Gamer Girls Need Exercise Too :O



  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    COD, cheeze its and beer are 90% responsiple for the weight i gained, its gone, but i had to ditch 2 of the stayed.
  • Wargamergal
    Wargamergal Posts: 58 Member
    Love seeing all the gamer girls about! I am not really a computer gamer more a table top gamer and occassional RPG-er.
  • AyaKara
    AyaKara Posts: 220
    I would think that we 'gamer girls' should be best equipped for something like MFP since we're all used to farming XP and what better way to gain XP than through your own personal IRL character?

    I think if you approach working out/healthy eating to that of typical uber game play it's setting yourself up for true 1337ness!

    There actually is a website like that called Fitocracy. It even gives you missions to get EXP and you go up by MANY levels on that site!

    I prefer the meticulousness of MFP, though. If you noticed in an earlier post, I wrote that I was playing Final Fantasy 12 for 4 hours while exercising simultaneously. In videogames, I am very OCD about getting everything completed, learning how to get everything as soon as possible, mastering all skills & abilities, unlocking everything, etc. So, I need MFP to have that OCD vs. using Fitocracy & 'playing a game' :laugh:
  • gcadays99
    Just wanted to hop on the League of Legends bandwagon. don't play MMO's any more as those are what contributed to my weight gain. (playing hours a day while eating junk food isn't a winning combination :P) Gonna be cutting out a lot of my gaming though so I can focus on weight loss and being active. I have kinect so been using dance central games for some exercise though :)
  • wolfenevo
    Some advice from a guy gamer....One way or tactic I've used is to log the amount of time gaming and then match that time with 1 hour of gaming means 1 hour of some type of exercise. So you can make it a reward system for yourself...if I work out for an hour then I will put in an hour of gaming afterwords. Yea it kinda sucks because 4 hours of gaming is way easier than 4 working out but this system keeps me from blowing my free-time without putting effort towards my health. It's not easy and yes dieting sucks, lets not kid ourselves....yet the reward of watching yourself change and look better is awesome! Just in the last 2 months since I lost 12 pounds I have felt great with tons of new energy which actually makes me more "fired up" when gaming.

    Also, at first I focused on not eating "as much" and didn't completely cut out chocolate or my favorite treats. After some time and seeing some pounds come off I have noticed I "don't want" to eat that stuff...I get guilty now. Its a total mindset. Good luck!
  • lanapoo
    I'm a gamer, too!! I play Counterstrike Source all the time, but have other games like Killing Floor and TF2. My Steam tag is lana_poo so if you have Steam, feel free to add me!