

  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member
    I thought about adding a section about pets but depending on where you are, I wasn't sure about your local regulations. Down here, Florida, some shelters allow pets...others don't. In fact, many people leave with their pets only because of how shelters can sometimes refuse them so it's easier at times to leave the area. Thanks for adding to the list.

    I'm hoping all is well. :)

    FYI - For those of you who don't know this, school buses usually don't go out in gusts over 40 miles an hour. They are top heavy so even though it doesn't feel bad, it's enough to tip them over. That's why they close the schools. The higher the vehicle, the more chances of that happening.

  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,573 Member
    Baltimore here. Feel like we're the only ones at work today. Nearly no cars on my drive in (though it was early).
    Pretty darn dark outside still too. Waiting to see how bad it gets when we really get hit tonight.
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    I know last night in NYC there were official announcements that people could bring their pets to shelters and on public transit and in cabs to get to the shelters.

    Thanks for the tips! I do think the scariest thing about something like this is that it's not something New Englanders generally know how to deal with. I'm lucky (?) in that I have relatives who live in NoLa and went through Katrina, so I have a bunch of (theoretical) know-how already. Didn't think of keeping pics of me and the cats, though, that makes sense.

    Last night my BF and his dad (both of whom have lived in Boston their entire lives--around 60 years for the dad) went outside and went "oh. wow. the air's definitely different. this isn't normal Boston." which they didn't do for Irene. So... I'm glad I'm prepared.

    The pictures are to help establish ownership. Just wanted to explain in case folks were perplexed by that. If you are separated from your pets, it's quite difficult sometimes to establish that yes, that is YOUR cat or dog if it ended up in an animal shelter or someone took it in and you are desperately trying to reclaim it. The veterinary records are also a paper trail of ownership. Most folks don't retain their contract of sale (from a breeder or shelter) and even if they did, those records could be wiped out in a flooding situation.

    If you don't have your vet records handy, don't panic--you can request them at any time from your vet and they will happily provide them.

    Also very happy to hear that you have seen announcements saying pets are welcome!
  • WaltSeher
    And that's just the radar! The storm was much bigger.
  • WaltSeher
    Virginia Beach here, staying inside!

    Hey Hurricane Sandy Imma let you finish but, Olivia Newton John was the greatest Sandy of all time!
    Wish we could "like" certain comments cause I like this one :p
  • WaltSeher
    Thanks for the well wishes!:flowerforyou: Dark skies, some light, cold rain. Wind is getting a little stronger. Holing up with a huge bottle of champagne, leftover from our engagement party, and all the original star wars movies, because i havent seen them ever. :blushing:

    Plenty of stored water. Genny is ready to go. And i just made some healthy cookies. Huge salads for dinner. :fragile:

    Best thing about eating healthy, is that most of the stuff we have in the house is produce, so, even an electricityless existence for a week wouldnt spoil our food. I aint scrrrrd. :tongue:

    :happy: But im not mega coastal either...

    Though, the real fireworks may not be til tomorrow evening... we shall see. Stay safe everyone. <3
    "Luke.....you must go to the Degaba system....there you will find Yoda, the Jedi Master who instructed me" (wait I thought that was Quigon Jin..oh well)