Post your useless trivia



  • coolraul07
    coolraul07 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Now that I've read all posts thus far! lemme toss in a couple:
    • the plastic at the end of a shoelace is called an 'aglet'
    • # of planets in our solar system with rings: 4 All of the gas giants have them. Jupiter has 3 rings, Saturn has 13 rings but the are many sub divisions, Uranus also has 13 rings, and Neptune has 5.
    • Many people know that Pluto was "demoted" to "dwarf planet" status; however, most people don't know that our solar system has 4 others: Ceres, Haumea, Makemake, and Eris. Eris is even more massive than Pluto, so if Pluto is even promoted back, Eris would likely be promoted as well.
    • "Sequential hermaphroditism" refers to animals that are born one gender but can/will change gender at some point during their lifetime. Most such animals are various species of reef fish, such as the clowfish (there's your sequel to "Finding Nemo"!) However there are some species of frogs with this same ability.
    • "Siphonophores" are an order of invertabrates that resemble jellyfish but are actually an entire colony of symbiotic organisms that cannot survive independently. The best known example is the "Portuguese Man o' War". A lesser known species in this order is the "Praya dubia" and it can easily exceed 40 meters in length, longer than any known species of whale or dinosaur.
  • Peezy4President
    Peezy4President Posts: 292 Member
    The owl is the only bird to drop its upper eyelid to wink. All other birds raise their lower eyelids.
  • erinnstreeter
    erinnstreeter Posts: 82 Member
    The human female custom-makes antibodies to bacteria and other germs found on and in her baby's body. The nipple has receptors which take in the baby's saliva; then her breast analyses the constituents of that saliva to create antibodies. A similar action happens when mothers kiss their babies, too - she samples the bacteria on baby's skin, and her body uses that information to make antibodies, as well. Antibodies are delivered to the baby through breastmilk.
  • pixtotts
    pixtotts Posts: 552 Member
    Cat's urine glows under a blacklight.

    Cat's only pee on stuff when their litter box is not clean.

    or if said stuff looks like a litter box... our cats had long stopped using litter boxes when mine wee'd in my sisters jigsaw puzzle... little bits in a tray sure looks like a littler box to me... lol sister was not so amused....
  • coolsmartygirl
    coolsmartygirl Posts: 299 Member
    White chocolate is not actually chocolate.
  • coolsmartygirl
    coolsmartygirl Posts: 299 Member
    The second ingredient in diet mountain dew in the USA is orange juice.
  • DPernet
    DPernet Posts: 481 Member
    It's impossible to lick your own elbow (the outside bit) :smokin:

    /Sits back and watches people try

    False. I can do this.

    prove it

    I saw this demonstrated on tv recently when a girl in the audience during an episode of Russel Howards Good News (BBC UK) actually licked her own elbow during the it can be done

    What some people can do is lick the the pointy bit of the elbow that sticks out when you bend it and pull the elbow towards your face. I meant the other pointy bit on the opposite side
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