Jumping off of LiveStrong's sinking ship!



  • shellyhef1
    Hey, I will be the first to admit, I don't like to "argue or fuss", but I do stand for my opinion. And I respect other opinions. If you can't listen to other opinions, you are a very narrow minded person.

    And I do know that 99% of the time, my opinions are correct. And this time, my opinion is right on! I am as right on about Lance as I was about picking out that sweater two years ago! Thanks and enjoy!
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    it is amazing how one mistake (considering we are all human) can almost erase all the good things a person does...

    Oh hun, it was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more than just one mistake.

    The juicing isnt even part of the issue really. If all he did was cheat or juice, that's actually pretty forgivable. As everyone else pointed out, everyone in biking was juicing so the playing field was basically even!

    My problem is him

    1.) Claiming to have character
    2.) Using noble causes to fatten his wallet and make people blindly follow him. These posts are a GREAT example of how he's brainwashed people
    3.) He actually THREATENED AND MANIPULATED people to hide his mistakes.

    Had he just came out and said "yea, i juiced, everyone did...what of it?" this would have been over immediately...But thats not what he did. you see?

    sounds like a tough break up. don't worry it will get easier and trust me when I say you will find someone new. he wasn't good for you anyway.
  • Mustangsally1000
    Mustangsally1000 Posts: 860 Member
    Well, welcome aboard!

    As for Lance, you know, I have mixed feelings. While I wish performance-enhancing drugs didn't exist so that the true nature of competitive man would have a more level playing field, the truth is a lot of popular sports are entrenched in them. If everyone were surprise tested for these substances in cycling, baseball, football, basketball, and weight lifting, we wouldn't have any teams left. Second, since a lot of teams (not just Lance's) were taking them just in some cases to qualify, it wasn't the drug alone that won seven times; Lance himself was part of the equation, a man who pushes himself hard and performs better than others who are also taking the same drug regimen. To me, official title or not, he will always be a seven-time winner.

  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    i couldn't care less about Lance Armstrong. never did, never will. however, i've seen enough online by accident to know he's a d-bag... apparently everyone who has ever known him well feels the same way. check out the way he left his wife/kids so he could hook up with Sheryl Crow. if he wants to go through life being a d-bag, fine... but let's stop pretending he's something other than what he is.
