Coffee coffee coffee! Is it packing on the pounds?



  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Black coffee has less than 10 calories in it, if you can't drink it black then you are either drinking crap coffe or you're not addicted to coffee as much as you are addicted to all the crap you add to it, fact. :drinker:

    More like absurdity! I like my coffee black, but that doesn't mean *everyone* should! How about an ounce of respect for someone else's taste buds?

    If people wanted to respect their taste buds they would be buying good coffee to begin with so you wouldn't have to drown it in crap.If you truly liked coffee you wouldn't have to manipulate the flavor with cream and sugar

    That's an interesting opinion. But please don't try to equate it with "truth." :laugh:
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Saying "If you can't drink it black, you don't like coffee" is like saying "If you can't eat it raw and unseasoned, you don't like chicken!" Not everyone likes it the same way.

    I like black coffee, but if I didn't I wouldn't make myself drink it. If you're truly committed to your weight loss, 2 tablespoons of cream is not going to stand in your way. I do agree with learning to live without the sugar though, in everything, not just coffee.

    Some people confuse their opinions with facts. :laugh:

    So many people drink coffee and tea in so many ways. I recently discovered that some people put cream in their tea! :noway:

    Live and let live is my motto.
  • heypurdy
    heypurdy Posts: 196 Member
    1 tbsp of half and half is only 20 calories. Thanks but I'm keeping it!
  • prairiedawg2014
    i drink 2-3 cups of timmy's coffee everyday day and it hasn't affected my weightloss, but i do drink it black. it wouldn't take long to get used to drinkin it black ya know, and you can sure tell who makes good coffee and who doesn't when you drink it black lol
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    Black coffee has less than 10 calories in it, if you can't drink it black then you are either drinking crap coffe or you're not addicted to coffee as much as you are addicted to all the crap you add to it, fact. :drinker:

    More like absurdity! I like my coffee black, but that doesn't mean *everyone* should! How about an ounce of respect for someone else's taste buds?

    If people wanted to respect their taste buds they would be buying good coffee to begin with so you wouldn't have to drown it in crap.If you truly liked coffee you wouldn't have to manipulate the flavor with cream and sugar

    At one time I thought like this.

    But there is a world of the coffee beverage that you have totally shut out because dammit yours is the best and most expensive.

    I love awesome coffee black, freshly ground made with a french press. Does that mean its the only way to drink it? Nope. I also like coffee with a splash of liquor. Some Baileys, Kahlua, or Drambuie (obviously not on workdays). I have a soft spot though also for gas station coffee (a la QT, with all the various additives). Whether I buy cheaper beans and a little cream, or more expensive beans and drink it black, is actually quite neutral to my enjoyment. I enjoy it either way. I also find that coffee that is good black tends not to mix as well with additives. This isn't to say that there is a place for nasty coffee though. Coffee is an amazing beverage with a ton of possibilities.
  • louised88
    louised88 Posts: 159
    Confused as to why you are even asking this question then. You just said you are taking in about 800 cals per day....This question makes no sense taking this into consideration.

    Actually...I didnt anywhere say Im taking in 800 cals a day...I said that was yesterday. Ive never counted calories before so Im just trying to teach myself how to eat like I should instead of ONLY when Im hungry. If quitting drinking coffee will show significant results then Im all for stopping drinkin it.

    I think caffeine is an appetite suppressent, you could look into that? And this is only anecdotal, but if I'm peckish and have no time to eat, a hot drink like tea w/milk or a latte does ide me over till my next break, so maybe it;s the same for you?

    And what's wrong with only eating when you're hungry? I mean, unless you're suffering with an ED in which case I'd suggest seeing your doctor and coming up with a treatment plan and a meal plan. And even if not, maybe try planning a weeks worth of nutritionally balanced meal, stick to that for just one week and celebrate by buying yourself a treat with the money you saved on coffee? (IDK about the states, but even if I went to a cheapy place here, it's be AT LEAST EUR2 a go just for black coffee at 3 or 4 a day, that'd be nearly 50 a week!)
  • louised88
    louised88 Posts: 159
    Black coffee has less than 10 calories in it, if you can't drink it black then you are either drinking crap coffe or you're not addicted to coffee as much as you are addicted to all the crap you add to it, fact. :drinker:

    More like absurdity! I like my coffee black, but that doesn't mean *everyone* should! How about an ounce of respect for someone else's taste buds?

    If people wanted to respect their taste buds they would be buying good coffee to begin with so you wouldn't have to drown it in crap.If you truly liked coffee you wouldn't have to manipulate the flavor with cream and sugar

    That's an interesting opinion. But please don't try to equate it with "truth." :laugh:

    LOL, this. I love whiskey and I'll buy the good stuff, but I don't *always* drink it straight and I wouldn't expect anyone else to!

    It can be a regional thing as well, here everyone drinks their tea hot with milk, cold and sweetened tea is not appealing to me, but I'm not standing here claiming hot and milky is The One True Way to drink tea.
  • LauraDotts
    LauraDotts Posts: 732 Member

    According to Tim Hortons nutrition info an large coffee with cream (not doubled) is 90 calories.

    I suggest that you order a medium or small from now on and add some food to your order.
  • paleirishmother
    try flavored coffee with silk vanilla milk
  • theskinnylist
    theskinnylist Posts: 286 Member
    The creamer is what's doing it. Black coffee is a natural diuretic. Thankfully, I can stomach black coffee and a half packet of Splenda. But the creamer is definitely not doing you any good.
  • marathon_mama
    marathon_mama Posts: 150 Member
    I just went through this. I am the same way with my HAS to be half/half with real sugar. weight loss stopped. I mean nothing in months even though i just finished my 2nd round of p90x and i have a good 30 pounds of baby weight to lose. I decided that it's not worth sabotaging all my hard work so i only have it occasionally now and I have dropped 2 pounds in the last week and a half.
  • Laurej
    Laurej Posts: 227
    vegan mocha recipe. Under 50 cals!!!!

    french press coffee
    2 teaspoon organic evaporated cane juice sugar
    1/2 tablespoon coca powder
    .25 cup vanilla unsweetened almond milk
  • norcal_yogi
    norcal_yogi Posts: 675 Member
    i LOVE coffee...and drink a lot of it everyday. BUT i only use a splash of 2% milk in each cup... and i account for all of it. i don't plan on cutting back anytime soon...we all have our vices.
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    Large double double please!! Im addicted to coffee. And I just cant drink it with milk or skim milk instead of cream..Just cant stand the taste! I try to make it at home instead of going to Tim Hortons but it doesnt help having the place across the street. How much is coffee effecting my weight loss? I drink about 2-4 a day
    Everyone has something that's a problem for them. It's relatively easy for me to skimp on coffee. Beer during football season is tough.
  • MissyJessy
    MissyJessy Posts: 1,279 Member
    Large double double please!! Im addicted to coffee. And I just cant drink it with milk or skim milk instead of cream..Just cant stand the taste! I try to make it at home instead of going to Tim Hortons but it doesnt help having the place across the street. How much is coffee effecting my weight loss? I drink about 2-4 a day

    EEHHHOOOO :) Thats the Timmies standard here in Canada :)

    Im cutting out coffee switching to tea at least that i can count as water ;)
  • Jenny_Taylia
    Jenny_Taylia Posts: 540 Member
    Large double double please!! Im addicted to coffee. And I just cant drink it with milk or skim milk instead of cream..Just cant stand the taste! I try to make it at home instead of going to Tim Hortons but it doesnt help having the place across the street. How much is coffee effecting my weight loss? I drink about 2-4 a day

    EEHHHOOOO :) Thats the Timmies standard here in Canada :)

    Im cutting out coffee switching to tea at least that i can count as water ;)

    Actually....I should of said Medium double double since they changed all the sizes!
  • Cupcakehippiemommy
    Cupcakehippiemommy Posts: 457 Member
    Hmm it has actually helped curb my sweet tooth :) I drink 1 cup every morning with skim milk and 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar.Then again the only olther beverage I drink is water .So far I've lost 70lbs since February ^u^
  • RandomMiranda
    I have a coffee in hand right now. I usually drink it with skim or 2%, but some places only have half-n-half or at one of my jobs there is just the flavored coffee mate stuff. I use it, try to be accurate about how much I add, and log it. No big deal. There are things that are much more detrimental to a healthy lifestyle than coffee and some cream.
  • hughtwalker
    hughtwalker Posts: 2,213 Member
    According to Google "Tim Horton" is a USA & Canadian coffee and doughnut chain - across the road, huh? Have you considered moving?
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    What do you have your goals set to? 1 lb a week, 2 lbs a week, sedentary, lightly active?

    With four children, one a baby, you are at a minimum lightly active and quite possibly the next one up from that. 1200 calories is probably not enough for someone chasing after kids all day.

    If you up your calories, you'd have plenty of room to drink those shakes you want to finish.