Anyone know about appetite suppressant Qsymia???



  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Topamax, also known as Stupidmax. Known and common side effects: Disorientation, memory loss, speech impairment. Worth it, depending on your diagnosis and condition of psychological (or physical, especially with migraines) problem.

    Not worth it for weight loss.
  • Skrib69
    Skrib69 Posts: 687 Member
    Methamphetamine is an excellent appetite suppressant too.

    So is a good plate of protein and complex carbs. I have to agree with the majority - the side effects sound horrific, so if you can find a way forward without the pills then so much the better.
  • HisangelG
    HisangelG Posts: 96 Member
    My Dr. has prescribed Qsymia for me as he feels the benefits far outweigh the risks at this point. I have several medical issues that make losing at least 3-5% of my weight within the next 3-6 months necessary for my health and my life.

    I'm not one who wants to be on a "diet pill" but it beats being six feet under. I'll take it for the minimum time necessary and will continue to work on eating healthier, and exercising more. I know it's not a quick fix, and I know the dangers involved. I trust my Dr. that it's necessary for the time being. He's already let me know that I'll be coming in for very regular checkups to keep track of my blood and such. He knows that pregnancy is not an issue for me, so I think it's one reason he decided to go with this over some of the other possibilities.

    Each person knows themselves and what they need. I'm not going to apologize for needing this to help me lose some of the weight. Like someone else, I've had medications that have helped to contribute to my weight, including Prednisone. I am losing the ability to walk, due to my weight, and due to severe back issues that are in part, caused by the weight. These are part of the reasons my Dr. wants me to lose some of the weight as soon as possible, along with my BP, which is rising again after being on the very low side for several months. My spine is deteriorating rapidly, along with my joints. I"m in a wheelchair 90% of the time already, and the Dr. would like to help me to stop the inevitable that will happen if I DON'T lose the weight at all. It may not seem like much to those with only 30 pounds or so to lose, but I have over 225 pounds I need to lose. Losing 50 in the next three months can help save my life. I'm not going to apologize for trying to save my own life.

    Flame away.
  • nirea1982
    So I have been on the low dose of Qsymia for about 14 days and I start on higher dose tomorrow. So far I have not really seen a huge decrease in appetite but my cravings are less intense and don't seem to make me angry lol. I do notice a constant burning in the back of my throat, occasionally I feel warm and I have been sick pretty much since I started taking it. I really have no idea if the two are related and my Dr. seems to thing the drug is completely safe. Also I keep reading about Constipation but I've actually had the other problem from time to time. I also did drink this weekend which I found out later you are not supposed to do as no one really said anything to me about it I didn't know it mattered. If the side effects that range from heartburn to a constant lump in my throat get worse (Last two days I stopped wanting to leave my house) I will most definitely stop taking it but hopefully this is just my cold making me feel run down. I have a Hypothyroid and I tend to gain weight but cannot lose it unless I juice fast so wanted to try this route and see if it may work. Anyone else have similar experiences?
  • tped41
    tped41 Posts: 16 Member
    I agree. I take the low dose and always will. I have lost 15 pounds in one month and feel great. I do not want to eat junk. My body has wanted to eat unprocessed healthy food with nothing artificial. I have always tried to eat low fat, etc. Lowfat obviously didn't work. I gave up white sugar and all forms of flour. I have never done this in my life. Was it the Qsymia? I really don't know. I do know, that now I am into eating lower carb. I have never been a "big" eater just the wrong kind of food eater. I am in a good mood and food is not on my mind all the time. I feel I mastered a habit of eating correctly, now onto walking. The old me thought I had to go crazy and do crossfit, etc. I have found in life, at least for myself, no one can keep that up and that is what you have to do. My goal is to walk most days for 30 minutes. I am 53 and have I have about 40 more pounds to go. I am glad I tried this. It may not be for everyone, but it certainly is for me. I don't know if part of the drug is a drug I needed for mood stabilizing, but if it was or is, I am glad I found it! I feel like I can do this.
  • LaLouve_RK
    LaLouve_RK Posts: 899 Member
    Geez... stop it with the "If your hungry you are under eating"!!!!! IT IS NOT ALWAYS TRUE! :noway:

    Some people, me included, ate 3000 to 5000 calories some times and still got hungry!
  • xLexa
    xLexa Posts: 482 Member
    I don't know anything about the new one you mention, but I will tell you that I tried phentermine, and had minimal loss, I took it for 2 months. I was feeling desperate and wanted to see the scale move, but quite honestly it wasn't even because I felt hungry all the time because I didn't it was for pure satisfaction of seeing the scale move. I decided that it just wasn't worth it, the chances of heart issues, thickening of the heart walls, issues that I might not see immediately but later in life. I questioned my motives, why was I trying to get healthy and fit? One of the main reasons was for my kids and to be around for them as long as I can be, to be able to run around with them. Well if something happens to my heart, that kind of defeats the purpose. I understand why people do it, and I am not flaming anyone of you. There is so much good advice on these forums, did you know that a 10% weight loss can have such an amazing health impact on you? Just 10 % and your body starts adjusting, we have wonderful wonderful machines, which many of us have abused (medical issues aside) with over eating, lack of exercise or bad choices in general. Think about why you are doing it and think about. I often wonder if a placebo would have the same effect for many? Good luck everyone really Just think about the risks and read up about what you are using and make the informed choice and do not be in a hurry to see fast results, Rome wasn't built in a day and for many of us, weight gain didn't happen in a coupe of months either. :flowerforyou:
  • jsidel126
    jsidel126 Posts: 694 Member
    Cutting back on processed foods that contain a lot of sugar/salt is also an appetite suppressant. You will feel full and not likely to over eat. If you over eat, you pack on a couple hundred calories. A lot of processed food you may inhale a couple hundred calories.

    Most overly salted/sugared foods are manufactured this way so you can have the party in the mouth feel which improves their bottom line. It doesn't do anything you want for your bottom line.
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    Topamax - Topiramate is a seizure medication, also called an anticonvulsant.look it up
    Some dietery doctors are finding that one of it's side effects is weight loss.... but some of the others are heart attacks, strokes, SDS (sudden death)
    I take this drug for its perscribed reason Why would anyone take it to lose weight ??????

    because people think theres a pill for everything. guess what b!tches, science cant save you, ahahahahah! it was all a trick!
  • FitMrsR
    FitMrsR Posts: 226 Member
    If you're that hungry, you're probably undereating. Try upping your calorie intake and adding some patience instead.

    According to your diary, you're eating a lot of fast food and only about 1100-1200 calories per day. That stuff won't make you feel full for long. Try eating more homecooked whole food and eat at least at your BMR every day. This should be closer to 1400-1600 calories per day.


    But seriously, this^^
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    Geez... stop it with the "If your hungry you are under eating"!!!!! IT IS NOT ALWAYS TRUE! :noway:

    Some people, me included, ate 3000 to 5000 calories some times and still got hungry!

    5000 cals of sugar will do that.
  • skullfrackim
    Hi there

    if you are eating tons of carbs and crap food you will still be hungry because you are not actually nourshing your body the vitamins and minerals it needs. In return your body GRAVES anything you can get your mouth on. However if you feed your body proper food and nourish it, eventually your body will stop graving foods because it is noe missing any nourishment. I would stay away from fat burners and appetite suppressants,.
  • LaLouve_RK
    LaLouve_RK Posts: 899 Member
    Geez... stop it with the "If your hungry you are under eating"!!!!! IT IS NOT ALWAYS TRUE! :noway:

    Some people, me included, ate 3000 to 5000 calories some times and still got hungry!

    5000 cals of sugar will do that.

    Oh! That's it!!!!


    I dont overdo sugar, sorry to disappoint you, I am not some kind of dumb blonde. :huh:
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Why do you need monthly pregnancy tests??

    How do you get it prescribed - what is the criteria? Can anyone just go to the Dr. and say they need help because they're hungry all the time and get it?

    you didn't know that a side affect of appetite suppressants is pregnancy? Everyone knows that artificial insemination is the biggest side affect of appetite suppressants, especially Qsymmia...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member

    I totally agree, if you are eating 6 meals a day, eating protein and veggies you will not be hungry.

    Flame retardant suit is on.....

    While I understand that "drugs" are not the cure-all and to truly be successful at not only LOSING the weight, but keeping it OFF for any length of time requires a complete lifestyle change, there are times when I think it can help us make it through our short term goals so that in the end, we make it to our long term goal of being healthy.

    I workout 6 days a week, 75 minutes of lifting heavy & 45 minutes of cardio. I eat clean, and I eat back exercise calories within 100-200 of my total calories that are allotted per the MFP calculations, so roughly am eating around 1600 calories a day. I'm sorry, but I get freakin' hungry sometimes and some of the things that people suggest are just not going to cut it to suppress that drinking water, eating some broccoli, what have you

    I only have 10 lbs to get to my personal goal however I'm sure if I stayed the weight I am at now, most people would love to be that weight. However, I have spent most of my life overweight and the worst part about trying to lose weight is dealing with hunger. Granted now I have learned through this site that 'starving' yourself does not work and that trying to do 1000 calories a day does more harm than good, I still have issues with being hungry. Nothing kills my appetite, even when I'm sick I still find that I'm hungry.

    And granted, I understand that it is the "American way" to take the easy route and we want things "now" but if you are sincerely trying to lose weight and making a commitment to making a lifestyle change, but need a little help, I don't think others really should give people a hard time about it. It's no different than the latest complaints that have been expressed in other posts lately about people forcing opinions regarding "oh you need to lift heavy, that's the only way to do it" or "you should only do cardio if you want to lose weight". Everyone is different. What works for one person might not work for someone else. Losing weight is a horrible battle to begin with and it serves no purpose to belittle someone for looking at all options available to them that might help them be more successful at winning the battle.

    I think it's good that people post their experiences regarding a particular drug or supplement, but I what I "hear" when I read the posts saying "oh you really shouldn't feel hungry if you're eating 6 meals a day" or "you aren't eating the right foods" or "you are just looking for a quick fix" is that I'm a failure and doing something wrong, ie a loser since I can't control my hunger urges and that I am going about things the wrong way. Stop and think that maybe the person is doing everything right, but just needs that little bit of extra to help them through the tough part and once they make it through that, they can give up the 'crutch' and actually not give up and make a lifestyle change that will be long term.

    None of this is easy. We are all unique and while we might share our struggles and successes with others here, this battle of losing weight, becoming healthy, making a lifestyle change is a path that is ours alone that we walk on.

    And I like to think Planet Fitness has it right when they say "they are a judgement free zone". So who are we really to judge unless we have truly walked in that person's shoes?

    Just my 2 cents. Flame away.....

    this is fine..just don't post the one millionth thread asking about appetite suppressants and not expect to be 'judged' , or have people chime in ....

    personally, I say if you are hungry eat ..your body is trying to tell you something..but at the same time .just because you "think" you are hungry does not mean that you are...IF taught me that...
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I know it is not the best route to go..but it has really suppressed my appetite..I am so bad..I know that sticking to this site and working out is key bc I lost 33 lbs doing it before..the only problem is I gained 20 of it back..


    what is key to weight loss is a healthy balanced diet, portion control, regular exercise and patience. (and of course a calorie deficit) none of which you will learn by taking pills
  • onwarddownward
    onwarddownward Posts: 1,683 Member
    I nearly died after taking Meridia, which is also an RX appetite suppressant, for two years. Yes, I lost 121 lbs, got a contract to support a diet musical project, got calls from magazines wanting to feature me, but it was all fake.

    Fortunately I have found a NEW appetite suppressant! This one is the real deal!

    It is called EXERCISE.


    requires no prescription
    is free
    is addictive, but in a good way
    has no side effects
    will not raise your blood pressure
    will not keep you up at night, so that you need downers to sleep
    has long-lasting results.

    Try this one and put that other crap in the trash. :noway: :noway: :noway:

  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    Geez... stop it with the "If your hungry you are under eating"!!!!! IT IS NOT ALWAYS TRUE! :noway:

    Some people, me included, ate 3000 to 5000 calories some times and still got hungry!

    5000 cals of sugar will do that.

    Oh! That's it!!!!


    I dont overdo sugar, sorry to disappoint you, I am not some kind of dumb blonde. :huh:

    i actually meant: maybe your diet is a bit crap. try eating 500cals of carrots. id say it would be close to impossible to make it to 1000 without feeling extremely full. perhaps its what you eat.
  • LaLouve_RK
    LaLouve_RK Posts: 899 Member
    The only crappy was my portions... period! :huh:
  • kerohare
    kerohare Posts: 6
    yes, thank you. ... unless you have walked in a person's shoes you will never know. I see people who exercise and the weight comes off. I exercise and watch and nothing happens. I gained weight on jenny craig and did not lose weight on nutrisystem.. I have had blood work done and it comes back ok.. so I don't know. Now I stopped exercising like I was and the weight stayed basically the same...within the same 5 pound range.. Something is not right but whatever. Qsymia is curbing the appetite and I am not eating so will see..
    Thanks for the judgment free comments.
    : )