How does one survive on 1200 calories per day anyway??



  • elleloch
    elleloch Posts: 739 Member
    Dude I can't just eat 1200. Days that I do are miserable. Feel free to add me though because I net 1200 for weight loss. Today I'm eating a little over 1800 cals.
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    I get 1200 a day as well. im in your boat, seems like after lunch im left with just enough calories to have a lean cusine :cry: I'm going to try to "earn" more calories by exercising more and see where that takes me. I for sure going to eat the calories I get from logging exercising! feel free to add me for support!
    Rather than logging while you're eating, I suggest putting in your meals the night before as much as you can. When I put in the last of my water and my exercise at the end of the day, I advance my journal to the next day and put in the things I KNOW I'm going to eat (my cereal and milk or oatmeal, my tea w/splenda and creamer, my tuna and veggies for lunch, whatever leftovers for dinner unless I'm making something new and then I'll put that in as a recipe) and then see how much I've got left for snacks. Most days I still need to add more than 600 calories in snacks, so it feels like I am eating ALL THE TIME--I usually add fruit to my breakfast, and eat a larger portion of veggies with my lunch, double the beef jerky I often eat as an afternoon snack, etc. And I still always have room in my calories to eat a "treat" like a brownie or a cookie, greek frozen yogurt, a couple of pieces of chocolate. It helps me to know what I'm going to eat and when, so if I have breakfast at my desk at 8:30, I know I'll be having a piece of fruit at 10:30 and lunch around 12, so even though I eat smaller portions than I used to, I'm rarely hungry, I'm eating often, and I'm still usually under my goal. And really, my portions aren't tiny--my lunch today was an entire can of tuna, a stick of cheese and a full cup of broccoli.
  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member
    I try to plan all my food at least one day ahead and I pre-log everything the night before so I know exactly how many calories I'll be eating and how well I've hit my macros.

    Of course sometimes things change or I'll add something during the day, but pre logging really helps me with portion control and I never accidentally go over my calories.
  • lucyluz_C
    What I would suggest is to to cut out the high calorie items, such as the bagel and cream cheese and add something healthier. You could do half a whole wheat bagel with almond butter for breakfast, which is still high in calories but has a higher fullness level. Also, do more exercise. The more you exercise the more calories you will be allowed to eat. If you do, increase the intensity. Also eat more legumes. Beans are high in protein and pretty low in calories. Look at vegetarian recipes. Download the Fooducate app to learn about your food choices so that you can eat healthier. The easiest way you are going to survive is by exercising daily so you can increase the amount you eat by about 300 to 400 calories.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    I don't think I could live on 1200 calories either. I tend to net around 1500-1600 a day (I manually set mine to 1800 and I don't eat back exercise calories) and I'm doing okay. Are you exercising and eating back those calories? Maybe you need to change your goals (lose 1/2 pound or 1 pound per week instead of 2 … I'm just guessing, I don't know what you're set to). My believe is that if you are truly hungry (and not bored … lots of people make that mistake too) you're not eating enough.
  • Katt1320
    Katt1320 Posts: 94 Member
    I work out and that gives me a bigger cushion! You'd be amazed.

    You can have a bagel if you REALLY want one, here's what to do!

    Scoop out a lot of the insides of hard breads like caibatta, french bread, and bagels. You can save a bunch of bread calories and trust me you don't miss it!
  • keriaann08
    Even though the tracker says I need to stay around the 1300 range I allow myself 1500 because I am doing insanity and it says to do it that way because it is a high intense workout. You learn how to do it. Most of the time, I don't eat things I crave. I eat things my calories allow me to have and then I learn how to alter it. I have learned how to space out my calories, so I know what I can have and what I can't have and if I want something in particular then I can change it around. Once you start doing it you will learn more about how to eat the way you should. Also, things you love try finding lower calorie brands of those foods. They may not be as good as the higher calorie foods, but eventually you get use to them and fall in love with them. It's all about training your body and your mind.
  • mandyneedtolose
    mandyneedtolose Posts: 398 Member
    I was at 1200 calories per day but I bumped mine to 1350 just because my weight was at a halt, but I usually stay at about 1200 anyways. IF you are still hungry it probably means that you are not eating the right foods for those calories. I keep mine to alot of protein (fish, beans, chicken breast, eggs) and veggies and bit of extras like dressings, olive oil, cheese and yogurt. I have cut out white carbs such as white bread, rice and pasta. I find once I elimated the bad carbs I was not so hungry. I make sure I have breakfast, snack, lunch, snack and dinner. Making sure each time I have a good portion of protein. Hope this helps! Feel free to add me if you'd like my diary is open! :)
  • UhOhItsKylie
    UhOhItsKylie Posts: 92 Member
    It sounds like you could benefit a lot from switching out your current food choices to healthier, more filling options. Like someone else said, a veggie omelet for breakfast rather than a bagel and cream cheese, ect.

    Just because 1,200 calories is what MFP sets for you, doesn't mean that's the be all and end all of what your body actually needs to function. If you make some changes to your food choices and still find yourself lacking enough calories and hungry, you may consider raising your daily limit. I am 5'7" and personally cannot survive on 1,200 calories a day. Been there, done that. I was exhausted all day, cranky, and so hungry that I would inevitably lose control and binge. Bottom line - listen to your body!
  • Shrinking_Moody
    Shrinking_Moody Posts: 270 Member
    Hi! I'm short (5'2") so my calories are on the low side. You can send me friend request if you'd like to look through my diary for what I eat.

    It's an adjustment, but I've found a way to eat healthy and a lot of what I want.

    I second this (I'm 5'1") - I find that the calorie number also motivates me to work out - the more I work out, the more I can eat. Simple logic - but the truth.
  • been285
    been285 Posts: 99 Member
    If you feel deprived some part of you will be working against your food plan.

    get your protein,,, find foods you like... you can do it.

    October 29, 2012
    Foods Calories
    Jimmy Dean - Delights Turkey Sausage Whole Grain Bagel, 1 Bagel 260
    Publix - Microwaveable Carrots, 3 oz 35
    Progresso Light Soup - Zesty Southwestern-Style Vegetable, 1 container (2 cups ea.) 120
    Chicken - Chicken Breast 1 oz Grilled or Roasted, 2 oz 97
    Publix - Microwaveable Carrots, 3 oz 35
    Wishbone - Light Sweet & Spicy French Dressing, 1 Tbsp (30 ml) 30
    Generic - White Minute Rice, 3/4 cup cooked 120
    Barber Foods - Fit & Flavorful Stuffed Chicken Breasts Cordon Bleu, 1 Piece 210
    Planters - Cocktail Peanuts - Lightly Salted, 1 oz (28g/about 35 pieces) 170
    Apple - Generic Fuji Large W/Skin - Fuji Apple - Large, 1 apple 116
    Jacobsen's - *Snack Toast- Raspberry, 2 slice 80
    TOTAL: 1,273
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    I try to get in both protein and fat at each meal and typically eat five or six times per day and only eat between 1200 and 1300 calories per day...
    Sample Day...
    Bf: La Tortilla Factory mini wrap, egg, lean ham, pico de gallo salsa, greek yogurt and avocado...
    S1: 10 almonds, kiwi...
    Lu: 4 oz. salmon or chicken, 2 cups salad mix, mushrooms, chipotle or dijon homemade dressing...
    S2: protein bar... or greek yogurt with berries...
    Dn: beef, chicken, tofu, fish or shrimp (fajitas, w/ couscous, w/ barley, w/ brown rice) or stir-fry... chili beans... or other sensible dinner...
    S3: Frozen fruit and almond milk smoothie...
    Total calories between 1200 and 1300... I feel like I'm eating all the time and I'm satisfied and losing weight.
  • nturner612
    nturner612 Posts: 710 Member
    ive been a memeber here per say, like a month. i have found that as the days go by, u can fill or at least satisfy or no be starving as much with less food. for ex, when i first started i have no doubt i was prob eastin close to 2000 cal a day. but the less i ate the less hungrier i got...if it makes sense. of course i still have crazy days but for the most part i think i do ok. usually oatmeal and banana for bfast, tuna and salad for lunch, granola bar, and small portion of dinner. lots of salads and or homemade soups. sigh...itll all be worth it when i lose these darn pounds! :)
  • elleloch
    elleloch Posts: 739 Member
    Yup I also pre-plan my meals and snacks, too. Helps me fill gaps or make adjustments here and there and be able to plan for it instead of get stuck.
  • lisavirani
    lisavirani Posts: 117 Member
    I've been on 1200 since I started in June. I find it very easy to do. Lots of veggies, lean mean, some fruit, and eggs. Most importantly its portion control. I also cut out basically all processed foods. I avoid anything with added sugar, and I don't eat many carbs (besides whats in my veggies and fruit). I also make a lot of my own food, I never eat out unless its a special occasion. I don't torture myself, if I want a piece of pizza, I eat a piece of pizza, just one, and I adjust my calories for the rest of the say accordingly. It is very easy to do and to be satisfied doing it, once you change your lifestyle. If you are used to having a bagel and cream cheese everyday, it might be hard to cut it out. But you can. I did it cold turkey and have had great success. But that's not for everyone, some people need to ween out the bad food slowly. Here is a basic meal for me that falls around 1200 calories:

    1 scoop Protein powder in 1 cup fat free milk
    -I add 1tbs sugar free coffeemate because the peppermint mocha is amazing!
    2 slices turkey bacon
    2 scrambled egg whites

    1 medium apple

    3.3 ounces chicken breast (all fat removed)
    .5 tbs teriyaki sauce (i really need to eliminate this but sometimes its so tasty)
    1 cup steamed broccoli, nothing added
    large spinach and romaine heart salad
    1 tbs lite raspberry vinaigrette dressing

    1/2 cup fat free cottage cheese

    3.5 ounces chicken breast
    1 cup mixed veggies
    Homemade Greek Yogurt Chocolate Muffin
    2 tbs homemade cool whip

    Also, lots and lots of water, and try to keep the sodium low.

    Good luck!!
  • maxinepiche
    maxinepiche Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, 1200 calories a day is do-able, but it takes a lot of planning. I'm in the same place you are, and so I've reduced the amount of dairy, and red meat that I would normally eat. I now eat more soft proteins, like lentils, beans, etc. I've also gone back to the lessons learned from my old Weight Watchers days, where they told us, "if it's spreadable, i's inedible" That helps me a lot. I no longer reach for the peanut butter to go with my apple, or the jar of cheez spread for celery. It's small changes that will eventually add up to big results. Also, there's no more nibblings while I prepare meals. Those extra calories add up very quickly, and can de-rail you.

    I hope this helps. Good luck, and remember - you can gain back a few calories with a vigorous walk.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    My goal,is set to 1400, but most days I'm not hungry past 1200 calories. I try to get 100 grams of protein a day, I guess that helps me stay full, plus all those nasty fiber pills I have to take, I wonder if they make me full or just use up my daily limit for swallowing things.
  • alishacupcake
    alishacupcake Posts: 419 Member
    Personally 1200 is too little for me but I don't know how much you weigh or anything. I still have alot of weight to loose. My recommendation to anyone is to log your calories before you eat them. I would go so far as to say consider logging your whole day in the morning. That way you know where you need to shave off calories and you can see if that bagel is worth it.

    I do eat bagels - thin cut wheat ones with protein on them. There is no way I would give up that many calories on bread and cream cheese when I will be hungry an hour later :)
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,021 Member
    It takes alot of preplanning but it is doable I have been eating 1200 cals since I started over 2 yrs ago. You are welcome to look at my diary if you want. I would suggest looking at several peoples diaries who eat 1200 cals a day to see what they are eating. If you choose to eat the bagel and cream cheese then you need to cut back somewhere else and you probably need to eat an apple with it to help keep you fool longer. I hope this helps
  • chicadejmu
    chicadejmu Posts: 171 Member
    If you're still hungry every day, it might be your body's way of telling you that you aren't eating enough... Check this out:
    It will explain how to figure out how many calories you should be eating.
    You'll also need this link:

    Hope that helps!