200+ (Week 14)

Happy weigh-in day! Let's make this another great week!


  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    Ok, I'm weighing in at 225..But I'm gonna stick with my 224, cause its gotta be water & sodium weight... Bleckkk, I ate turkey breast with sazon & adobo (both reduced sodium) & brown rice. last nite...& tonite Were going out to Chili's to celebrate Bd's bday & my graduation... But gotta get back on track cause monday I weigh in w the nutritionist... Hope everyone does well today!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    This morning's weight: 210.6

    That's down 3.6 pounds from last week!!! Let's take a second though and remember that I was up 2.4 last week, so it sort of evens itself out. I was down as low at 209.0 yesterday morning, but I ate a bit more later in the day yesterday than I had planned, so being up a little bit this morning was natural. VERY HAPPY.

    C25K training went well yesterday. As I said I would do, ran all the 90 sec runs at 5.0, and did the 3min runs faster as well. The first one at 4.5 for 2 minutes, and 5.0 for one (had no problem), and the second time, 45 for 1 min, 5.0 for two (was pretty winded). Looking forward to next week's increased running time. I just know I'll have to start at slow at 4.0 and gradually work my way up.

    Anyone have any big plans for the evening/weekend? Nikki, I hope you have fun out celebrating tonight! No big plans at this point for me. The usual: sleeping in, grocery shopping, rec center, maybe go see a movie or something.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    It's official. I lost another pound and am weighing in at 206 :bigsmile: A friend on the over 40 board posted something that I wanted to pass on. "These past months, I have been feeling better than I haven't in so many years, it is absolutly incredible. Even my sister-in-law, someone I don't see very often, told me so. I may have lost only 6 pounds since last March, I feel a million times better. The scale is a nice tool, but the way one feels and the new clothes one has to buy, in my opinion, says a lot more!" Her quote says it all. It's not the numbers that matter but how you feel. And let me tell you - I feel happy and alive. I can't remember the last time I felt so good. I was living in a fog of self hate and depression before I found MFP and you gals. Thanks ladies.

    Great job on the loss this week Aka :flowerforyou: Glad to hear the C25K training is going so well.

    Nikki have fun tonight.

    Blombie and Makeitallsue - I wish you both good luck with your weigh ins.
  • Prd2bema2
    Prd2bema2 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi All!! I'm new to myfitnesspal.com. I HAVE never weighed this much in my life!! I had injured my back in December 2008 and was unable to work or move for 3 months. Since then, the weight has just packed on! :(

    I started my diet / exercise program last week and weighed in at 235lbs!!! I weighed myself last night and lost 6 lbs! WOO HOO!! I'm excited. There is nothing more that I want, but to be thin and healthy by my 30th B-day!! Well, since it's in April maybe 30 lbs lighter!!

    Need some support!!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Last week 240.0
    Today 237.8

    Not sure why I'm a pound up from yesterday since I stayed well within my calories and sodium yesterday and I did zumba, but oh well. Thats the way the body fluxuates.

    Today is snack day at work. I normally pig out all day but decided to eat my breakfast like usual and that will hopefully cut down on the bad eating.
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    gonna make this short and sweet....warning....I'm annoyed...

    gained a pound since last week. now at 212. so pissed and discouraged. i don't know what I am doing wrong!
    I stay under my calories (within about 100cals), exercise.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    gonna make this short and sweet....warning....I'm annoyed...

    gained a pound since last week. now at 212. so pissed and discouraged. i don't know what I am doing wrong!
    I stay under my calories (within about 100cals), exercise.

    everyone fluxuates for no reason. don't let one pound ruin your day.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Well ladies, Congrats to all that lost weight...hang in there if you gained or stayed the same.
    I stayed the same....I think it has to do with my period, so I'm staying positive, I usually gain this week.

    I do hate the scale though, cus it had me down a pound yesterday..then took it away from me today...weird how your body goes up and down.

    I like what you shared Pinbot, it is true, how yo feel is what really matters!!

    The kids are home again and the grandkids are staying for the weekend, I'll check in as much as I can.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Welcome prd2bema2 :flowerforyou: Our group normally weighs in on Fridays. Congrats on your weight loss this week.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    hey prd2bema2! Jump right in! :smile:
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Yes, fluctuations of a pound or two are normal, and hard to explain, even when you account for calories, sodium, exercise etc. It's obviously always motivating to see the number go down, but as we're all in it for the long haul, it will take time and there will be good weeks (months) and bad ones!

    Great job everyone for sticking with it! You all have been so helpful and motivating!

    Pinbot, I agree. Even if the weight hasn't gone down as much as we would like sometimes, how do you feel? I am feeling amazing! I feel lighter (even when I haven't lost weight for days), and more importantly, so much more content with life. Even with the added stress of a new job, I am looking forward to my days so much more, and am so proud of myself, which is a lot, because I've really been in a funk for years upon years, so this sustained contentness with life is an anomaly for me and it feels amazing!!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    The next time we have snack day at work, someone remind me of how horrible its making me feel today!! omg!! I pigged out (as usual). I had so many salty chips that I am literally CRAVING WATER. Thats such a weird feeling. I mean, I have a Diet Mtn Dew sitting right here and I can hardly drink it. And I have such a horrible horrible headache. (that could also be because of the work I'm doing today....looking back and forth from an excel spreadsheet to a database with a black background and green/teal letters)

    good to know that my body is telling me it doesn't like that stuff anymore.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Blombie, sorry you're not feeling well, but I totally agree with you. If I go long enough with eating really well, something super salty or fatty just doesn't agree with me.

    Case in point: today. I'm approximately 600 calories over today. 1st, because it's my day off of exercising, and I ate a decent sized piece of birthday cake at work. It was glorious going in and not so glorious a bit later. I felt pretty gross (and guilty). I totally had to estimate how much damage it did to my day, but I know it wasn't pretty. When I step on the scale tomorrow just to check in, I highly doubt it'll be pretty, unlike how last weekend was, which was VERY friendly.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    aka, We celebrated my oldest daughter's Birthday yesterday, I allowed in my calories for a nice sized piece of vanilla/vanilla cake...my favorite! I savored every bite...loved it, but I agree, it seemed really sweet and an hour or so later, I was really thirsty??? It is good to know that my taste in food have changed!

    Enjoy your Saturday everyone...
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I ate so bad yesterday, I am trying to make up for it by extra exercise today. I have already burned 974 cal (by MFP) and have 1 more workout session planned with my mom at 4:30. I went over by 896 cal yesterday - EEK. I had a few drinks and was still under cal then DH cooked a Digorno Pizza (vege - of course) and before I knew I ate half (*sigh*) and then was upset and had another drink. I just wasn't thinking as straight as I should have been. No drinks for me tonight. :blushing:

    So far my week of eating vege went well except for the 3 shrimp on Wed night. I will try for another week next month. Have a great weekend.
  • Prd2bema2
    Prd2bema2 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks Pinbotchick!! I'll weigh myself on Fridays!! I wasn't going to do it every week only because if I don't drop any weight or I gain, I'll be very very discouraged and I don't want to give up!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Prd2bema2 - I would suggest that you take measurements of yourself. A pound of muscle takes up less space than a pound of fat. If you are like the rest of us, you will be gaining muscle as you begin to exercise. The way your clothes fit and your energy level are much better indicators of success. Remeber this is a lifestyle change. If you go back to eating/drinking like before, you will probably gain the weight back. I have added more fruits and veges to my diet - aiming for 6-8 servings a day. I also eat everything but in moderation. If I want chips, I weigh out 1 serving and put the bag away. When I go out to eat, I generally eat 1/2 of the sandwich so that the calories are more reasonable. If you dont have a scale to weigh food, get one. You will be shocked at how little a serving size is. Let me know if you have more questions. Start exercising - even if it's a slow walk. Eat your exercise calories - I normally eat 1/2 of my exercise calories since I use MFP and not heart rate monitor to calc cal burned. Drink your water. You don't have to weigh yourself every week. You just need to on Valentine's day for the end of our challenge. Do you want to aim for a 5 pound loss since we are already halfway through the challenge?
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    prd2bema2...Welcome and good luck with your goals, looks like your off to a good start!
    Measurements, like Pinbot suggested is a great idea and sometimes the only thing that keeps me a float when the scale gets stuck!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Not a spectacular eating day yesterday, and not super fantastic today either... I stayed under calories, barely, but the eating wasn't especially healthy. I also was perturbed I was up a 2.5 pounds from my low last week... even though it was a late weigh-in morning (which usually helps). *grumbles*

    No exercise today, which I should have done. Lots of should haves! Tomorrow though is day 1 of week 4 of c2k. Will do that! Need to work on upping the cardio this week. It's way too easy to go over calories if I don't have exercise calories to work with. Also, as this is my second day w/o working out, I'm feeling a bit crabbypants-ish. Exercise is totally a moodlifter I'm realizing.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I haven't counted a thing today. Of course, I normally don't on the weekends. I didn't even go to the gym yesterday.

    I'm going to Disney World and SeaWorld with my sister and her 4 year old daughter next week so I have a long To Do list to get ready. It wasn't something I planned on doing. Lauryn (my sis) was invited to go with a friend (and the friend's family) for FREE but this week the friend got laid off. So the trip was canceled. Lauryn had already told her daughter that they were going so she can't disappoint her. Plus another big problem is that Lauryn is in a nasty divorce from her husband and we know as soon as he finds out Lauryn can't take their daughter, he'll take her just to spite Lauryn (he honestly doesn't care about the kid...just uses her so he can get attention from his family).

    So anyways, I'm taking Wednesday through Friday off work and we are going for 4 nights (drive down Wednesday and drive back Sunday). We got a decent price on the hotel and tickets so I'm crazy excited to go to Magic Kingdom and SeaWorld. (Went one time when I was 18 with a friend and her family but her mom had major back problems and couldn't walk much but wouldn't let us out of her sight so we didn't get to see/do much of anything.) We'll be eating a lot of sandwiches and cheap food, but I'm sure the amount of walking I'll be doing will make up for all the exercise I'll be missing.