Should I forget cardio?



  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Not sure what people consider "fit", but it's all pretty relative. Maybe a lot of body builders can lift a car, but maybe they can't hike for four hours. Maybe someone can run a marathon, but can't do a single pull-up. I think cardio is a good idea to be all around healthy. Aside from the argument of it helping you lose weight or not, it's's about your heart health. You want....or should want your heart to be healthy. Especially when we're talking about being people overweight, they're hearts aren't in the best shape they can be. So yes, cardio is necessary.

    This is tired. The OP did NOT ask about tips for her heart. She asked about losing weight. If you want to promote things you believe to be true about heart health, start your own thread or respond to posts that ask about tips for heart health. You'll still be wrong there if you think her current routine isn't good for her heart, but at least you'll be relevant to the question asked.

    Hey OP, you should be flossing, because flossing is good for hygiene. I know that wasn't your question, but some of us want to throw in helpful tips no matter how irrelevant they are to your progress, so I thought I'd offer my .02

    DavPul, I find myself trying to add you as a friend. Again. On a daily basis. Best poster on the whole damn site.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member

    Would it HURT for her to throw in 15 minutes on a bike or treadmill before one of her lifting sessions or even her pilates or yoga classes?

    YES. That is basically the definition of diminishing returns. A little here, a little there seems like it would be okay, but eventually we have gone too far. Eventually we have already done the required work and everything else is either not helpful and possibly hurtful
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    When you get your heartrate up, it can increase your metabolism, burning more calories and thus increasing your calorie deficit. It also contributes to a healthy cardiovascular system (heart health!!) However, it doesn't matter if you do it on the treadmill or elliptical, or if you do it through kickboxing, swimming, or playing basketball. Exercise should be fun, so find what is fun and do it!
  • LMick1986
    LMick1986 Posts: 431
    YES. That is basically the definition of diminishing returns. A little here, a little there seems like it would be okay, but eventually we have gone too far. Eventually we have already done the required work and everything else is either not helpful and possibly hurtful

    I would agree to an extent. For example: I don't believe that running all kinds of marathons is good for you. I feel so many put their body through too much stress with all that running....hurt feet, hurt knees, etc. However, what she is doing does not seem like too much. And 45 extra minutes per week definitely does not seem like it will be the thing that tips the harmful scale. That's my opinion....and reading a ton of other posts, it seems tons of others agree with that. So attacking me because I didn't tell her to stop what she's doing is just silly. I could have just responded with "Well you're wanting to lose more weight, so why don't you just go starve yourself or pop a ton of pills and forget cardio." But apparently you think my "advice" is misinformed and advice of not cutting out cardio altogether. Come on.
  • LMick1986
    LMick1986 Posts: 431
    OP, I apologize your thread has been flooded with this junk (the silly debates back and forth). I hope you got the advice you came looking for. :)
  • NikoM5
    NikoM5 Posts: 488 Member
    Cardio is vital for your health and the best way to burn fat.

    Cardio is good for heart health but it's a (relatively) terrible way to burn fat. By far the best way is through diet. If you can stand doing cardio then go for it but it's absolutely not necessary. I do zero traditional cardio. I lift weights in a manner that has my heart rate elevated sufficiently but I don't run, bike, etc.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    You don't really need "cardio", I have to agree. Weights alone are more than enough to burn fat, keep your heart healthy, etc. If your heart doesn't get pumping when you're doing weights: you picked the wrong weight!

    Course, if you want to run, bike, swim, play basketball, whatever. Then why not?

    People should do what makes them happy and keeps them healthy.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    YES. That is basically the definition of diminishing returns. A little here, a little there seems like it would be okay, but eventually we have gone too far. Eventually we have already done the required work and everything else is either not helpful and possibly hurtful

    I would agree to an extent. For example: I don't believe that running all kinds of marathons is good for you. I feel so many put their body through too much stress with all that running....hurt feet, hurt knees, etc. However, what she is doing does not seem like too much. And 45 extra minutes per week definitely does not seem like it will be the thing that tips the harmful scale. That's my opinion....and reading a ton of other posts, it seems tons of others agree with that. So attacking me because I didn't tell her to stop what she's doing is just silly. I could have just responded with "Well you're wanting to lose more weight, so why don't you just go starve yourself or pop a ton of pills and forget cardio." But apparently you think my "advice" is misinformed and advice of not cutting out cardio altogether. Come on.

    I'm sorry that disagreeing with you and calmly and logically explaining the reasons why is seen as attacking you.
  • LMick1986
    LMick1986 Posts: 431
    I'm sorry that disagreeing with you and calmly and logically explaining the reasons why is seen as attacking you.

    Ok...this is done now.
  • KayLgee
    KayLgee Posts: 139
    Thanks everyone, il take on board everyones advice and work on whats best for ME.
  • LizHowerton
    LizHowerton Posts: 329 Member
    I personally think 85% of weight loss is what you eat. You just can't out exercise your food consumption. It seems like you have a pretty good mix, with some cardio in there.

    If you are consistently losing now, I think I'd stick with what you are doing. If you hit a plateau, then try mixing it up with some additional cardio.