

  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Hi :-) I've just had a quick look at your diary and I don't think it's your calorie intake thats the problem, but the quality of the food. For example, 300 calories of chocolate is not good for you like 300 calories of mixed veg. Human bodies struggle/can not process refined sugars and they store in your body. Maybe try eating clean non processed homemade foods, like lean proteins and vegetables, salads, and fruits.

    Anyways, don't be too hard on yourself. You ARE losing weight and at the end of the day a loss is a loss :) Be proud x

    Could you explain a little more how the body cannot process refined sugars and as such they get stored in your body.
    thx 4 calling out that misinformation.

    Baptiste that is true re reffined sugars

  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    1400 is probably closer to your BMR. And losing 2 lbs in 25 days isn't bad!! If you're working out, you probably put on some muscle. Keep going!!!

    yea... there is about 0% chance of gaining new lean body mass while on a calorie deficit.
  • mikeschratz
    mikeschratz Posts: 253 Member
    Don't know how old you are, but I used 30 years old and not very active and here are your numbers:
    "Mifflin-St Jeor
    (FOR WOMEN)"
    BMR 1,552 (Calories body uses in a coma)
    TDEE 2,173 (Calories to maintain your current weight)
    Cut (@ 15%) 1,847 (Calories to lose weight)
    Build (@ 15%) 2,498 (Calories to gain weight)
  • Game8
    Game8 Posts: 442
    You can either lower your calorie intake or you can increase your activity level. It's really that simple.
  • hope8311
    hope8311 Posts: 166
    Hey there! My two cents:

    1. Cut out the desi food except for once a week.
    2. Cut the milk (except in the chai) and get rid of the cereal.
    3. Eat a proper british/desi breakfast of a toast, swiss cheese and honey with chai (fit for kings) and it's only 100'ish calories.
    4. Grab a box of ORIGINAL cheerios and snack on that.
    5. What i've been doing lately seems to be helping a lot. It's done a lot for me INCLUDING getting rid of pesky desi health issues such as oily skin.


    Ha ha ha-
    I drank tea once in the past month...I started it up because of the weather it gets chilly during the day....And am not a fan of coffee...As to "desi food" I actually subsituted that instead of eating a lot worse foods...I rarely ate Indian food prior to my weight loss journey..So thought it was a lot healthier than the food I previously ate...
    Also I am glad it worked for you, I don't have any health issues except a little overweight.... :) As to oily skin, not a problem I have clear nice skin.....
    I'll try the british desi breakfast you reccomended...However, I ate decided to use more protein in the morning for breakfast eggwhites....

  • hope8311
    hope8311 Posts: 166
    You can either lower your calorie intake or you can increase your activity level. It's really that simple.

    GOing from COuch to working out is that increasing my activity level?Or should I further increase it?
  • hope8311
    hope8311 Posts: 166
    Don't know how old you are, but I used 30 years old and not very active and here are your numbers:
    "Mifflin-St Jeor
    (FOR WOMEN)"
    BMR 1,552 (Calories body uses in a coma)
    TDEE 2,173 (Calories to maintain your current weight)
    Cut (@ 15%) 1,847 (Calories to lose weight)
    Build (@ 15%) 2,498 (Calories to gain weight)

    Actually am 25 shy of being 26 so my profile says 26...But thanks
  • Crying_In_Color
    Crying_In_Color Posts: 246 Member
    I'm reading a lot of people say to eat more fruit and veggies, things to that nature. I'm about to blow you all out of the water and tell you I rarely ate any fruits or veggies the entire time I have been doing this and have had some wonderful results. It depends on the person.

    I'm going to give you advice from my own personal experience and cannot guarantee what worked for my body will in fact work for yours.

    The only thing I have monitored the entire time is the actual calorie intake. I never once looked at the protein, fat, sugar or anything like that. I stuck to strict calorie counting only. I ate what ever I wanted as long as I stayed within calorie range. I never drank my calories. All liquids that entered my body were zero calorie.

    Space your meals out to 5 or 6 small meals, exercise a few times a week for 30 minutes per session and stick to it. Be extremely careful with serving sizes and measure everything so that your calorie intake is accurate. When unsure, round UP not down.
  • AngieOnTheBeach
    AngieOnTheBeach Posts: 44 Member
    There's more to it than just calories though. the calories in those cookies arent as good as the calories in some greek yogurt or something.

    Also consider spacing out your meals so you are having 5-6 small meals a day. This keeps the metabolism up and running.
  • Crying_In_Color
    Crying_In_Color Posts: 246 Member
    Also don't listen to people who tell you to cut out foods completely. That is going to set you up for failure right there. It's about moderation, not restriction. If you want to drink the milk or bread (things a lot of people will tell you to cut out completely) or even soda, go for it but as always in moderation.
  • jillica
    jillica Posts: 554 Member
    Any chance you are losing inches? When is the last time you measured yourself?
  • Carmenbraun55
    Carmenbraun55 Posts: 50 Member
    Same problem here....bump for later
  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member
    This may go against the grain, but I recommend to increase your caloric intake goal and your activity instead of trying to cut to 1200. Though you want to lose weight, if you were not gaining eating 2000 cal a day your metabolism was used to that. Try to eat fresh and healthy. More veggies and fruit/ increase protein and keep sugar/fat/processed cals low.

    I agree with him. I went back about 10 days and there are many when you're under 1000Kcal's per day which is definitely not good. You want to at least hit the minimum to keep your body working right. You also need to add more veggies and fruits - less of the cookies and stuff like that. You want healthy foods that your body will convert into energy.

    If you're exercising as much as you are per the calories it's assigning you - don't be afraid to eat them. I've seen posts where people had no weight loss, they increased their calories and their bodies started to drop the weight. I suspect you need to improve your food choices and up the calories.
  • captainsuperpants
    captainsuperpants Posts: 64 Member
    Doesn't processed juice have the same amount of sugar as soft drink?

    Something that worked for me as a girl who loves fizzy drink (and hates that fake sugar taste of diet drinks) is sparkling water or soda water with a squeeze of fresh lemon or lime. It took a bit of getting used to, but i love it now- so refreshing!!! I find sugary drinks too sweet now.
  • hope8311
    hope8311 Posts: 166
    Also don't listen to people who tell you to cut out foods completely. That is going to set you up for failure right there. It's about moderation, not restriction. If you want to drink the milk or bread (things a lot of people will tell you to cut out completely) or even soda, go for it but as always in moderation.

    I agree, because that would just cause me to gain the weight back when i would allow myself to eat the foods Iwanted....
    SOda i cut out...SO that was my weakness...But besides one day havn't drank it at all... :)

    moderation thats what Ii'' try
  • hope8311
    hope8311 Posts: 166
    Any chance you are losing inches? When is the last time you measured yourself?

    I measured myself nope...Same as I first started out.
  • Game8
    Game8 Posts: 442
    You can either lower your calorie intake or you can increase your activity level. It's really that simple.

    GOing from COuch to working out is that increasing my activity level?Or should I further increase it?

    Do full body workouts3 times a week (aim for I exercise for each muscle group, preferably compound movement) and follow that by 15 - 30 min light cardio.
  • hope8311
    hope8311 Posts: 166
    You can either lower your calorie intake or you can increase your activity level. It's really that simple.

    GOing from COuch to working out is that increasing my activity level?Or should I further increase it?

    Do full body workouts3 times a week (aim for I exercise for each muscle group, preferably compound movement) and follow that by 15 - 30 min light cardio.

    I started to walk/run over the past 3 weeks I saw Isignificantly cut it short...My speed=increased and I would run further...
    Then I tried p90x a couple days, but it was a tad hard, especially when you can't walk and your legs are super sore... But like I heard someone say earlier what doesn't kill you makes you stronger....
    I'll start up again and hope this journey to work...

    Thank you
  • hope8311
    hope8311 Posts: 166
    Doesn't processed juice have the same amount of sugar as soft drink?

    Something that worked for me as a girl who loves fizzy drink (and hates that fake sugar taste of diet drinks) is sparkling water or soda water with a squeeze of fresh lemon or lime. It took a bit of getting used to, but i love it now- so refreshing!!! I find sugary drinks too sweet now.

    It has the same amount of calories however the sugar intake is differnt... a lot less.....but Idon't like the taste of the juice but I thought I would subsitute it for the soda....
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    Looked at your diary.

    Even on the days you didn't fall off the deep end, you were eating a lot of bread, cookies, rice, fruit juice...basically a high amount of quickly-digested simple carbohydrate that has little nutrition and spikes your blood sugar. You were getting very little protein or fat. I'm guessing you used the default MFP settings for amounts of carb (55%), protein (15%), and fat (30%).

    Since this isn't working for you, I'd suggest switching up the percentages, as well as changing the type of carbohydrate. More protein (say 20% or 25%) and fat, fewer carbs (40% or less). Go for healthier, slower-digested carbs such as leafy green and other non-starchy vegetables (not potatoes or corn) and lower-sugar fruit such as berries and cherries. Greatly reduce the amount of bread, cereal, sweets, fruit juices and sodas--these should be occasional treats, not significant parts of what you eat daily. Eat full-fat Greek yogurt with no added sugar, full-fat salad dressings and cheeses. Real meat/fish/fowl, with fat (saturated fat is not harmful, and makes you feel full longer), less fast food. Worry less about calories and more about quality of food.

    Try it for a month and see how that works.

    I agree with this! I have my macros at 40% carbs, 35% fat and 25% protein and it is working for me. The quality of the carbs also matters a lotttt. You don't have to eliminate everything you like (I still eat some form of "junk food" at least once a day), but just try to make more healthy choices. Hang in there and the weight will come off!