Coffee coffee coffee! Is it packing on the pounds?



  • veschrim
    veschrim Posts: 9 Member
    reading all this makes me want a cup of coffee now... thaaaanks.
  • KellyBurton1
    KellyBurton1 Posts: 529 Member
    I love Tim's as well, I use to use cream but switch to fresh milk, not gonna be the same but you get use to it as you got use to drinking coffee with cream.
  • almc170
    almc170 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Confused as to why you are even asking this question then. You just said you are taking in about 800 cals per day....This question makes no sense taking this into consideration.

    Actually...I didnt anywhere say Im taking in 800 cals a day...I said that was yesterday. Ive never counted calories before so Im just trying to teach myself how to eat like I should instead of ONLY when Im hungry. If quitting drinking coffee will show significant results then Im all for stopping drinkin it.
    Impossible to tell without more information. Track your food for several days and see how many calories you're actually eating. MFP won't have set a recommendation lower for you than 1200, so try to at least eat that much.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    learn to make it at home and just add a tablespoon of heavy cream to it.........

    if you don't like that, then you aren't addicted to coffee, you just have a bad habit of overpaying for drinks at the local coffee shop.
  • MemphisKitten
    MemphisKitten Posts: 878 Member
    Coffee itself can help you lose weight, but if you add milk and sugar, then you're asking for trouble. I can't give up mine either.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    just loled at your username
  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member
    Don't force yourself to drink black coffee. If you like coffee but need cream, add a little cream. It's 40 cals a day, it's not like you're eating a bucket of fried chicken.

    I can drink coffee black, with cream no sugar, with sugar no cream...I'll drink coffee brewed through a dirty gym sock. I just love the taste of coffee, haha. But I'll drink one coffee with cream a day, if I want more coffee after that I'll drink it black or have an Americano. I would probably reconsider 4 large double doubles a day too.

    Also, McDonalds coffee with 2 cream 2 sugar, is about 3 times less calories than Tim hortons, as we use a lighter cream. Plus, I think our coffee just tastes better. I'm one of those bad Canadians who hates Timmies. :)
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I love my Timmies Double Double but that 18% cream they use is a killer in the calorie dept. (at over 200 cal I keep it to 1 or 2 a week plus I'm too cheap to buy it every day - I calculated that it costs me about 75¢ to make a pot of coffee at the office vs $1.60 per cup for Timmies)

    At home I use "light" half & half (I keep some at the office too) it's 5%bf which tastes far creamier than milk, almost as good as the heavier cream but is only 10 cal / 15ml
  • ObtainingBalance
    ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member
    This post should be Cream cream cream! Is it packing on the pounds?

    Coffee has very few calories. Would you have a bowl of ice cream every morning and expect to lose weight?

    (Note: I know there are people out there who eat ice cream every day and still lose weight.)

    LOL, IKR! It's not the coffee, it's the cream!
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    If you're putting two tablespoons of half and half into each coffee, at 40 calories, then you are adding between 80 and 160 calories per day through cream.

    Im having a hard time getting the calories. My problem isnt that I eat too much is that i dont eat enough and when I do eat its junk. I had two visalus shakes yesterday 2 coffees and dinner and still only got up to 800 ish cals. :S
    Then I wouldn't worry about the coffee. Trading in those shakes for some real food would probably help.

    I literally just started visalus yesterday and before that I wouldnt even eat breakfast or lunch.
    Regarding your answers here, I think you already know what is causing your weight loss issues. Eat food. Try reducing the number of coffees you get each day. Instead of 2 or 3 try just doing one. If you just bought the Visula shakes, then use them as one meal replacement per day and then have 2 other hearty healthy protein packed meals. Not saying this will work, but it might help with your fatigue and need to drink coffee after coffee.
  • iFeelBrandNew
    iFeelBrandNew Posts: 263 Member
    If you're putting two tablespoons of half and half into each coffee, at 40 calories, then you are adding between 80 and 160 calories per day through cream.

    Im having a hard time getting the calories. My problem isnt that I eat too much is that i dont eat enough and when I do eat its junk. I had two visalus shakes yesterday 2 coffees and dinner and still only got up to 800 ish cals. :S

    Very tired 24/7 and very low energy...I have 4 little ones and the baby doesnt go to sleep until around midnight and then I finally get my ¨me time¨ for an hour. I need to fix that I know.

    If I go a while without coffee I get a bad migraine and by the 3rd sip of coffee the migraine is gone.

    those are called caffeine headaches, and if you just work yourself through them, they should go away.
  • diligentjosh
    Options you know how Starbucks has made so much money. Be a man and drink your coffee black (they do make flavored coffee, you know, so you dont have to add flavoring. Don Francisco coffee brand makes hazelnut, chocolate, and vanilla. Look for it on your shelves
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    If you're putting two tablespoons of half and half into each coffee, at 40 calories, then you are adding between 80 and 160 calories per day through cream.

    Im having a hard time getting the calories. My problem isnt that I eat too much is that i dont eat enough and when I do eat its junk. I had two visalus shakes yesterday 2 coffees and dinner and still only got up to 800 ish cals. :S
    Then I wouldn't worry about the coffee. Trading in those shakes for some real food would probably help.

    I literally just started visalus yesterday and before that I wouldnt even eat breakfast or lunch.

    And this is the problem --

    Focus on the big picture. Create a calorie deficit close to your TDEE (if you don't know that, look it up and search here for the new road map thread - caution it's a big read).

    Don't worry about 3 cups of coffee until you understand that and are getting proper nutrition from real food not 2 shakes...

    Once you've done that learn about your macros and how they and excercise can change body composition.

    Good luck.
  • gwicks54
    gwicks54 Posts: 201 Member
    The main consideration should be if you are tyring to lose weight, by what means. There are folks that have been successful, counting calories, carbs or fat grams. I drink lots os coffee & hot tea because it satisfies me. I count carbs only so I use almond milk & sweet n low in my coffee. Usually a little evaporated milk in my hot tea. I have been losing an average of 1 and 1/2 lbs a week. As long as you count it in to whatever your plan is then enjoy it. There is research that shows it reduces your risk of diabetes too.
  • tyrantduck
    tyrantduck Posts: 387 Member
    I used to get coffee extra light and sweet at Dunkin Donuts... meaning double the cream and double the sugar. now i usually just get flavored creamer and add that to coffee at home and don't add any spoonfuls of sugar to it. it's rare that i drink coffee anyway, i usually like to go with a no-cal/no-sugar/very low-carb energy drink for an energy boost instead. but on the weekends i'll enjoy a cup or two. if i get coffee out somewhere, i'll ask for skim milk in it, then i'll add my own sugar/sweetener later so I know exactly how much is in it. honestly, skim milk in coffee doesn't taste bad, but it takes getting used to. i had to go with it every morning for a month to finally get used to the taste.
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    I drink a pot a day (the smaller 8 cup pots, not the bigger 12 cup size), have since long before I lost weight, did throughout losing, and continue now well past losing. I use cream.

    _________ does not make you fat. Individual components cannot be separated from the diet as a whole. Your diet makes you fat.

    Its up to you to assemble the pieces together into a whole that allows you to lose weight now and maintain in the future. Sticking to a calorie budget will force you to make trade offs. If you want to keep daily coffee, ice cream, and/or chocolate, go for it, just find a way to make it work for you.
  • ubermensch13
    ubermensch13 Posts: 824 Member
    If you're putting two tablespoons of half and half into each coffee, at 40 calories, then you are adding between 80 and 160 calories per day through cream.

    Im having a hard time getting the calories. My problem isnt that I eat too much is that i dont eat enough and when I do eat its junk. I had two visalus shakes yesterday 2 coffees and dinner and still only got up to 800 ish cals. :S
    Then I wouldn't worry about the coffee. Trading in those shakes for some real food would probably help.

    I literally just started visalus yesterday and before that I wouldnt even eat breakfast or lunch.

    YOU NEED TO WORK AT EATING THEN! This won't work if you aren't getting enough "actual food". 2 shakes and 4 coffee's a day won't do it. You will become tired and frustrated and give real food! It is better to eat well and go a bit over then it is to eat crap and be under.....
  • Lyra89
    Lyra89 Posts: 674 Member
    Try a soy cappuccino from Starbucks with stevia, cinnamon sprinkle & a dash of cocoa...NOM! Only 85 calories. Couldn't live without it!
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    Large double double please!! Im addicted to coffee. And I just cant drink it with milk or skim milk instead of cream..Just cant stand the taste! I try to make it at home instead of going to Tim Hortons but it doesnt help having the place across the street. How much is coffee effecting my weight loss? I drink about 2-4 a day

    How much cream is in each? How many calories would you estimate this to be? Is that causing you to go over your calorie goal for the day?
  • dp1228
    dp1228 Posts: 439 Member
    the coffee wont inhibit your weight loss as long as it fits into your daily calorie and nutrition goals. but not eating enough will. please at least try eating more food..... REAL food. not shakes. you say your not tracking your calories. you should probably start doing that. only eating when your hungry is a good start but you need to do more.