300-400 Pound Club



  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,350 Member
    I have read so many of the replies to you with regard to the overwhelming feeling it is to have such a long way to go. I joined the site the first part of October 2012. I love the site. I weighed 271 lbs then. I too have had a real struggle. In September of 2010 I began my journey at loosing weight when I reached 293lbs. I had been diagnosed with Graves Disease ( an auto immune disorder) which causes excessive weight gain. I had gained 50lbs in about 4 months and could not stop. So I got my meds right and began the journey. In June of the following year I had lost 51 lbs! I was elated. Then in July 2011 I fell down the stairs at my daughters home. I injured my ankle, my arm and my knee on the rigth side of my body. No broken bones but really bad sprains. But my knee never got better. I walked on crutches or a cane for the next 9 months and in April of this year I had full knee replacement surgery. So of all the weight I lost I gained 30 back! So my meds went out of wack and my weight started to climb even higher and I said that is enough. So my endrocrynologist put me on a 1200 calorie diet and I was released by my ortho surgeon to be able to walk on my tread mill again and now I am on a new journey. This is something we will all as heavy people work on for the rest of our lives. So NEVER look at it like it is going to take you so long. Look at it like I am going to get there no matter what! Good luck.:flowerforyou:
    Amazing determination!! One of my favorite mottos is Success is NEVER giving up! Keep up the good work! :flowerforyou:
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    be back later to read a bit more and comment. :flowerforyou:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,350 Member
    Congrats to you all!!! I wish I could join you all in the group but right now I can't support one more group!! Best wishes to you in the group!!
  • rubberbiscuit

    "Change happens when the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change"

    So true.
  • shygur
    shygur Posts: 171 Member
    I started at 457 lbs and still have a long way to go. But I'm not on a diet, this is a permanent lifestyle change and it comes off when it comes off. I am not really sure how much more I have to lose because I am not sure where I want to be since I have been heavy most of my lifetime. It is much better to look at how far you have come and all the non scale victories that come with it, like being able to walk without a cane, climb a set of stairs without dying, buckle the seatbelt with ease, put the steering wheel in its all the way down position to drive, etc.

    You keep it up and stick with it. My early diaries were full of bad foods but they have gradually gotten better and I actually look forward to cooking and eating better meals that are satisfying. I don't deny myself anything but do keep some things out of my home and only go out to get something where I have much better portion control.

    Keep up the good work.
  • SavageFeast
    SavageFeast Posts: 325 Member
    I'm definitely in this club!

    Highest weight: 400+ lbs.
    MFP starting weight: 394 lbs.
    Current weight: 312 lbs.
    Goal weight: 150 lbs.

    Please add me if you need and give support daily :flowerforyou:
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    I just wanted to say...good for you!! Congrats on your weightloss : )
  • tyrantduck
    tyrantduck Posts: 387 Member
    i started here at 340. i'm down to just about 320 now. it sucks thinking of how much i have to lose, but the way i think of it is... it didn't get there overnight, it won't go away overnight, and i just have to keep working at it if i really want it to go away.
  • rayray61
    rayray61 Posts: 68 Member
    Take it 1 day at a time, good news you are young & abit eaiser for you, even if you don't think so'it is.I started at 381, have lost 4 lbs, tomorrow will be my 2nd weigh in. I'm in TEXAS as well, ever need to chat, I'm here. BE BLESS
  • richellekramer
    I am so glad to have found this thread!

    I started MFP last January 2012 at a weight of 356.
    Today I am at 263.
    I get very frustrated with my body as it is so slow gowing with the weight loss but using the forums on MFP has been so helpful.
    I have an ultimate goal of getting to 199, although I think I might have weighed this amount about 25 years ago.
    I try to remember that EVERY pound lost is an accomplishment.
    My resting pulse is in the 60's, I no longer have to take cholesterol medication, and I get positive feedback almost daily from my co-workers, which helps immensely.
    Keep up the good work and remember, every pound matters.

    I hope to post a few pics once I get to 100 lbs lost. My treat to myself is going to be an upgraded smart phone. Wish me luck!

    (tha'ts me in the picture to the right of my daughter the bride, from July)
  • Slavic_Spice
    Slavic_Spice Posts: 78 Member
    I am not in this club but I just wanted to say that this thread is so positive, with everyone encouraging one another and without negativity. Best of luck to everyone. I learned a lot from reading everyone's responses.
  • agoofynut
    agoofynut Posts: 101 Member
    I started at 340 and now I'm down to 250.4. My best advice is to take it SLOW. Yes, losing fast seems impressive, but don't stress if you don't lose that much (or even gain!) one week. It happens. Gains will happen when you don't "deserve" them, but it will all even out over time. I have a hard time looking much past the next 5 pounds sometimes. Also, don't try to do everything at once. Starting at this size, you'll find you can eat junk (fast food) and still lose. As time goes on, and your calorie goal goes down, you'll find that making the healthier choice comes more naturally simply because you want to eat!!

    Another thing I do is I took the total I wanted to lose and divided it by 12 equal amounts (kinda like a 12-step program). I really celebrate when I hit one of those goals. It just seems so much more managable to me when I was 340 to get to that little goal than to look at it and think about getting to 140 (my ultimate goal). Right now 140 STILL seems a little impossible, but my next mini goal of 240 is looking really doable. After all, that's just 10.4 more pounds! (And 100 total!)

    Good luck, you can do this! Feel free to add me. :)
  • SavageFeast
    SavageFeast Posts: 325 Member
    Here's the link to the 300-400 pound club on MFP: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/forums/show/9240-300-400-pound-club
  • teresacc26
    teresacc26 Posts: 91 Member
    Im 351 right Now...Ive started this journey many times...last time i started i was 260 and stopped and now im 351..If only i had stuck with it i wld b down to mayb my 100s....i kno now that if i dont stop Quitting that ill b in my 400s by next yr...

    Its HARD thinking of All the weight U have to lose but Jus stick with it...U will have days that U feel like sayinf 'fuk it' I have ALOT of them...but I get thru it and keep ging..I JUST got back into this and am More determined than ever now...

    ADD ME Anyone if U like...I welcome any Encouragement and Offer any as well
  • asyrinsgirl
    asyrinsgirl Posts: 55 Member
    My highest weight was 337, a little over four years ago. I knew I needed a change before I ever saw the scale, but I was shocked that I'd let myself get so heavy. I worked my *kitten* off in 2008-2009 and lost almost 80 pounds, down to 249. After that I got into a relationship, got engaged, got married, and through the financial stress and new marriage and switching jobs and excuses and excuses, I realized I'd kind of let myself get back on that road to unhealthy.

    I trained for and completed a half marathon at almost 300lbs (April 2012) and then I fell back again. When my husband and I moved cities in June, I knew it was time to get back on the wagon. I want to be as healthy and prepared as I can be for when we are ready to start a family.

    August 1st of this year I was at 317lbs. Fitter than I was last time around at that weight, but I haven't fit into my last round of "skinny clothes" in over a year. I worked with a trainer for six weeks to help get me jump started, and I'm finding my groove. It's harder this time around, it's more than just me I have to deal with. My husband is not really on this road with me yet, but he's making progress too (quit smoking and kicked his mountain dew habit). Right now I'm at about 303, lifting two or three days a week, and cardio two or three days a week. I love my gym, I love Zumba, and I'm about ready to start getting ready for 5ks again.

    I'd love some more friends with a lot to lose and a long way to go. Feel free to add. :)
    AMWORKOUT1 Posts: 1 Member
    I was 374.8. Now I'm at 159. Still have to lose a few more, but it takes time and dedication.
  • dant98
    dant98 Posts: 5
    I started at MFP coming up on 3 weeks now. I'm trying to form better habits and gradually loose weight for a overall healthier lifestyle.

    I started at 347, my heaviest. I'm now at about 343, so no earth shattering changes yet, but we're headed in the right direction. I've started a fitness schedule, trying to go to the gym every morning M-F. Doing cardio 20-30 minutes every day and strength training M,W,F. I'm hoping that some increase in muscle mass has something to do with why my weight hasn't dropped to significantly yet.

    I'm 32 y/o and 5'11". I've currently set a goal to get down to about 289 lbs in a year, but I think a very healthy weight for me would be more like 220 - 230 in the long term.

  • GeorgieLove708
    GeorgieLove708 Posts: 442 Member
    I started at 324. I don't think of all of the weight I have to lose. Seriously, ever. The few times I did caused binges and stress of epic proportions. I only focus on 15 pounds at a time. When I finish that 15 pounds I celebrate and move on to the next 15. Only 5 pounds to go until I've lost my 3rd set of 15 pounds :)
  • WifedUpMartin
    WifedUpMartin Posts: 167 Member
    I started out at 337 and have lost around 46 pounds so far. There are so many people who have started out weiging less than I do and have lost a TON more weight in the same amount of time that I have (it's been over a year and a half) but I'm thrilled with my weightloss. Sure I'm not losing quickly, but I'm learning how to make healthy choices and live everyday life - celebrate birthdays, anniversaires, holidays etc. I love actually love the fact that I'm losing a little bit slower because it seems it's given my skin a little extra time to adjust. That's one of the things I'm most scared of - that I'm going to have extra skin hanging all over the place. Anyone who reads this - feel free to add me. I'm active everyday (unless I have something major going on in my life) and love to give/get encouragement!
  • jisberg
    At my highest I was 356. I must say that the journey is long and difficult but it really is about putting one foot in front of the other. Exercise is important and it doesn't have to be much. One block, then one 1/2 blocks, then two, and so on. Forgiveness is also a big part of this. Forgive yourself when you fall off but rather than punish yourself by continuing to eat, reward yourself by eating right. Look for long term fixes such as health eating, rather than dieting which is short term and useless. Finally, plan your day around exercise and your food choices rather than planning your day and then trying to fit exercise or food choices in. When you make helath the focus it will work. When you make work, kids, husband, etc the focus you will not win the battle. Once you understand this and embrace the concept....you're going to win your way to a healthier you. Good luck.