300-400 Pound Club



  • Highlanderlover
    I totally get what all of y'all are saying! I know when i first say how much i weight. I got so depressed! I was like how can this be! But then i realized that me being depressed isn't going to help the situation!
    Just in the 18 pounds i have lost, i have seen the results in inches. I have lost i think 21 inches since May! and my Night PJ's have gotten very lose on me!
    I tell my BF all the time..."I am so sad that my favorite PJ's are getting lose on me!" and he says "But you are losing inches that is good!" I said I know, but they are my favorite! haha!
    I am losing weight cause their is Diabeties on both sides of the family and Heart Disease on my Dad's side of the family.
    My Grandfather died of Heart failure in his 60's, My dad had a heart attack in his 30's and Died from Heart failure when he was 59, and my Uncle had multipule heart attacks and died when he was 52 of Heart failure.
    So, that scares me and made me think...Ok i need to do something about this!
  • NJGmywholewrld
    NJGmywholewrld Posts: 123 Member
    I too have successfully made it out of the 300-400 pound range. Just take it one day at a time....but most importantly, have faith in yourself!! You have my support if you should need it :0)
  • TreeHugger2013
    TreeHugger2013 Posts: 65 Member
    Hello!!! I also this crazy journey at 327 ... and I have lost 76 lbs. I was down 100 and then everything was just overwhelming and I fell off the wagon. I gained 30 or so back, but I'm here to finish what I started. I refuse to let myself to get where I was when I started ... I feel so much better even where I am right now ... I can't even imagine how awesome I will feel when I reach my goal!

    I can't think about how much I have left to lose ... I think that is what was my problem before. I had lost 100, but I had 80 or so to go and it was just too much. So, now I am just taking it one day at a time and focusing more on how I feel.

    Feel free to add me - I am always up for new friends!! :flowerforyou:
  • Reedikulus
    Highest weight was 376 (Dec 2010) I currently weigh 270, so a 100lbs lost (49 since Joining Mfp) It is totally doable, just remember every single lb puts you closer to your goal. Good luck!!
  • Dad_of_3
    Dad_of_3 Posts: 517 Member
    I've lost 36 pounds so far. I wrote this when I had only lost 14 at the time:


    I have 120 pounds left to lose.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    I'm 315lbs lost some weight gained some back. Always up for added friends who are in the same struggle.
  • MSmooth747
    MSmooth747 Posts: 55 Member
    Well at my heaviest I was 500. When I think of what I have lost I think its amazing and if I had only done this years ago where would I be now.
  • Highlanderlover
    Well at my heaviest I was 500. When I think of what I have lost I think its amazing and if I had only done this years ago where would I be now.

    WOW! that is amaz-balls! Congrats on the weight lost!
  • Sean_The_IT_Guy
    My heaviest was 316, and I'm now at 278 (as of last weigh in). I only want to get down to 250, as I'm 6'6" and muscular. I'm looking more at getting down under 17% bodyfat, and wherever my weight is at that time I'll be happy with.

    I think when one aims for a life long change of mental scenery, rather than just a "work to lose" mentality, then the rate of weight loss and time-to-goal becomes less overwhelming.
  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    I am not in this club now, but I was a very short time ago. I started losing weight in March of this year, at 338 pounds. I am now 238. It is very overwhelming at first, because even if you lose a few pounds, it is hard not to think of how many more there are. But those few pounds here and there do add up, much quickly than you expect! Just get you plan, and stick with it. You can do it! There are a ton of people here who started out much higher and have accomplished so much!
    Way to go Deb!

    Thank you
  • lOvInLiFeLaTiNa
  • fallbrawl
    my highest weight was 504. I seen a picture of myself and my sister at my grandpa's funeral and i could not believe how big i was. Since then i have stopped eating junk food and drinking soda. I keep poster of my favorite wrestlers on my wall to keep me going.
  • Highlanderlover
    my highest weight was 504. I seen a picture of myself and my sister at my grandpa's funeral and i could not believe how big i was. Since then i have stopped eating junk food and drinking soda. I keep poster of my favorite wrestlers on my wall to keep me going.

    I know how you feel! I have seen pictures of me, that people of taken. I am just like....Really, Jessica! Get it together! But it also motivates me too!
    I stopped drinking Soda and only drink Tea and Water and i lost like 15 pounds, just from that!
    Who is your favorite Wrestler?
  • rubberbiscuit
    I started this at 337. I try not to think about my ultimate goal weight, my count down under my message here is to when I reach 250. When I reach that, I'll set a new goal, probably 225. Eventually I'll reach my overall goal weight of 160. I find the thought of losing 180 pounds daunting, but losing 80 seems doable. Good luck to you.
  • tiff_doubleu
    Hello! When I started my weight loss journey, I was at my heaviest = 389 lbs. I have lost 21 pounds so far. It feels like just a drop from the massive bucket of weight I need to lose. I agree that every day is a challenge to keep your mind positive and motivated. If your budget allows it, I highly recommend seeing a nutritionist/ trainer/ therapist of some sort. The accountability from an unbiased 3rd party will help keep you motivated and on track. Family and friends are a must have for a support team, but sometimes they may not be able to give you the tough love you really need sometimes. I currently see a nutritionist and therapist. Christmas is coming up - I'm asking for mooola to see a trainer at my gym. If you have a Planet Fitness in your area -- check it out. It is the first gym that I have gone to and I don't feel like I'm being judged as I'm huffing and puffing and sweating on the treadmill.

    Here are a few motivational quotes that I have posted in my bedroom and bathroom for a daily reminder:

    "Change happens when the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change"

    "The pain you are feeling now is nothing compared to the incredible joy to come"

    "Between the stimulus and the response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies out growth and our freedom"

    "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" Philippians 4:13

    Best of luck to you, girl!! We've got this!! :)
  • Highlanderlover
    I have started a Group for us! Just go to Groups and it is listed as 300-400 Pound Club and Join
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    Well at my heaviest I was 500. When I think of what I have lost I think its amazing and if I had only done this years ago where would I be now.
    Wow what an awesome change you've made in your life!
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    I started my journey on March 15th 2012 at 548.8lbs, and I currently weigh 430lbs. I agree that having a massive amount of weight to lose is QUITE intimidating, and I would be lying if I said I didn't sometimes feel discouraged or look in the mirror and think of just how badly being morbidly obese for so long has disfigured my body. I try and just take things a day at a time, the days are gonna go by anyway right? May as well do something positive for myself in the process. I find that if I focus on the fact that I need to lose over 200lbs I become unmotivated and feel that it's impossible or "too late", so I just make small goals (5lbs at a time) and do my best to reach them.

    It takes lots of patience. I think back of where I was a couple of months ago, and I'm just so grateful to be where I am right now at this moment. I was unable to walk, stand, sleep, every single movement was painful and in all honesty I just wanted to die. I knew that if I didn't do something about my weight that dying was inevitable, so I came here and poured my heart out and to my surprise found people that didn't judge me but offered encouragement and support. It saved my life. Obviously I still have a very long way to go, but even if I never make it to the 100's at least I know I'm in a better place than I was yesterday.

    You can do this sweetie! :flowerforyou:
    Way to go! You are kickin butt!
  • Ronij59
    Ronij59 Posts: 191 Member
    I have read so many of the replies to you with regard to the overwhelming feeling it is to have such a long way to go. I joined the site the first part of October 2012. I love the site. I weighed 271 lbs then. I too have had a real struggle. In September of 2010 I began my journey at loosing weight when I reached 293lbs. I had been diagnosed with Graves Disease ( an auto immune disorder) which causes excessive weight gain. I had gained 50lbs in about 4 months and could not stop. So I got my meds right and began the journey. In June of the following year I had lost 51 lbs! I was elated. Then in July 2011 I fell down the stairs at my daughters home. I injured my ankle, my arm and my knee on the rigth side of my body. No broken bones but really bad sprains. But my knee never got better. I walked on crutches or a cane for the next 9 months and in April of this year I had full knee replacement surgery. So of all the weight I lost I gained 30 back! So my meds went out of wack and my weight started to climb even higher and I said that is enough. So my endrocrynologist put me on a 1200 calorie diet and I was released by my ortho surgeon to be able to walk on my tread mill again and now I am on a new journey. This is something we will all as heavy people work on for the rest of our lives. So NEVER look at it like it is going to take you so long. Look at it like I am going to get there no matter what! Good luck.:flowerforyou:
  • XXbrendaXX
    I started 12 weeks ago at 320 lbs. I needed to lose 150 lbs. :noway: That amount seemed overwhelming! So I am looking at it as I need to lose 50 lbs 3 times. :wink: I am now 265. I made the first 50! 45 lbs to go for the next 50! Somehow makes it seem so much more doable...lol. :tongue: Good luck, you (we!) can do this!!