When to post success on social networks?



  • demeatloaf
    Whenever you want to and feel it's significant enough. Social media should be used however you want to use it. People may complain about politics, kid pictures, food pictures, etc., but ultimately it's your site. If someone doesn't like it, they don't need to follow you.
  • Pandy1962
    Pandy1962 Posts: 105 Member
    I posted on fb when I lost 20lbs, and put a picture up, mainly because my family are very spread out (England, Scotland and the USA) so it was a useful way to show them . The next time will be once I lose another 20 lbs
  • gdrmuzak
    gdrmuzak Posts: 103 Member
    I look at it as partial accountability. Making a goal and following thru. I DON'T WANT TO EVER GO BACK to the man/weight I was. I figure I'll post my weight ticker on FB after I've hit 20-25 pounds...which should be by the end of the year. My goal for this year was 25 lbs. and I was 10 lbs from it in June then various issues hit and I gained it all back in 2 months. My ultimate goal is 75 lbs. over 2 1/2 years and I want it to be significant enough before I post that people can see the difference in my body. Pics? Not now....although I might consider it after I hit 50 lbs. loss. Besides I usually the one taking pics of the fan so I've tried to not be in them. I guess because I'm not comfortable yet with me yet.

    Also, another reason to post at some point, I am so grateful to a friend who pointed me to MFP. I look at MFP as a game that I want to win and since it has been so helpful and HONEST :noway: :cry: to me, I want to let others know the help I received.
  • melisj5
    melisj5 Posts: 23 Member
    I'll make a post on Facebook about once a week. All of my friends are people that I actually know (family and friends) and they have all been really supportive. I have also been motivating several people too apparently! I also won't post my actual weight because I'm still a bit shy about posting how much I currently weigh and where I started at. I just post how much I have lost and how many inches in my waist I have lost.
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    You should be proud of every pound you lose! Post whenever you want too!
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    I would never share that on bookface. It is far too personal. I only share general stuff on bookface. I have family, friends, work people and clients there, I have to be careful, and I just don't share personal info much. But, your situation might be different. Weight loss is not something I share publically. No one cares. I know that's a bad thing to say, but I've had people that share that kind of information, and I hear what others have to say about it. not nice. So, I just don't go there. For my real friends, when they see me, they'll know. Or, you can put a message out there that only your close friends will see that would not mind and will be supportive. I think that would be OK.
  • tonightokayalright
    tonightokayalright Posts: 289 Member
    Never. When you post an updated photo of yourself people will notice.
  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    I will never post my weight loss on Facebook. I understand why people do but it makes me nauseous just thinking about it.
  • tiffastar
    tiffastar Posts: 46 Member
    I had to discuss when a former friend told people I must be battling an illness to have lost weight.
  • ritoosh
    ritoosh Posts: 190
    I guess when you feel it's significant enough to tell people? I wouldn't put that kind of thing on Facebook at all.

    me either. i feel people would just give too much negativity. or someone would put the evil eye on me (im a big believer on that)
  • bluelena
    bluelena Posts: 304 Member
    When I started C25K about a year and a half ago, I had it set so that it would show my results after every run on FB and Twitter. I stopped doing that after a couple of months, because really? Most people don't care about the workouts that everyone else is doing, and it's really no one's business but mine. I only post stuff regarding diet and exercise here, because I feel like it's the right place for it. The way I see it, I don't care when people on FB and Twitter post their runs/workouts, so they probably don't care about mine.

    Social networks are what you make them. I use Twitter and FB differently and friend people differently on them. Same for MFP. Here, I choose friends that I either know IRL or people that are doing the same workouts I'm doing and that have similar goals. Those are the people I share with because they're going through the same thing and it's a great for discussion of all the little details that a lot of people on other social networking sites don't really give a *kitten* about.

    I will say this, though. It's really uplifting when new photos are posted to FB and people that haven't seen me in awhile are all, "OMG YOU LOOK SO AWESOME"! Same for when people see me in person when it's been awhile. I prefer it that way.
  • Ichristini
    Ichristini Posts: 66 Member
    The first time I was able to run 12 minutes without stopping I posted in on FB. And then when I crossed the line out of Obesity I posted that success. I found my friends were amazingly supportive. Good luck with your journey!

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  • goddessofsewing
    goddessofsewing Posts: 110 Member
    I haven't decided when to post, either. One of the things that motivated me and made me believe I could do it was a couple of friends who lost significant amounts of weight. They hadn't mentioned anything before. I've been keeping it a secret from pretty much everyone, so I'm excited to do a big reveal when the time comes.
  • cherbapp
    cherbapp Posts: 322
    I'm kind of in the middle of the road on this.

    I had a total of 100 pounds to lose but my first success post on facebook was when I lost 40 pounds. My friends are quite encouraging and I felt a stronger sense of commitment by making it public.

    That being said, I only post every ten pounds lost. With a simple "-70" for instance.

    This will end up being a total of 7 posts for my entire journey. Hopefully not too much to annoy friends but enough to keep me motivated and on track being excited about making a success post...and the encouragement they give me is so worth any embarrassment over what I used to be. :)
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