200+ (Week 14)



  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    If I can figure out how to it, I'm planning to make my food diary available to friends.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Edited to elim double post.
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    hEY Ladies! Good morning!
    HAve FUN Blombie!!!
    How is everyone else doing? I weighed in last night at 223.8, but this am it was 224.8.. I haven't dropped a #2 in a week, so I think its like binding me up? Sorry for the gross-ness:blushing:
    Today I am working 14 hours.. I ate my breakfast at 3:30a, ate my snack at 5a and I am hungry again.. I brought lunch, but because I'm here til 7p, I wanna wait til at least 3 to eat my lunch...
    This kinda sucks! I was 3o minutes late to work today and even though I picked up the shift to do my employer (& myself) a favor, I ghot in trouble for being late? I'm brushing it off... Have a good day everyone!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Here's a virtual snap shot of me in my cap and gown :bigsmile: Me taking a bow. Here's the speech. "The 9 weeks has flown by and I would like to thank Debra for being my inspiration. To all future classes - You can do it." With the warm up and cool down walks and 31 min run, I made 3 mile in 41 min on the treadmill. I plan to up my running 3 min a week for the next 3 weeks so that I am running a full 40 min. I then will try to work on speed and inclines. Maybe I'll even try a random treadmill program.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Good Morning Ladies...:bigsmile: Happy Wednesday!

    Enjoy your trip Blombie!

    Wow, Nikki, that's some tough hours, good luck!:flowerforyou:

    Welcome Shanerylee:flowerforyou:

    Pinbot, if you go to your home page and then click on Settings, scroll down and you can change your diary settings there...

    I'm freezing and moving slow this morning, but need to get going!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Here's a virtual snap shot of me in my cap and gown :bigsmile: Me taking a bow. Here's the speech. "The 9 weeks has flown by and I would like to thank Debra for being my inspiration. To all future classes - You can do it." With the warm up and cool down walks and 31 min run, I made 3 mile in 41 min on the treadmill. I plan to up my running 3 min a week for the next 3 weeks so that I am running a full 40 min. I then will try to work on speed and inclines. Maybe I'll even try a random treadmill program.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Here I am taking virtual photos and you should see the size of this virtual cake, and calories free!!!!:laugh: :laugh:

    So Proud of you Victoria, Way to go Girl...You Rock!!:drinker: :drinker: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I wish I could find a little charm of sneakers...wouldn't that be cute, to wear on a bracelet....you know, I bet they do make those...
    Great Job!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Oh, I like it. A super hero and a sneaker. My charm bracelet rocks:bigsmile: Thanks for the cake it was delicious. I had 2 pieces and a glass of champagne:blushing:
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    Good for you Pinbot! I thought you were leaving us already!
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    congrats to pinobot!!
    blombie, have fun and hope you feel better.

    feeling good about this weeks weigh in.....wish it was friday already!!
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    Does any one have the sketchers shape ups? I am going to buy a pair when I get my taxes back! I heard how many wonders they work, and I am dying to get them!
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    Hey, Deb; Hows your sweat band thingy workin out? I still wear mines everyday... Haven't noticed much of a difference, But I'm gonna keep on! although my pants do seem looser, but maybe its cause the zipper broke?ttyt
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Before anything, CONGRATS to pinbot. I bow down to your c25k-ing prowess. Seriously.. you're amazing and I'm so very very proud of you!!

    On the c25k front on my end, yesterday did not go over well. I decided to mix things up and do it on the indoor track (i thought a nice transition to running outside) instead of the treadmill. I think at this point, I really need to be able to gauge how fast I'm going, because I completely tuckered out half way through. Ran the first 3 min faster than I should have, but made it, but the 90 sec walk wasn't enough, but I somehow hobbled my way through the next 5 min run. But was burnt out by then. I did the 2.5 min walk, but was not ready to run for another 3 min.. did about 2/3 of it and just stopped. I was so out of breath, even with really trying to breath slowly. So yeah, back to the treadmill tomorrow.

    I was a bit out of sorts today with work again, which has been a trend. In several places, and I'm exhausted. I was planning on working out today, but it's not going to happen. I'll definitely go tomorrow, and will plan on going friday as well to make up for my missed wed (though i did do cardio on monday, which is a normal off day). I don't expect the scale to be terribly friendly this week after the major loss last week and the fact I ate like whoa at pub trivia on Monday and went out to lunch today with the coworkers (the egg white omelete. good. the hashbrowns and toast? not so good). On the plus side, I ate a lot and late in the day, so I might not have dinner, or at least not much for dinner, so my calories might be okay today.

    On a really fantastic note, when I went to the old office today (it had been probably 2-3 weeks), one of my coworkers commented that I looked like I has lost weight. EEE! my first out of the blue complement! it only took 20 pounds! Just wish others would notice...
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    AKA, that's fantastic that friends and co workers are taking notice!...People will notice more and more as you hold your head higher and higher!!!
    Good for you with the running. I know it sucks right now, but I promise you if you keep at it, it does get easier and one day you'll be so proud of yourself and at what your body can do!:flowerforyou:

    Nikki, funny you should ask...just today I re-checked, I measured myself at the thickest part of my tummy about 1 inch below my belly button on Jan 21, I measured 45":blushing: , today when I got finished exercising I thought I'd re-check ..you know ...just to see,... well it measured at 44 1/2 inches....now it was right after I exercised so I'm not sure if that had something to do with it...but I thought that was fantastic, especially since I didn't lose any pounds last week....:bigsmile:

    Cds...I'm glad your feeling better...I'm wishing it were Friday too! I guess it will be here soon enough.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Kristina - before I started the C25K, I spent some time lurking on the running posts. Everyone seems to have the problem with transitioning from treadmill to ground running. I had trouble two weeks ago, the first time that I tried it. The second and third times, I forced myself to slow down and it went much better. Unless you do the whole thing on the ground, it is just too hard to judge what your speed is. I wouldn't call it a failure but a learning experience:flowerforyou: You were just prepping yourself to start running faster. By the way congrats on your first unsolicited compliment. Doesn't it feel great?

    Nikki - you asked up shape up shoes. I have done some research on them and looked at the company's research study (my patients frequently ask me about them)... There has only been 1 study with 9 participants - yes the people got stronger but in the conclusion the study notes that participants were told not to change their exercise habits but that the participants with the largest gains admitted to upping their walking amounts (they walked more and got stronger - it may not have been the shoes). I have also tried them on and they are very comfortable. You may want to search the archives as the topic of Shape-up shoes and Rebock version have been talked about many times. My advice is, if you are doing something that is already working, can get yourself to walk more without them and can use the $100 somewhere else, then do it. If you feel that the shoes will get you to walk more than get them. They are based on the concept of moon shoes from the 1970s. But like anything, your body will quickly acclimate to the change in posture and the effects become null and void.

    cd - I wish it was Friday too. At least my official weigh-in day for the ticker is Thurs so I only have to wait until tomorrow. If the last 2 mornings hold, I will have good news to report.

    Blombie - send a cup of sunshine my way. We had whiteout snow most of the day:grumble:

    Debra - I'm going back for a second piece of virtual cake. My mom really got a laugh out of it when I told her you sent me one.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    The home page entries ruin all the surprises. By some miracle, I am down 3 pounds this week and it's not a fluke - it's the 3rd morning in a row for me to be at this weight. :bigsmile: I will report in again tomorrow for the official weigh-in but I am 203.5 this morning. It definitely motivates one to be good in the evenings knowing that official weigh-in days are coming up. Next week wont be so good as TOM is showing up Friday...

    If the weather doesn't cancel it, I get to make a trip to the big city of Petoskey and go out for Mexican food tomorrow night. My husband's work is having a get together. I love Mexican and am glad it's a running day so I will be able to eat great food. I've never met most of the people. I keep trying on clothes to figure out what looks the best. *sighs* I still have a long ways to go for body image liking. I plan to take a new picture for my image once I get under 200 pounds.

    I am getting kind of nervous about next month. One of my favorite clients is having hip replacement surgery. She always goes to rehab (where I worked for 8 years and have been gone for about 6 years).... I will be expected to go visit her and see my old cronies. I had been avoiding going there due to embarrassment of gaining so much weight. I can't remember what I weighed when I left. I know I was 200 in Sept 2003 when I ran my last 5K. I think I am obsessing too much over what others will think about me:noway: . It's just that the last time I ran into someone from there, they asked when I was due:blushing: :sad: I was mortified.

    Thanks for listening to me rant. I think PMS is setting in today - I feel really cranky and just want to scream. Maybe I'll get up and try a kick boxing DVD.
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    Deb; I haven't measured myself, so I'm not sure and today is the first day I haven't worn it since I bought it.. Its that TOM.. & I am weighing in at 225 today. I will take my 'official' weight 2-3 days after my period. BUT I am contemplating a cheat day.. I get paid today and want to order pizza (&I dont wanna cook). Today will be the only day I allow myself... I used to be big on cheat days.. having one once a week.. and that has stopped, I notice I tend to cheat more when I have my period.. But I think the pizza will be the worst thing I put in me today...
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    Pinbot; Thank you for that insight.. You made a point.. only 9 participants? thats not a good study! I will look into the rebok kicks.. I def feel like I am platuaing (SP). and I wanna KEEP loosing!! I am gonna incorporate free weights everyday and do 1 rep of 25 with all types of movement.. any ides? I ahve a walking dvd, but have yet to pop it in, need to buy a new dvd player, my son broke his...
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    nikki - you can do your own low impact (walking) aerobics as you watch TV. Write down 10 things: walk in place, high marches, kicks forward, knee curls, single side stepping, double side steps, walk forward and back 4 step, etc. Do each for 60 sec and repeat 3 times. That 30 min of exercise.... I often do this as we watch TV. No DVD required. This will work dif muscles than you do with regular walking. I also will do light weight lifting/muscle strengthening as we watch TV using the same concept - crunches, diagonal curls to each side, bridges, on tummy superman extensions, reverse abdominal curl, bicycling with LE, or using theraband and working various muscle groups for 60 sec and repeating the cycle for 30 to 45 min - I record this as light calisthenics - it doesn't burn as many cal as low impact aerobics but you need strengthening as well. Good luck.
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    oh PINBOT!! You are awesome! Thank you for the ideas!
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    ladies, I think i may have figured out my problem in not losing weight. here' is where you all go...jeez, she's kinda an airhead huh?
    So, I've been watching my food diary and looking at the totals. they are usually around 1200-1400 a day. to me, that was good calories.....little did i know that that didn't take into account what i burned exercising. So I've been eating 900-1000calories a day. Idiot!
    I now know, I need to look at the "daily goal". yup, i feel a little stupid. stupid, but informed!!

    Nikki....i've read nothing good on those shape up shoes. like the article i read said, if wearing a certain type of shoe made you skinny....there would be no fat people. Still, i'm game to try anything (like my detox drink earlier this week). Which, btw, didn't notice anything differnt happening...except maybe more peeing. tmi, sorry
    C25K peeps.....good for all of you. your all rock stars. I tried the c25k, but just didn't stick with it. my routine now is running 20 minutes on treadmill, and then walking. I run about 2 miles in the 20 minutes. it's good enough for me as of right now. im just trying to follow my body.

    anyone know anything about pedometer/heart monitor/watches. I know they have them...am thinking about getting one, so I can start the whole walk 10K steps a day.
    love to all!
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