SBF2 Reboot Boogaloo Jan. 25, 2010



  • Bobbie145
    Bobbie145 Posts: 331 Member
    Good morning! Just posted a nice long post only to have it go away!:angry:

    Went bowling yesterday with 4 boys and a friend of mine. My friend is a good bowler and gave me good tips. It was fun.

    Today I will wash clothes, fold clothes, put clothes away, put a new 2x4 under Andrew's bed to keep it from sagging, read police reports on my new cases, go over new discovery on a case that is coming up for trial in March, try to put stuff away or throw stuff away to make things neater (neatness is a hard state to obtain when you have people actively working against you:wink: ), read the Sunday paper, read my "for fun" book, pack for my trip next week, and pack for the boys to stay with friends next week while we are gone. My poor husband has a rotten cold, so no church this morning. The boys have gone to church with a friend, so, I will have peace and quiet for a few hours.

    I hope everyone has a great day. Hope those of you who have been feeling bad are starting to feel better. I will be at my gym in the morning.

  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    I'm not nearly that busy. Today is grocery shopping and planning meals for the week. More yoga and walking as well. Did a 6 minute shoulderstand yesterday. The trick is 5+ blankets, then it feels totally relaxing.

    Both last night's gelato and Friday night's chocolate cake thing were disappointing. I'm saving the other dessert I was going to have this weekend for a really good dessert. Both the above desserts were free though, so that's some consolation. Husband turns 40 this year, so I'll have to plan something big.

    V - did you get all the yogas in that you planned?

    Make it worth it, boogaloo!
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    OK - after overdoing it on Friday and taking a break yesterday, I was back at it this morning. I got up, went to the gym, and ran 5 miles! Two of my toes were just starting to get a little tender, but didn't blister, which is good progress considered I ran so far. I used my two-layer socks, and a blister prevention stick on my feet (it looks really funny, like a tiny deodorant stick). I haven't run that far since probably last fall, so I feel really good. I still need to figure out how to eat and drink before/after running so my stomach doesn't get upset - but it wasn't too bad today.

    I did miss my 3rd day of pushups last week - trying to decide if I should do them today, or start over tomorrow. Later we're going to see Sherlock Holmes - should be silly fun. Sorry the desserts weren't so great, Mary - hope you find something fabulous to make up for it. I haven't been bowling in a while - I'm terrible, but it's still fun.:smile:

    New week, boogaloo. :flowerforyou:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning pebbs!

    Mary, I did come up short on the 25 in 40 days, but came up with 18 in January, which seems impressive to me. (in my initial calculations, I didn't allow for time out of town and a weekly boxing session) By last week, I was noticing progress in some poses, which was my main goal. That and pushing myself to go when I really didn't want to (a particularly good exercise for me, I discovered, was breaking through the fear of "two days in a row".) To that, I really don't want to go today, but will. (it's gray, cloudy and very, very cold out (20 F) ) but I've been freezing for days, so it will be nice to be hot. Also, if I want to eat anything else today, I should exercise. (we went to brunch at my favorite (mexican, hardcore authentic) restaurant for lunch, as well as dinner out followed by gelato last night) Yesterday I ate at maintenance calories, and made peace with that. I walked around pretty much all day, but didn't log it as exercise.

    So, long story short. Today is Bikram.

    Blew past my "workout 25 times this month" goal, clocking in at 27 or 28 ( I sort of lost count and I'm not sure about one day in there) times in 31 days. Not bad.

    Also, the pants I had to buy at the beginning of January (because all of my pants were too tight to be worn in public) are now officially loose, and needed a belt this a.m.

    Tomorrow, I measure and weigh myself. I'm a bit anxious about it. I really want numbers progress to verify the clothes-fitting-better progress.

    Bikram boogaloo!:flowerforyou: