Those of you with a significant other?



  • _AllieCat_
    _AllieCat_ Posts: 515 Member
    So I know I do this, and I'm starting to think it's kind of cruel, but does anyone else do the following?:

    I watch what I eat. I make sure I don't put a lot of things into my body that I shouldn't. That being said, I love baking. I love sweet things. I love my boyfriend.
    I have this outrageously bad habit of baking things or buying delicious dessert things JUST TO GIVE THEM TO MY BOYFRIEND. I understand it's still a form of showing love, but I think I do it because I know that I PERSONALLY can't eat it.

    Does anyone else make/bake things with the intention of not eating any of it and just giving it to your significant other?
    LOL I don't want him to become fat, but I don't want to eat those things.
    Sometimes even when someone gives me a dessert to take home, I give it to him because I know I don't want it. hahaha

    I do the exact same thing. If someone gives me food I shouldn't be eating, I always pass it on to my guy. Same as you, I don't want to harm him in any way, but since I rarely buy bad for us foods to keep around I feel almost guilty.

    I mean -- I turned him on to drinking flax milk! How coo-coo is that!? What guy unless totally into health would drink that on his own? He does rave about it.

    For us it's more of a compromise thing. I like healthy foods. He doesn't. I try to strike a relationship-healthy balance in our home.
  • thektturner
    thektturner Posts: 228 Member
    If I did that, I'd be a terrible person. My boyfriend is diabetic. It's hard though, because I want to. I like to bake and he likes to eat sweets. It has made me stay away from them much more than I would through willpower alone. The fact that I know if sweets are in the house, he will eat them. I'd feel like I was killing him slowly.

    That being said, if he weren't diabetic and he was at a weight he was comfortable with, I'd probably make him a pie once a week at least!
  • sicilysclover
    sicilysclover Posts: 173 Member
    So I know I do this, and I'm starting to think it's kind of cruel, but does anyone else do the following?:

    I watch what I eat. I make sure I don't put a lot of things into my body that I shouldn't. That being said, I love baking. I love sweet things. I love my boyfriend.
    I have this outrageously bad habit of baking things or buying delicious dessert things JUST TO GIVE THEM TO MY BOYFRIEND. I understand it's still a form of showing love, but I think I do it because I know that I PERSONALLY can't eat it.

    Does anyone else make/bake things with the intention of not eating any of it and just giving it to your significant other?
    LOL I don't want him to become fat, but I don't want to eat those things.
    Sometimes even when someone gives me a dessert to take home, I give it to him because I know I don't want it. hahaha

    I do this all the time. He isn't on a diet so I like baking for him and buying him things I know he likes.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    Does anyone else make/bake things with the intention of not eating any of it and just giving it to your significant other?

    Yes....but I play it safe and make him things he loves that I don't like. :wink:
  • barb1241
    barb1241 Posts: 324 Member
    I do buy my hubs an occasional treat because it is something I know he'll like. I bake for holidays because it's what I do. I give a lot away to other people too. And he eats junk at work as well because there is always someone there with food to share. Cakes, pies, sweet breads, etc.

    He does a lot of physical activity at work, plus he walks with me every day, and he is pretty slim, maybe could lose 10 pounds but he'd be pretty skinny then.

    What I do especially well is to cook all of those foods we love so well but think we can't have...and make them skinnier. I use a lot of aromatic spices and herbs and lower fat versions of stuff, so it still tastes decadent, but has a lot less calories. All my friends know I am try to lose tonnage but they are still happy to come eat dinner at my house when I've cooked because I don't make or eat anything that tastes like cardboard.

    I guess I show hubs and myself both that I love us by cooking great food that is also healthy and also by having a treat sometimes even if it's just crap and garbage.

    Did that answer your question? Yes, sort of but not always exactly with the nutritionally-challenged food.

  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    the key is moderation. i have 2 teenagers and i make stuff for well as for my husband. i figure homemade hot wings is better than storebought.

    I do teach my children about healthy eating and moderation...its teaching them early on..and as far as hubby..he doesnt care what he long as its good..

    with christmas coming up..I will bake all sorts of goodies..and yes we eat them..cause life happens..!
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    I don't like baking, so I don't. People knows that so they never ask me to bake anything for them.

    I show my love to my husband by cooking healthy meals, because if I don't watch what he eats, he will seldom do it on his own. He does have sweet tooth!
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    I bake things weekly because I love it, I have one or two then send them to work with my husband, so not for him solely. Or I give them to my sister and her family.
  • joeysox
    joeysox Posts: 195 Member
    i eat the same as my partner but i weigh all my stuff. i dont do 'diet' food i just modify recipes and still eat yummy stuff but i never go over 1400cals x
  • mellabyte
    mellabyte Posts: 193 Member
    Hahaha. I feel you. Since I started cooking more to keep from eating out and eating junk... I have discovered that I LOVE cooking and apparently have a special talent for baking, candy and treats... >_<

    But. I've discovered that I can indulge in moderation and it's okay...and since I know exactly what's going in everything - it's not as terrible as going out to the cheesecake factory.

    However, I do end up taking requests from my BF... And yes, sometimes I do end up making things just for him so I can get rid of stuff in the freezer/fridge/pantry...

    I also take a lot of my stuff to work and put in the common room for everyone to share.

  • SuffolkSally
    SuffolkSally Posts: 964 Member
    No. But then we don't live together, I suppose that helps. I do most of the cooking so I cook healthy meals which are also tasty (I like my food). He tops up quite a bit often with sweets and cakes, but these aren't things that tempt me so that's fine.
  • ash8184
    ash8184 Posts: 701 Member
    Yes... I do it too, but I've stopped because neither one of us needs it! If he wants something sweet or fatty, I don't enable him by bringing it to him - I make him to get it himself :)
  • FeebRyan
    FeebRyan Posts: 738 Member
    my hubby LOVES healthy food above all else. He has gone gluten free with me...

    He is my rock and has been so so supportive.