Were You A Fat Child?



  • AmberLee2012
    My mother and step-father used to call me two-ton, chubby and fat *kitten*. They told me they thought it would "help" me lose weight. It did the opposite really and just made me depressed.

    That's the cruellest thing I ever heard. I want to hug you.

    Thank you! I don't speak to either of them now. I cut them off before my wedding. Probably one of the best choices I've made for myself. It's hard to get healthy with unhealthy people in your life.
  • ackeebee
    ackeebee Posts: 1,042 Member
    It was when I hit 30 that I noticed a little weight gain here and there. I was always the skinny kid. Don't consider myself fat even now but I am not as thin as I used to be.
  • axialmeow
    axialmeow Posts: 382 Member
    YES. I was not just fat, I was obese as a child. I was adopted and my adoptive parents had 2 biological children. It's kind of odd because we were all fed the same thing and they were always very thin. We were all equally active. My parents are athletes(dad is an Ironman triathlete, mom did marathons and was a phys. ed teacher). Of course my parents were mortified to have a fat child. But no matter what they did I gained and gained.

    I remember being in 1st grade and standing in the lunch line and the lunch ladies yelling to eachother "ONLY HALF PORTIONS FOR HER. SHE ONLY GETS HALF". Apparantly my parents requested that. I guess people don't think kids have ears or brains. I was so embarrassed.

    So there MUST be some kind of genetic component to obesity. I was eventually diagnosed with pcos and insulin resistance. My weight is one thing I will always struggle with. I haven't been under 200lbs since I was in 3rd grade.
  • m60kaf
    m60kaf Posts: 421 Member
    Yes - to about 13 then got fitter - was awesomely fit at 17 18 then slowly slipped
  • jfelt10
    jfelt10 Posts: 3 Member
    I was! I always had a pot belly, and kids would say very mean things. But now I am lean and muscular and most of the kids I went to school with are now overweight! Karma.
  • xxcandywrathxx
    xxcandywrathxx Posts: 200 Member
    No I was not fat as a child. I was thin enough to suck in and see my ribs.
    When puberty hit is when I gained all my weight, so the end of year 7 and all the way to year 12.
    Thankfully I seem to be losing weight now. :D
  • histwinkletoes
    histwinkletoes Posts: 100 Member
    yes, I've been a big girl my whole life.
  • IslandDreamer64
    IslandDreamer64 Posts: 258 Member
    No, although I was always hanging out at the top end of the height/weight charts. I didn't start gaining weight until I went to college and suddenly had all this freedom to make my own food choices.

    I didn't go completely hog wild, though, because it took me over 20 years to gain 100 pounds. Average of 5 pounds a year. It was hard to notice because it creeped up so slowly.
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    I was an 11lb baby, and a slightly-chubbier than average child, looking back at photos, until roughly midway through primary school, by which time the teasing had become so bad that food seemed like the only available comfort. Why I was targeted when there were other, less-proportionate kids in the class (I was younger by a year, but still the second-tallest in the class, so I wasn't exactly petite in any direction and carried my puppy fat better than most), remains something of a mystery, but they made my life hell.

    In photographs, my weight only becomes noticeably excessive around 9 or 10, balloons at puberty (10,11,12, 13), and then starts to even out a bit in my mid-teens, though even then the excess was more (and more noticeable) than pre-pubertal me. It's rather a shame I didn't hit the 5'11" statistics suggested would be my adult height - a little more stretched-out, and I'd have had much less of a hard time about my weight. I'm built on very solid lines, and have carried the extra weight pretty well most of my life, except for a couple of really-excessive phases (usually coinciding with very unhappy periods - I'm your classic emotional eater), but the same weight spread over 5'11" would have looked much better than spread over just under 5'8"!
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    I was a big baby because I was almost 3 weeks late (9 lbs, 13 oz.), but I was slim right up until I got my period at the age of 9, then proceeded to gain 50 pounds in one year without doing anything different. I also literally stopped growing in height (I was 5'0" at the age of 10, and I am only 5' 1 1/2" now - the pictures are actually kind of amazing to look back on, I should scan some in and post them) My mother just called me fat and told me to stop eating instead of trying to figure out if anything was actually wrong, so I basically internalized that and thought "Hey, if I'm fat, it must be because I eat too much, so I might as well have that cupcake. And cookie. And pizza. And.." So then my weight did become my own issue, and it took me years and years to figure out why. Always had hormonal-type issues ever since then, but the doctors said they were caused by my weight...

    And I've basically been overweight ever since. Been called all the names, yelled at from cars, even had the whole thing go down where a popular guy asked me out as a joke. *sigh* Ah well, I am a different person now. :)
  • opsniht
    opsniht Posts: 48 Member
    Yes... Not too bad, but I was. It wasn't until my preteen years it go bad.
  • bsgkid
    bsgkid Posts: 72 Member
    I was always fat since about toddlerhood. I have never been HWP (height weight proportionate), aka what almost every man lists as a prerequisite on any dating site I've ever seen. In every school picture, I was half again taller and twice as wide as my school mates. So when people tell me to "remember" being thin, or to "visualize" what I will look like thin, I have no reference at all.