Chubby Trainers & Nutrionists



  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    I'm studying for my PT and nutrition specialist certifications right now. With my weight loss, and working with a trainer, my passion changed. I'm still chubby-
  • rodneyderrick
    rodneyderrick Posts: 483 Member
    Interesting. I'm thinking a lot of people complaining about plus size trainers are new to this fitness game. There are people of all shapes and sizes in the fitness arena, and the overweight trainers usually know how to get a person into shape. They have the ability to motivate people too. Did you know the majority of football coaches around the country are fat slobs? Many of them have winning football teams despite having massive guts. I've seen frumpy personal trainers train people, and turn them into gods and goddesses. My first Group Fitness Instructor was an obese lady who said that she wouldn't dream of becoming a size two. She loved her thickness. On the other hand, I knew a body builder who had a passion for training people too. He had an anomaly with his heart back in 2003, and the doctors didn't give him long to live. He looked like the epitome of fitness, but he died in 2007 with an insatiable passion to encourage all those around him to be fit. When he suggested I go about training this way or that way, I didn't say, "What do you know? You have heart disease!" I knew that a well informed individual was giving me a piece of advice that would help in my training. Fitness is a journey, and I've been walking the path since I was fifteen.
  • Kissybiz
    Kissybiz Posts: 361 Member
    Knowledge is knowledge.
    You dont pay them to look good, you pay to learn from them.

    I agree with this statement. I've had several trainers off and on over the years. In the past they've all been fit and trim and buff. The one I have now has battled his weight since he was younger, and still battles with issues surrounding food, as do I. He is kind of a teddy bear and indulges too much probably in junk food (he's 25). But to be quite honest, he's the best trainer I've ever had as far as working out goes. I'm seeing great results. It may be different if I weren't self-motivated and if I didn't have this site to sort of keep me in check as far as nutrition goes, but I am happy with my workouts and how he pushes me with strength training, etc...
  • shunggie
    shunggie Posts: 1,036 Member
    What about chubby doctors (or even above chubby) who tell you if you lose weight you'll feel better, look better and be healthier and live longer? Everytime my doctor said that I wanted to kick him in the teeth. Of course I couldnt have gotten my leg that high back then. I've lost 113 pounds since last October and not once when I come in for my regular bloodwork etc, does he ever acknowledge my weight loss. I see him every 3 months for bloodwork/medication review. Would be nice just once to hear, you're doing great, wtg, or something!

    Maybe you need a new doc.....?????
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    There are many, many classical musicians who no longer play but who are incredible teachers. I don't think you need necessarily be very good at something in order to teach well the principles necessary to excel at it.
  • rodneyderrick
    rodneyderrick Posts: 483 Member
    Chubbiness doesn't mean unhealthiness.
    Yeah... yeah.. it kinda does.

    No it does not. Just because a person is a little chubby doesn't mean they're unhealthy. There are a lot of factors involved in a person's health.

    I'm chubby and I am not unhealthy.

    My doctor just said I swallowed a lot of aggression, along with a lot of pizzas. Ha! Pizzas. Well, I was going to try one of those fitness camps, like EST. But they are like $400. So I thought.... join the Army. It's free. And what do they got, like an 8 week progam, which is PERFECT for me......

    The late John Candy said this in that movie 'Stripes."
  • PamelaKuz
    PamelaKuz Posts: 191 Member
    For me, it depends on their story. If they have already lost 150 pounds, I would value their advice over someone who was always thin and never had to work at it. Well, maybe not value advice more, but relate more, if you know what I mean. But unless you know the history of the person, it's impossible to know that, and very easy to judge. I don't think I would pay someone to help me that was obese and did nothing about it, even if they had a lot of knowledge,
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    I'm their biggest cheerleader... (though I do look a bit odd in a skirt and pigtails).

    ... was that your halloween costume??
    No. Bane. I'll have pics shortly.

    That's HAWT!!! :bigsmile:
  • pumalama
    pumalama Posts: 140 Member
    knowledge is one thing; willpower, commitment/dedication, and personal history are other things. Show me that you know your stuff, then I don't care if your shoes/car/body/whatever are not perfectly looking
  • Bridget0927
    Bridget0927 Posts: 438 Member

    If your a trainer you should be fit, If your a nutritionist you should be of a normal BMI and size.
    In either case not CHUBBY!


    original poster if you cant tell I could not agree more :-)
  • ♥ChUbByCoyLe♥
    ♥ChUbByCoyLe♥ Posts: 267 Member
    I personally think that if you are a trainer or nutritionist then you should practice what you preach. I have been to gyms where "chubby" trainers have tried to push me but they just don't inspire me. Just look at trainers like Jillian Michaels...she looks absolutely amazing, works out hard, pushes hard and is an ispiration to people trying to achieve their weight loss goals. You just think to yourself " i want to be like her" and it makes you work out harder.

    As for don't get fat by eating all the right foods and it's not hereditary.
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    I get what you're saying; I guess it bothers me slightly but not enough to discount whatever they have to tell me. I once took a step aerobics class where the female instructor appeared to be maybe 25 pounds overweight. But she could complete the whole thing while speaking normally whereas I was gasping for breath halfway through. Besides, the class itself is only one tool for weight loss and while maybe she wasn't taking her own advice all the way around didn't make the class any less butt-kicking.

    As for doctors (I saw a couple people mention them), I see them for the knowledge they gained in medical school about the human body, NOT for them to set a good example for me to emulate. If my doctor weighed 400 pounds and told me I need to lose another 50, I wouldn't assume that he didn't know what he was talking about. He's talking about me and my situation and what I need to do for MY health, HIS health has nothing to with it. I expect my doctor's advice to hopefully be objective based on the best most up-to-date knowledge about health and the human body. If a doctor smoked and told me I needed to quit, it wouldn't make it any less true.
  • SWilkins75
    SWilkins75 Posts: 277 Member
    Knowledge is knowledge.
    You dont pay them to look good, you pay to learn from them.
    ^^ This.
  • Bridget0927
    Bridget0927 Posts: 438 Member
    Can I also add the ppl who are not trainers or nutritionists but general know it alls who are chunky monkeys and NOT dieting who tell you how to do it?? Makes me craaaaazzzzyyyyy

    If your larger and are working on it and having success please do share, but if your a twinkie eating couch potatoe telling others what's "healthy" puuuuhhhlleeeeaaaseee
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    I was watching the news this morning, and the commentator did a featured segment on "nutrition." The newscaster interviewed a local nutritionist on the show as she discussed at-length "good, healthy lifestyle choices."

    There's no nice way to put this, so I'll just throw it out there... she was chubby. Noticeably chubby. And, I'm not sure exactly why, but this phenomenon bothers me greatly, and has for a while.

    Now, before my collective Haters light their own hair on fire and start banging away on their keyboard in retaliation, I'm not "anti-chubby." There are many, many heavyset people at my gym, and anyone who knows me, will affirm that I'm their biggest cheerleader... (though I do look a bit odd in a skirt and pigtails).

    I'm also aware that there are many reasons someone may be heavy... So, before you derail the discussion by hopping up on an e-soapbox, championing the rights of the glandularly-challenged, save the effort and try not to exacerbate your ever-developing carpal tunnel syndrome.

    That said, image is a part of everything we do. When you see someone for the first time, you don't bask in their inner beauty and depth, until AFTER you get to know them. As mammals, our first impressions of a person fall into three basic categories...

    - "Hey, you're attractive. I would like to propagate my genetic code with you and fondle your naughty bits..."
    - "You scare and/or intimidate the *kitten* out of me. I need to flee, fight or pee in every corner of the room..."
    - "Holy crap, WTF happened to your face? Did you mother breed with a wildebeest?" ...

    - Or something in between all of the aforementioned.

    Which leads me to my point... Is anyone bothered by "fitness-nutritionist-type-professionals" who clearly do not look the part?

    Is it utterly ridiculous to have a "chubby" nutritionist or "flabby" personal trainer?

    Or does it fall under the same notion that your heart surgeon doesn't need to have heart disease to be a good cardiologist?

    Happy Monday.
    Keep being awesome.

    Essentially I agree with you. I would never higher an overweight or out of shape personal trainer. Although I did meet Marestella Torres when she was training at my local gym (she the Filipino long Jumper in the London 2012) and I did spot her personal trainer. Huge gut, sat around and watched her work but the guy clearly knows his stuff. Some people are good coaches and don't feel the need to practice what they preach I guess. More power to them. But for me I couldn't train somebody and give them nutritional advice without practising what I preach.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    I'll say this, if you know for a fact that the person is not being healthy, that's one thing. But to assume someone isn't healthy just because they don't meet your definition of fit, that's quite a different thing. You don't know what their situation is, if you don't want to find out before making a judgement, that's your issue, not theirs.
  • MStanford336
    MStanford336 Posts: 68 Member
    Then there's the flip side...

    There's a young trainer (I would guess 19-20) at my gym who's totally fit and perky. She reminds me of a helium balloon bobbing around on a string. And I think to myself, what the eff do you know? You were born that way. Life will catch up with you. Enjoy bearing children. Oh, and those cute little abs you have, hope you don't have to have a c-section. Can't wait to see what happens when you're old enough to drink; it's amazing what a little alcohol does to the waistline. Have a Ho-Ho and call me in 10 years. LOL.

    Just kidding by the way... She's really sweet and smart and talented and I hate her guts...
  • jamielovesjbs
    jamielovesjbs Posts: 154 Member
    lol! i would NOT go to an overweight trainer. just my opinion though..... :)
  • jamielovesjbs
    jamielovesjbs Posts: 154 Member
    and i do NOT agree that " knowledge is knowledge." knowledge needs experience. i wouldn't go to a heart surgeon who said he "knew" everything but had never performed!! same reason i don't f**k virgins. :)
  • Leanne3552000
    Leanne3552000 Posts: 395 Member
    This is the kind of thing that makes me incredibly self conscious about my body. In just over a month I will be graduating as a nutritionist. Everyone expects me to be skinny and supper healthy but Nutritionists are only human. Yes, they have the knowledge but everyone goes through stressful stages in their life where they may gain weight. There are ladies in my course who are overweight but that doesn't mean that they are not eating well and doing something about it