What do you guys do for a living?



  • azzkikin
    azzkikin Posts: 458 Member
    I am an American soldier, I am a warrior and a member of a team...I serve the people of the United States and live the Army Values. Yup just your average soldier here...The orchestrator of all organized chaos. The one who fights the things that go bump in the night so non rough men can sleep soundly at night. lol or at least something like that

    If you truly are. Thank you for your sacrifices and all that you have given us.
  • ohheyy125
    ohheyy125 Posts: 295 Member
    I'm a receptionist at a car dealership.

    I plan on just moving up in this company even though I'm in school. Unlike a lot of people I love office work.
  • craftybirdy
    Emergency Service Dispatcher for a local law enforcement agency. I answer 911 calls and dispatch units to them. Can't say I love my job. It's ok. The pay and benefits are excellent, though.
  • cindybowcut
    cindybowcut Posts: 250 Member
    I work for a construction company as a payroll administrator. I do all the salary payrolls for my company, pay our quarterly taxes and all kinds of fun stuff.
  • karynspeace
    not sure what sort of artistic work you are looking into, but check out phatpuppyart.com. She is an amazing artist I stumbled over and she may be a good contact for you to speak with regarding opportunities.

    Me... Cat Scan Technologist. I'm not the least bit artistic... kudos to those that are!
  • marysue1965
    marysue1965 Posts: 63 Member
    I'm a full time student, self employed, have my own cleaning & errand service, & raise my grandson. ,
  • Jkmumma
    Jkmumma Posts: 254
    Right now all I'm doing is babysitting the neighbor's infant for about 1/4 what the job SHOULD pay because she's broke and I'm jobless. This three months of no job is the longest period of joblessness I've had since I was 17, and I'm 35 now. It's weird.

    In the past I have been: Amateur field crew member for an archaeology dig
    TA at my university
    Hospital Corpsman in the Navy
    EMT I for local fire department
    paraeducator working with special needs kids
    special ed teacher
    substitute teacher
    math tutor in college learning resource center

    Some of my "summer jobs" have been
    life guard
    starbucks (for about two weeks, at a starbucks managed by a close friend...I wanted to know how to make my drinks, so I convinced her to hire me and agreed to quit once customers drove me bonkers. I'm not good with retail)
    book store (only went well because I didn't have to deal with customers and I do deal well with books)

    My perpetual job, through all of this, and even now, but I don't consider it a steady job because the pay isn't steady:
    I'm a writer. I do have published stuff, and I am paid for my work.
  • bandedsandi
    bandedsandi Posts: 122 Member
    Love the job you do and you'll never work another day in your life!

    I've been a teacher for 25 years, kindergarten, primary, elementary, and high school. Love kids, enjoy teenagers and the new challenges every day brings! Have taught Geography, History, Tourism, Art, Design, Afrikaans and English.

    Best career for a woman! Had my two children, went back to teaching and I 'grew up' with them.

    Have taught all over the world, met amazing people and learnt about different cultures and beliefs. Wouldn't change it for the world!
  • rjcelmer
    rjcelmer Posts: 431 Member
    Part-time Astronaut and Bikini Waxing Supervisor at Lucky Buddha Aerospace, Massage, & Chinese Takeout.

    Five dollah make you holla .... IN SPACE!
  • fcp1234
    fcp1234 Posts: 1,098 Member
    Credit manager
  • karawRN
    karawRN Posts: 311
    I am a registered nurse who is currently working with the intellectually disabled and brain injuried.
    I am also on the town I live in ambulance squad.
  • wildcherryhoney420
    I am an office administrator at a transportation company 4 days a week, and clean houses 1-2 days per week as well.
  • DaphneAtx
    I've known my whole life that I wanted to be a doctor or a nurse. I just couldn't hack so many years of school or the $$, so I opted for nursing. I have my BSN and work in the NICU and love my job.
  • AmberLee2012
    I began work as a legal assistant when I was 20 years old. This year I accepted a position in the legal department of a large company. My title is administrative assistant.

    In college, I wanted to be a special education teacher, but I didn't want to deal with student loans and so I only completed my Associate's Degree. One day I hope to go back. I also think it would be fun to work with animals.

    I also sell mark. (Avon's boutique brand). I like selling mark. because I don't have to deal with quotas or penalties so I can set it aside for a month or longer if I need too.
  • CJisinShape
    CJisinShape Posts: 1,404 Member
    I am an American soldier, I am a warrior and a member of a team...I serve the people of the United States and live the Army Values. Yup just your average soldier here...The orchestrator of all organized chaos. The one who fights the things that go bump in the night so non rough men can sleep soundly at night. lol or at least something like that

    Thank you!
  • Becky388
    Becky388 Posts: 157 Member
    I own my own business, I'm a taxidermist.
  • ohheyy125
    ohheyy125 Posts: 295 Member
    Keep posting I love reading these!
  • chnkydnknmomma
    I'm a school bus driver here on the streets of Jersey! I've been doing it 8 years, and it's the best job I've ever had. I love it :)
  • CJisinShape
    CJisinShape Posts: 1,404 Member
    By the grace of God, through no plan of my own, I am a homeschool mom. I've been a hairstylist, waitress, software buyer, program coordinator for a PhD program, and admin and tech support for software company, and supervised contractors for an apartment complex. This is the most satisfying job I've ever had! My son had a speech delay, sensory issues, and was hyperactive. Nothing seemed to work. I cried my eyes out to God, and said, "I know you said that all things are working for the good of those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose - but HOW is this going to work for good!". Well, we started homeschooling, and I got to watch my child for hours on end, seeing what his abilities and weaknesses were. At 4, he wasn't talking, but I realized he knew what I was saying! He could read! He could play the piano! He could do math and use the computer, he could do photography! He had a great memory! He had a sense of humor! He loves to garden and solve puzzles! And teach his sisters!

    My daughter also had a speech delay. And at three, she could read, and play the piano, and TROUBLESHOOT the computer!!! My youngest doesn't have any of these problems, but benefits from learning from her siblings.

    I didn't do this. My children are learning at a much faster rate than I'm teaching them. God has done this!

    My mother used to be a principal and was very opposed to homeschooling. But, now that her wonderful grandson has developed so much so quickly, she thinks it was the right way to go.

    I spend my days being creative, laughing, going to the museum, zoo, park, learning and teaching. It was very hard at first, but now it's easy. So, it DID work out for my good, and the good of my entire family. God worked it out!!!!!!!

    It almost makes me cry when I hear my son say his prayers.
  • waylandcool
    waylandcool Posts: 175 Member
    I'm an IT guy. I got a BFA in Computer Animation but never could get a foot in the door. I've always been into computers and found an entry level IT guy job in the paper back in 2003 and now I'm in corporate IT.

    It can be fun but it has it's moments when you want to pull your hair out.