How do people tolerate weighing every day???



  • beekuzz
    beekuzz Posts: 428 Member
    I usually weigh myself everyday, but I always do it in the morning before I've ate anything and after using the restroom. I find that doing this makes me stay on track more and figure out what's working for me and what's not working when it comes to my eating.

    Same here! We weigh every day, too. It helps me understand the fluctuations in weight, holding water, etc. But, I think for people that weigh multiple times a day, might have some issues because we go up and down constantly.
  • writemusic4him
    writemusic4him Posts: 312 Member
    I weigh everyday to make sure I am on track with where I want to be. If I see that I am gaining, I adjust my food intake. If I am losing, then I keep on the way I am going. I weigh first thing in the morning when I get out of bed. Same time everyday.

    I do the same thing and for the same reason...keeps me on track.
  • Jenny_Taylia
    Jenny_Taylia Posts: 540 Member
    I not only weigh myself everyday...but pretty much all day.

    I also keep my scale in the kitchen. Its a good motivator for me. If I see I gained, wont sneak into the fridge to grab a snack and remind myself why I cant have that bowl of ice cream. If I lost anything then I feel GREAT!
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    (1) Definitely eat more if you are getting the urge to overeat from hunger.
    (2) Also, I don't weigh but once every month or so now, but when I was losing, I weighed in about once a week at the same time every week. It really does a lot to help you focus on hitting your nutrition goals on a daily basis and not get stressed out about the scale fluctuations. At my highest weight, my weight would fluctuate up to 10 lbs in a week depending on what time of the month it was and how any carbs and sodium I had in my diet during the week. The long-term trend is really what matters, not daily incremental changes.
    (3) Set yourself up with a few fitness and nutrition goals to work towards. They can be weekly, daily, or monthly and big or small. Just find a way to work toward something other than the number on the scale.
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    I weigh daily, but i ONLY log once per week, and no matter what, i log what the scale says on THAT DAY, which happens to be Friday Morning.

    The only time i choose another day is if im UBER busy and i know i will forget that day, so i will choose another day that week, and i weigh then, but i choose the day on Monday. so for instance, Monday, i will say... im going to be super busy Friday, so my weigh in will be on Wednesday instead.. and i write that on my MFP for everyone to see. Being accountable keeps be religious. lol

    So thats what works for me. ;)
  • SueGeer
    SueGeer Posts: 1,169 Member
    I originally posted this as a blog this morning:

    I first joined MFP in January 2011 weighing 149.2 lbs - not particularly overweight for my height of 5'5, but not comfortable. Following a 1200 calorie eating plan and weighing myself daily, I reached goal of 130 by June the same year......coincidentally on my 49th birthday.

    On to maintenance - the hardest part, some say......upped calories & ate back exercise calories & weighed in every few days. Managed to maintain between 130 & 135 for the next 6 months or so.

    2012......So many family parties & celebrations! Youngest son's 18th; my 50th; nephew's 21st; oldest son's wedding; middle sister's 25th wedding anniversary; youngest sister's wedding; Dad's 75th and a 2-week cruise, amongst others! So much food and so many to indulge in my favourite past-time. The scales went out the window to a certain extent. Yes, I know I was putting on weight....."it's OK, let's get these celebrations out the way then I'll get back on it" all know how it is, we've all been there.......

    My profile pic was taken on our cruise........a perfect overeat occasion! The shorts were a bit tight........can almost see a camel-toe! but I was determined to enjoy it and made a promise that I would get back on track and lose the weight once we got home.
    28th October 2012.......first morning after arriving home. OK.....weigh in time. OMG.... 158.5lbs!!!!! 9.3lbs more than when I first started on MFP and certainly heavier than I've ever been, excluding pregnancies.

    Time to get really serious about this. Pulled out my nutrition sheet given to me by the gym.......low carbs, high protein, etc. Haven't followed it to the letter, but stuck reasonably close to the guidelines........and weighed every day.

    Fast forward a little to today (30th November) almost 5 weeks since returning from the cruise. I now weigh 149.4lbs.....a loss so far of 9.1lbs!

    Because of how I know myself and how my mindset works, I know that if I didn't weigh every day, I would get complacent and slip back into my old ways. For me, it's the only way to keep me on track.

    i have an Aria scale, which is synced to MFP, so my weight is automatically posted to here.....what you see is what I've lost - straight from the scale.

    So please, don't criticise those who do weigh every day.........we're all different, and for some of us, this is the only way..........
  • ang3h
    ang3h Posts: 185 Member
    I've stopped weighing myself completely. I am much happier now.
  • cue_chik
    cue_chik Posts: 63 Member
    When the scale has something to do with your weight use it, otherwise it is a useless device. Your success will be found in exercise and good nutrition. Do that and the scale will take care of itself, also how your clothes are fitting will tell you more.

    I wish MFP had a "Like" button!
  • plaingirly
    I am aiming to weigh in every Saturday evening. Tomorrow is my first weigh in as I wanted to do 2 weeks first - hoping to have lost 2 pounds!

    I want to weigh myself every morning and evening but think I might get obsessed about it!
  • spikethat
    I am an every day weigher and it is definitely working for me. I weigh every morning, first thing after I get up and go to the restroom. I am usually good with sticking to my diet so I don't fear that dreaded number going up. If I feel that I did have a bad day, then sometimes I will not weigh the next day.