Anyone know about appetite suppressant Qsymia???



  • rvicini
    rvicini Posts: 252 Member
    Good Lord... It is silly and also dangerous!.. This is just because the person who tries to take that is trying to lose weight too fast!
    The solution to being hungry is eating the right food and if needs more cals, then exercise.

    If a person has, for instance, 1200 cals of a fast reducing diet, and has per day say, 500 cals of exercise, could have at least 1400-1500 cals a day of right food and that is plenty! And leave some cals from exercise for extra fat reduction..

    I would say that instead of taking an appetite suppressant, pay a dietitian or watch other people's dairies! And the answer is EAT MORE PROTEIN

    To be honest, quit eating junk such as potato chips for instance, and replace it with protein such as chicken breast or pork loin and that will do the trick!

    Someone told me once that he needed to lose that fast for the holidays... My answer was: it took years to reach your weight... Why not weight a couple of months more? I have seen here weight losses of two pounds per week for ten months, that means 80 lbs! Is that too slow? I don't think so.

    On the other hand, people who do not eat to lose fast could actually slow their metabolism, so the answer would not be suppress appetite but eat more cals. Ironic isn't it?.

    But it's just me!. I do not think is good to starve. I love to eat and I am learning to eat right. And I am loving it!...
  • Missmestill
    as a person who suffered with an eating disorder for over 25 years before recovery and gaining weight I find dieting excruciating., whenever I restrict calories those old impulses kick in, I feel anxious, i will binge, I think of nothing but food. I am miserable.
    I do exercise daily, cycle, hike, dvd's, wii fit, one or a combo daily
    The only way I have lost weight without stress is with Meridia, I had some in my cupboard from several years ago and decided to give it a try. I was successful, food no longer called to me every waking minute. The weight came off steadily until I ran out, I then maintained the weight loss through exercise then had an accident which put me out of exercise for two months and steadily gained weight again. Big sigh. i will try belviq when it is approved in Canada. I am tired of feeling like a failure, and the amount of time and effort I put into failing at weight loss is exhausting. Yes I can lose weight by restricting calories, but every mis step in eating is a huge failure, and once failed for a meal means fail for a day which can lead to fail to a week. I burn aprox 3500 calories per week now that I am healed and still don't lose weight because of food failure. :embarassed: :frown: :indifferent: :noway: :grumble:
  • Missmestill
  • Sox90716
    Sox90716 Posts: 976 Member
    Methamphetamine is an excellent appetite suppressant too.
  • whitford1977
    whitford1977 Posts: 2 Member
    The important thing to note is that the point of Qsymia is to reap the weight loss benefits of Phen and Topomax without the negative side effects. The max dose of phen in the highst dose qsymia is half of the standard dose of phen alone and the max dose of Topomax in the highest dose of qsymia is 25% of the standard dose of topomax alone. This is a time released low dose version of both drugs designed to curb hunger. I'm not saying it is perfectly safe, but at low doses, the side effects of the ingredients alone have been found to be negligible. Please don't pretend that this is just another amphetamine like all the others...this is a new drug designed for weight loss at much lower and safer dosages.
  • ubermensch13
    ubermensch13 Posts: 824 Member
    Weight loss clinics are usually code for "pill mill"

    Be careful.

    more like kill-mill.... the reason you have to be checked is if you get pregnent your child will have birth defects

    Google Topamax - Topiramate

    Weren't the weight loss clinics the same places that gave out Phen-Phen like MnM's in the 90's?
  • Nerdybreisawesome
    Nerdybreisawesome Posts: 359 Member
    it's phentermine with topomax
    phentermine is the "amphetamine like" element that suppresses hunger
    topomax was originally for migraines and a side effect was weight loss so it was re-packaged in hopes of a healthy kick-start to people with weight issues granted you have Dr. supervision

    Crazy! Topomax has a ton of side effects and none are pleasant. I took topomax for pmdd and anxiety and it made me dumber than bag of rocks and I felt sluggish and zombielike. Yeah. I didnt feel like eating but i'd rather feel alive than sluggish and dumb. Now they are adding it to Phentermine?

    Oh and I just remember topomax messes with your vitamin B's so you have to be mindful of that.
  • mominwi419
    I have many acquaintances who are/were on Topamax for the mood stabilization properties.

    To me, the mental fog, tired feeling, and dizziness would not be worth it at all.

    But hey, you'll be skinny in the process! :drinker:
  • Nickle526
    Nickle526 Posts: 239 Member
    I don't think whether or not the pills are safe and/or effective is really the issue... If I am hungry, I eat. If that puts me over my calories, I do more than my regular exercise. If I am "emotionally hungry" , I address my emotional needs.

    My body demands attention for what it needs, whether it's food, socialization, water, emotional needs, TV, boyfriend time... Throwing a pill in the mix to hide the signals/demands, is just compounding the problem. There are quick fixes to weight loss. I work with a few women who lost 20 lbs in 2 months- over and over again. They like to offer me sweets, ***** about how hard it is to get in shape, and tell me I don't need to lose anymore weight :grumble:
  • rvicini
    rvicini Posts: 252 Member
    My concern is: why do you have to take appetite supressing pills if you can eat right and still lose weight? Unless you have medical issues of course..
    I think the answer is the desireof some -not meaning you, of course- to take the quick fix solution.
    It is easy to lose weight than gaining it if you are really committed! This program really works!
    For most of us, having a healthy lifestyle learned here is the best option for life!
  • sarahxx68
    I'm not a pharmacist but I do work as a tech, and none of my pharmacists have a positive view on it. We were reading the side effects and it just seemed terrifying and not worth it.
  • sueann9415
    sueann9415 Posts: 3 Member
    I just recieved my prescription of Qsymia. I as well am interested in seeing how others have done on this medication or are currently doing just starting out. Rather than the negative comments I am glad others are choosing steps to progress them to help maintain a healthy lifestyle. If anyone one else on here is interested in starting a forum or message board that is for Qsymia users only I would be glad to take part in it. Please message me if you are interested as well.
  • gradaigh
    gradaigh Posts: 2 Member
    Good Lord... It is silly and also dangerous!.. This is just because the person who tries to take that is trying to lose weight too fast!
    The solution to being hungry is eating the right food and if needs more cals, then exercise.

    If a person has, for instance, 1200 cals of a fast reducing diet, and has per day say, 500 cals of exercise, could have at least 1400-1500 cals a day of right food and that is plenty! And leave some cals from exercise for extra fat reduction..

    I would say that instead of taking an appetite suppressant, pay a dietitian or watch other people's dairies! And the answer is EAT MORE PROTEIN

    To be honest, quit eating junk such as potato chips for instance, and replace it with protein such as chicken breast or pork loin and that will do the trick!

    Someone told me once that he needed to lose that fast for the holidays... My answer was: it took years to reach your weight... Why not weight a couple of months more? I have seen here weight losses of two pounds per week for ten months, that means 80 lbs! Is that too slow? I don't think so.

    On the other hand, people who do not eat to lose fast could actually slow their metabolism, so the answer would not be suppress appetite but eat more cals. Ironic isn't it?.

    But it's just me!. I do not think is good to starve. I love to eat and I am learning to eat right. And I am loving it!...

    I totally agree, if you are eating 6 meals a day, eating protein and veggies you will not be hungry. I am down 75lb and I have not been hungry or took drugs, it is hard work, it takes time planing meals but if you really want it you can make it happen. I would say DO NOT take drugs! Good luck! One day at a time!
  • mayflowermn
    mayflowermn Posts: 52 Member

    I totally agree, if you are eating 6 meals a day, eating protein and veggies you will not be hungry.

    Flame retardant suit is on.....

    While I understand that "drugs" are not the cure-all and to truly be successful at not only LOSING the weight, but keeping it OFF for any length of time requires a complete lifestyle change, there are times when I think it can help us make it through our short term goals so that in the end, we make it to our long term goal of being healthy.

    I workout 6 days a week, 75 minutes of lifting heavy & 45 minutes of cardio. I eat clean, and I eat back exercise calories within 100-200 of my total calories that are allotted per the MFP calculations, so roughly am eating around 1600 calories a day. I'm sorry, but I get freakin' hungry sometimes and some of the things that people suggest are just not going to cut it to suppress that drinking water, eating some broccoli, what have you

    I only have 10 lbs to get to my personal goal however I'm sure if I stayed the weight I am at now, most people would love to be that weight. However, I have spent most of my life overweight and the worst part about trying to lose weight is dealing with hunger. Granted now I have learned through this site that 'starving' yourself does not work and that trying to do 1000 calories a day does more harm than good, I still have issues with being hungry. Nothing kills my appetite, even when I'm sick I still find that I'm hungry.

    And granted, I understand that it is the "American way" to take the easy route and we want things "now" but if you are sincerely trying to lose weight and making a commitment to making a lifestyle change, but need a little help, I don't think others really should give people a hard time about it. It's no different than the latest complaints that have been expressed in other posts lately about people forcing opinions regarding "oh you need to lift heavy, that's the only way to do it" or "you should only do cardio if you want to lose weight". Everyone is different. What works for one person might not work for someone else. Losing weight is a horrible battle to begin with and it serves no purpose to belittle someone for looking at all options available to them that might help them be more successful at winning the battle.

    I think it's good that people post their experiences regarding a particular drug or supplement, but I what I "hear" when I read the posts saying "oh you really shouldn't feel hungry if you're eating 6 meals a day" or "you aren't eating the right foods" or "you are just looking for a quick fix" is that I'm a failure and doing something wrong, ie a loser since I can't control my hunger urges and that I am going about things the wrong way. Stop and think that maybe the person is doing everything right, but just needs that little bit of extra to help them through the tough part and once they make it through that, they can give up the 'crutch' and actually not give up and make a lifestyle change that will be long term.

    None of this is easy. We are all unique and while we might share our struggles and successes with others here, this battle of losing weight, becoming healthy, making a lifestyle change is a path that is ours alone that we walk on.

    And I like to think Planet Fitness has it right when they say "they are a judgement free zone". So who are we really to judge unless we have truly walked in that person's shoes?

    Just my 2 cents. Flame away.....
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    No. Thanks.
  • jean5301
    I have tried the two components of qsymia which are phentermine and topamax-and it is fantastic!
    In fact I work at a clinic that has been using this combo following the doses in the qsymia (formerly qnexa) trials for over 6 years.
    The patients' weight loss has been up to 100lbs.
    It seems to change how muscles uptake insulin I would guess or something.
    It was a miracle for almost all the pts especially insulin resistant ones like me. I lost 40 lbs and what was even more intersting was my c reactive protein. It started out as 8.0 and is always less than 0.5 now, as I continue a low dose of both meds.
  • di1428
    di1428 Posts: 165 Member
    not familiar with this supplement exactly but from what i know and read and experienced, they
    work at first and then you either have to keep upping what you take or when you go off your metabolism
    is all messed up and you gain what you lost and plus..

    it is possible to lose weight without taking anything ..give yourself some credit and know you
    can do this if you put the time and effort into yourself. :)

    read the success stories on these message boards...real success stories of people who lost
    a good amount of weight and kept it off...not one that i read included taking pills..
  • tennesseeleigh
    I have taken phentermine/topomax combo and had good results from it. I took it for a month and lost 8 lbs with no side effects after being stalled with weight loss for several months despite calorie counting and exercising. For me it cut out the mindless eating at what was a particularly stressful time for me and kept my appetite under control. I had to go off of it because I had a sinus infection and the meds I took for it were at risk for a bad interaction. I would take it again.
  • ajstewart20745
    ajstewart20745 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm in lets do this.
  • redzonedew
    I was in the FDA drug study/studies of Qsymia back in 2008. I do not know which dose I was on, but did not have the placebo. It worked great, over 9 months I lost 40 pound and I did not even change my eating habits/exercise back then. I did have a few side effects but they lasted only two weeks or so and were mild. Tingling feelings in hands and dry mouth. Other than that I had no issues. I am just starting it back up now along with diet and exercise. Hoping for the best!