned from some of my friends on here some people may be able to separate sex as a completely physical act with no emotional tie etc. I for one could not....So by being married I am not willing to explore (or even give the image of exploring by joining said group) the swinger lifestyle. I did have a question which I do feel has been answered and I can see where some people would be able to do this and why they still get married.

    I'm not attacking your motivation for the thread. I saw your statement as exposing a fundamental ignorance (which isn't a bad thing as you *are* asking) and sought to expose it.

    Now, what makes you think that you need to be able to separate out emotional ties to be a happily married swinging couple? Are swingers who care about their other partners bad swingers?
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I don't equate sex with love unless I'm having sex with someone I love.
  • ilikepandasyay
    ilikepandasyay Posts: 96 Member
    I am not going to look for or join a swingers group as I am happily married.

    What makes you think that being happily married precludes swinging?

    As I have learned from some of my friends on here some people may be able to separate sex as a completely physical act with no emotional tie etc. I for one could not....So by being married I am not willing to explore (or even give the image of exploring by joining said group) the swinger lifestyle. I did have a question which I do feel has been answered and I can see where some people would be able to do this and why they still get married.

    I totally support your decision. If you want to be mono, be mono. It is a perfectly valid lifestyle for some people.

    I also happen to think my lifestyle is perfectly valid for some people. Including me :) I'm glad to see that you agree!
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I have alot of swinger friends, alot !! We are the only couple in our friend circle that dont join them.

    I think ( again just my opinion) that people get bored and want something exciting, but they still love their spouse.

    This. You can still love and wanted to be married to your spouse but enjoy sex with others. Some people just purely have lots of loving to give. Sex does NOT equal love.
  • Scott
    Scott Posts: 204 MFP Staff
    Sorry folks,

    I had locked this topic to review it. Then had to deal with a family emergency and neglected to unlock it. It is now unlocked. Please keep the conversation on topic and civil as has been done to this point.

    MyFitnessPal Staff
  • dumbbanana
    Sorry folks,

    I had locked this topic to review it. Then had to deal with a family emergency and neglected to unlock it. It is now unlocked. Please keep the conversation on topic and civil as has been done to this point.

    MyFitnessPal Staff

    Hope everything is ok!
  • Chapter3point6
    Woo Hoo. Let's get back to the swinging!

  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Woo Hoo. Let's get back to the swinging!


    This made me lol :laugh:
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Seriously, why are these discussions even on here? This is a diet and exercise website. But since I'm reading this, I shall give my opinion. This society has lost sight of what the sanctity of marriage really is. I have seen COUNTLESS marriages end while "swinging" just because they thought they needed some excitement. One I know of, even went on to have sex with her BEST FRIEND"S HUSBAND! It truly disgusts me that this world takes marriage so lightly. In this world of "if it feels good, do it", we have truly lost sight of what a REAL marriage is. And I tell you what, I have 4 kids (a daughter and three boys) one of the main things I try to instill in them is that marriage is a COMMITTMENT to one person, for LIFE. ANd that is will not always be romance and roses. Times will be hard and marriage is work. And you do not just throw in the towel because things are not what you thought they'd be.

    But what is a real marriage? Through most and much of history, it was about property, ownership. Guess who was property in the equation? At other times, it was purely societal alliances; forging connections through families, expanding property, money, and trade. It was very political, economical. Want to throw in religion? Please refer to multiple holy books to see exactly where "love" connects to marriage (And guess what? Solomon wrote that love poem everyone likes to read at weddings, and he had multiple wives). So, marriage has been political, religious, and societal... and when people want it to be about love and healthy sexuality, whatever that may be (religious, polyamourous, swinging, BDSM, whatever)... they've "lost" sight of something? What, lost sight of antiquated, highly unequal partnerships?

    The thing is--what works for you doesn't work for everyone. Vice-versa happens, too. Those marriages ending because of swinging? Sounds like swinging was an attempt for them to solve an existing problem, or in some cases, was ONE person finding they enjoyed the lifestyle more than the other... something that, unfortunately, was not solved before marriage. Oftentimes this happens because current Western society (specifically the US) is so against sex and talking about sex and learning about sex and understanding sex, that people go into marriage not fully knowing their sexuality. Hell, if they find out and make it work during, that's great.

    But don't use an anecdote to make a generalization. That's just not logically sound.

    And OP, Dan Savage is a pretty well known advice columnist, specifically on sex, love, and relationships. He's about as objective as they come (usually). Give him a read or listen.
  • ilikepandasyay
    ilikepandasyay Posts: 96 Member
    Woo Hoo. Let's get back to the swinging!


    *right click, save as*
  • nphect
    nphect Posts: 474
    Sorry folks,

    I had locked this topic to review it. Then had to deal with a family emergency and neglected to unlock it. It is now unlocked. Please keep the conversation on topic and civil as has been done to this point.

    MyFitnessPal Staff

    what in the hell are you holding the new ipad? lol
  • Dub_D
    Dub_D Posts: 1,760 Member
    To me, it's morally wrong, and I can't wrap my head around it. One man is good enough for me.

    If a couple can be happily married and both want the same thing (to be swingers) then it's really none of my business, but my brain can't help thinking "WTF is wrong with these people." Then I tell it to shut up and carry on.
  • SeaChele77
    SeaChele77 Posts: 1,103 Member
    I have not read all the replies, but let me say that swinging is somewhat the norm around here. Men/men, Men/Women, Women/women and all mixtures.

    My husband and I do not participate, but we have MANY friends who do. They love/adore their spouse (SO), but they love the excitment of having other people too. They have a real emotional connection with their spouse, but to them sex is just....well sex. Fun, primal, no strings attached - just SEX!! Marriage is not all about sex - there is a much deeper bond. And if two people care to expand of their sexual boundries with other partners, I do not think that means they love their spouse less. It takes a lot of trust and love to be able to swing ( I would think) - so it gives them what they want/need to be be it!!
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I'm poly, not a swinger. I got married because I want to share the rest of my life with my husband. Being with one person doesn't have to mean you're not with other people, if that's agreed on.

    You have room for family, kids, friends, work, etc. in your life. Why can't you have room for more love (or sex?).

    What is the main difference between poly and swinger?.....I am assuming poly stands for polyamorous......which I would take to mean love many...

    disease/ emotional attachment/ body image issues / confusion

    I do not think everyone has the ability to completely separate sex as a strictly physical thing.

    Swingers have sex with people/couples etc for fun.
    Poly is to open your heart to other people. Poly's come in different relationship forms as well (3's, 4's and more).

    Agree with the above. I have an old friend who is polyamorous...he and I have had lengthy discussions about what it means, how it's different from swinging, etc. The lifestyle is still not for me, personally, but I understand and respect his and his wife's choices...and I appreciate their honesty (this actually came up because he approached me a while back about entering into a poly relationship with him. We had a thing for each other in high school that we never acted on). I opted to not change our friendship, but I do have to say I learned a lot...and I believe the lifestyle can work very well for those who choose it and live by it honestly.
  • BeingAwesome247
    BeingAwesome247 Posts: 1,171 Member
    Hey to each their own haha
    It's not something I could do....never was good at sharing lol
    And I've found for me to really enjoy sex, I have to an emotional connection with the person

    If it makes you happy and you aren't hurting people, then cheers
    After all few mammals actually mate for life....
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Not everyone sees sex as love.

    Many people, especially those growing up in the hippy era of cali, and by their parents, were raised differently.
    For me, growing up, sex was seen as an extra curricular activity. It wasn't something "You save yourself for the one you married"
    "saving yourself for marriage" was antiquated, out dated and even looked down upon. I simply was not raised to see sex the way the majority of people were. Even now.. I don't equate the two.

    keep in mind, not everyone was raised with the traditional view of sex when you contemplate this.

    Frikkin hippies!
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    But what is a real marriage? Through most and much of history, it was about property, ownership.

    Ah, those were the days!
  • SuffolkSally
    SuffolkSally Posts: 964 Member
    Does anyone care? If iti's open and with mutual consent then fine. If not and it's cheating then it's wrong. Would never be my choice and I avoid swingers I personally know
  • RainHoward
    RainHoward Posts: 1,599 Member
    feel free to swing on over any time.