unsupportive spouse of food allergy diet



  • renku
    renku Posts: 182 Member
    It's definately more expensive, but fairly easy to cook gluten/wheat free. My wife is wheat intolerant, I do the majority of the cooking, I can see when children are involved there could be issues. It is definately easier and cheaper to make a box of Kraft Mac and Cheese than make home-made or buy a gluten free brand.

    We have two loaves of bread, one more expensive gluten free and the other whole wheat, pasta as well.

    Now someone still has to remind my mother-in-law that she can't eat wheat, I have such trouble biting my tongue and rolling my eyes when she say "why don't you just have a sandwich" when we look at a menu and my wife is having trouble finding something she can eat.
  • citygirl1140
    citygirl1140 Posts: 6 Member
    Explain it like this... "Honey, it's an allergy that causes me pain lots of pain.... and from this point forward, you cooking it for us will cause you not to have sex anymore. No, I'm not kidding."

    I bet he shapes up in under a week.

    Thanks for the chuckle Too funny :)
  • writemusic4him
    writemusic4him Posts: 312 Member
    Maybe he thinks it would be a lot of work and could use some tips on how easy it could be but just isn't saying anything. I grew up with my dad and sister having food allergies - dairy & wheat the biggies. My mom had to make 2 of everything. If she made spaghetti, she had to make a pot of regular spaghetti and a pot of corn spaghetti. If she made pizza, she had to make a regular pizza and one made out of a special rye bread that did not include wheat. It could seem like a lot of work. Then she had some recipes that everyone could eat.

    To make it simpler, you could suggest to him ways to make it easy. Like putting 2 pots of pasta (one of each kind) on the stove instead of one. That shouldn't be too hard. Or come up with recipes that everyone can eat including you. We had a lot of rice and potatoes to make up for the allergies.

    BTW - my dad would get really physically sick from eating things he was allergic to and my sister would have emotional issues. Like someone else kind of suggested early on, you might have to remind him how miserable a migraine is and easily preventable it is for you to simply change what you eat. My mother had migraines so bad she lost her vision when she got a headache. We either left wherever we were at immediately so she could drive home or if it came on too fast, we were stuck waiting on the meds to work and her regain enough vision to drive us kids home safely.
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    Make your own food if you don't like it.
  • missytrishy
    missytrishy Posts: 203 Member
    You ask him all of those questions and not us. Communication is key.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    tell him that you can't have sex with him if you feel bloated, achey and an itchy skin rash
  • missytrishy
    missytrishy Posts: 203 Member
    Wow. Just wow. If you knew me at all you would know I don't do fad diets. You're right that I dont know if I have Celiac disease, in fact I am pretty sure I don't. What I know is that when I avoid wheat I feel better. I don't get headaches or acid reflux. This really isn't about losing weight at all.

    So you have gone from wheat allergy, to gluten intolerance to Celiac disease. But you don't know what you have.

    You were moaning on here because your husband doesn't support your diet and I was merely pointing out that it's because you are not taking it seriously. Even on here you say that you think you may have it, but then you go on to belittle it by saying that it's not exactly life-threatening, you just get a few headaches. If you want him to support you, then you need to take this as seriously as it could potentially be.

    In other words, go to a doctor and have this officially diagnosed. If you really have Celiac disease and you can show this to your husband, then he will take you seriously, because then he is actually endangering your life. But for as long as you say, I may or may not have this and that, it's simply a fad and you have no basis for complaining when he goes "oh whatever".
