How does one survive on 1200 calories per day anyway??



  • BeckySue1977
    BeckySue1977 Posts: 91 Member
    I don't really have anything new to add here, just reaffirming what many have already said.
    I tried the 1200 calorie setting and really really struggled. I think I tried to push too hard too soon by going straight from old eating habbits down to strict 1200 cal/day.
    One of the things that saved me from constantly being over limit was exercise calories.

    I've since changed my settings and feel much more content with a higher calorie limit. I'm really ok with losing slowly in a way that I can and will succeed, rather than losing a lot fast and then gaining it all back.

    Also, even with the higher calorie limits I find it still helps me to log BEFORE it goes into my mouth! That helps me choose portion sizes and actually helps me choose whether I want to even take one bite of it!
    Example: my mom recently picked up a pack of muffins which did not have calories listed on the package. She plugged the item into MFP and found out each muffin contains 690 calories!! For ONE muffin!! OMG those muffins will NEVER come near my lips!
  • leejayem
    leejayem Posts: 120 Member
    I'm 5ft & on 1200 a day as per my doctors instructions - trying to avoid becoming diabetic & a strict low calorie diet has been proven to reverse diabetes. So far so good, I've lost 10kg. I alternate between walking & running about 5 days a week & that's the extent of my exercise - apart from the busyness of having 4 young kids which includes chasing my 2 year old son around constantly!!

    As you will see, there are MANY varied opinions on here - some will say 1200 a day is unhealthy & won't achieve weight loss but for others (like me) it is working just fine! I have found that logging my food in BEFORE I eat it helps immensely. I tend to "save" calories so I'm not kicking myself later - for example I don't have a big breakfast (generally 200-300cals) & my son often helps me eat it anyway!! My specialist has advised me, & I see his wisdom, not to rely on exercise to burn off calories but to focus on what I put in my mouth - a cheeseburger for example is nearly 300 calories & I am lucky to burn that much if I run solidly for half an hour. In my mind, what a waste of effort!!! So now each time I go to eat something I decide first whether it's worth it. Bagels will do you no favors whatsoever. Let's be honest, losing weight IS an effort, there ARE lots of sacrifices - if it were an easy or simple process none of us would be overweight!!!

    I'd get a doctor's opinion or maybe a nutritionist, but in the end I believe you will find what works for you. Good luck!!
  • 9JANE
    9JANE Posts: 21 Member
    I have read the advice you have been getting and this what I would like to tell you, You need to firgure out how manycalories you need and then decide if you can live on those. You can eat what ever you want to just be careful how much , and how often :smile: 1200 is just a number and you can use it as a guide. I hate to tell you this but I never get 1200 carlories I normally get about 900 calories a day and I have lost about 88 lbs. but that is me and no two people are the same just keep using the program and it will help yourealize how manycalories you are getting in a day.:happy:
  • Melo1966
    Melo1966 Posts: 881 Member
    Many days I have to be creative to get up to 1200 because I do not want to be under. The main key is low cal proteins and changes like bagel and crem cheese to bagle thins and strawberry jam probably only 1/3 of the calories wth great taste and no guilt Send me a friend request then you will get more ideas from my diary. I even drink alchol within 1200 and get 20-30g fiber and 50-70g protein 150g carbs. It is all in small changes in foods. I do go over 1200 on days that I workout more.
  • want2belean
    want2belean Posts: 124 Member
    I understand I am 5'1 and only allowed 1200, add me as a friend and you can look at my diary. You just have to be creative and spit your meals into 5 or 6 instead of 3.
  • tekwriter
    tekwriter Posts: 923 Member
    I try to bulk up on vegetables, and I am learning to be more aware of what something is going to cost me. The other thing I have done is set my loss for only 1 pound a week until after the holidays. I am enjoying the extra calories when I need them but most days come in around 1400 calories. I love the support on the site and the ideas I am getting. Please add me to your friend list also. Good Luck!
  • casasruby
    Hi! I struggled with that in the begining, but I have a way that is working for me. First I figured how many calories does it take daily to maintain my weight (sedentary). It turned out to be about 1900. I raised my calorie intake to 1300 a day. Then I discovered that by lowering my carbs, I will help shed the stored fat. I now eat slightly high fat, and high fiber, about 100 grams of carbs (mostly from veggies and fruits) I don't go over 1300 calories. I did tons of research and now eat less bread, rice and potatos. I am losing my belly fat faster than I have ever lost it and I am in my thirties. It may not be for everyone, but its working for me. I end up having unused extra calories at the end of the day and I'm not hungry. Its very difficult at first, but after a couple of weeks it gets easier. I started with 1/2 a cup of rice a day, and now Its zero. You slowly dip into it.

    My weight loss below is from a month ago. I only update after I have been to my endochronologist.
  • NVgal
    NVgal Posts: 33 Member
    I'm 54, 5'2' and I have been doing 1200 a day since starting MFP amd I am rarely hungry. I make the absolute most of those calories. I will eat back my exercise calories, though. The rest of the time I am fairly sedentary so that, and my age, are probably what works for me. Also drinking 8 glasses of water if very filling. Now if I was hitting the gym everyday that would be a whole other matter.
  • xoTalim
    xoTalim Posts: 212 Member
    I've been eating around 1200 a day just fine. Just eat small low calorie meals every few hours and you'll do fine. One "big" meal a day that averages 400-600 calories and then save the rest for small frequent snacks.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    i'm going to say be mindful of your carbs. They're definitely a case of "choose your doom". If you focus on lean, healthy proteins, the fats and carbs will take care of themselves. Don't necessarily worry about going over so much...especially if you're over on protein or fiber. If when you're hungry you choose something protein or something fiber, it'll go a longer way than something carb-ish.
  • vmekash
    vmekash Posts: 422 Member
    I have low cal breakfast and lunch and may or may not have a snack (banana, apple or just a spoon-full of peanut butter). This way, I am basically saving the bulk of my calorie allowance for dinner and evening snacking.

    At the end of ea. day, I'm usually w/in 50-100 calories of my goal (under or over).

    Next day, rinse and repeat.
  • SkyVetis
    1200 is easy for me at least. I dont like a lot of rich foods with sauces/creams so tends to be meat, potatoes and tinned peas or beans with malt type cereal and if i have lunch it'll be a tuna sandwich on wholemeal bread - just tuna, butter and bread.
  • mrhumbleperth
    well the way to do that I have learned is to eat a salad a day it can be as big as you want. ( i eat a 2 cup salad) Also watch the salad dressing that can really ad a big number of calories to your dailly calorie count. Add a piece of grilled chicken( not large, Maybe a chicken tenderloin or 2?) to to hold you over along with the salad. and walk for 30 minutes and that will carve out at least another 200 calories and you don't have to walk all 30 minutes at once you can walk in 10 minute intervals as long as you can walk 30 minutes a day. With that alone you will be able to have a few more calories
  • Amoniker72
    I am pretty new to this but so far I agree with what the others have said, by entering in my thoughts about what I might like to eat that day I make better choices and juggle things around and if I know I am going for dinner where I will go over I am motivated to exercise earlier on so I can enjoy myself and not worry. It is all about planning and making informed choices which is what MFP is helping me do. I like being able to work out what foods are going to give me the most nutritional value for my calorie "dollar".
  • shannonreeh
    shannonreeh Posts: 1 Member
    I, too, am restricted to 1200 calories a day while working with a registered dietitian. The key to not being hungry is to eat about 100 grams of protein a day. You can track this in MFP. What you end up eating is a lot of protein, vegetables, and fruit, and a little bit of carbs each day. The days I eat more pasta, bread, etc. I am definitely more hungry. Try the low carb protein "shakes" at the supermarket ...EAS makes a good one, as does Muscle Milk Light (150 cals....the 100 cal version doesn't taste as good). These are great to up your protein intake and keep you full. Good luck!
  • kellystr8
    kellystr8 Posts: 22 Member
    When I started this program (last Wednesday), it defaulted may caloric intake to 1200 calories as well. I think it's because I want to keep losing 2lbs a week. Well, I learned pretty quickly (last Friday) that it's WAY too low! So I changed to 1400 calories and I don't feel like I'm starving or about to faint. I try to work out at least 5 days a week sometimes 6 and I think my metabolism is finally speeding up again because of it. I also started to put in my foods for the day in advance so that I know I should not eat more than I entered, trust me, it takes discipline but it's worked so far.
    Good luck with your journey, and you should probably increase your intake another 100-200 calories, try to exercise as much as possible drink lots of water( at least 9 cups or 72 oz. a day) and make healthy choices for the foods you eat. You'll see results for sure :smile:
  • ElizabethMKE
    ElizabethMKE Posts: 16 Member
    I can relate. I'm 5'7'', but I'm only allowed 1500, and according to my dietitian, this is not enough. I think that fruits and veggies shouldn't really be considered in the caloric intake...maybe this helps. And certain fruits, like bananas, have more calories than, say, apples or grapes. And same with veggies.
  • DangerLV
    I hardly ever meet the 1200cal a day goal. I'm usually not hungry at all. I admit i have a rather boring eating plan, most of the same foods everyday. I rarely use dressings, sauces or anything to add to my food. I eat a lot of mustards as "sauces" for veggies and sandwiches. Never use mayo, cheese is now also off my food list. I also avoid sugar. I don't eat dairy (yogurts or milk) I eat bagels, which can be calorie dense, so sometimes I just use a high fiber bread instead. Sometimes my dinner consists of a whole bag of frozen veggies with some kind of mustard, and believe me, that much food will fill your stomach almost uncomfortably. Drink lots of water, tea, diet soda (I know, diet soda=bad). If I get "snacky" I will measure out a half cup of jalepeno slices and eat them....that will kill your appetite! Veggie soup is another fave of mine...just veggies, though...none of the noodles or rice. IDK....1200 seems like so much to me. days I eat over that amount I feel "hungover" the next day. ok. thats my two cents.
  • obsidianwings
    obsidianwings Posts: 1,237 Member
    I don't have time to read the whole thread, so this has probably been mentioned, but you can probably eat quite a bit more than 1200. Also if you are having trouble figuring out whats healthy and fits in your cals/macros and what doesn't try logging in advance for a while.
    Good luck :)
  • obsidianwings
    obsidianwings Posts: 1,237 Member
    I hardly ever meet the 1200cal a day goal. I'm usually not hungry at all. I admit i have a rather boring eating plan, most of the same foods everyday. I rarely use dressings, sauces or anything to add to my food. I eat a lot of mustards as "sauces" for veggies and sandwiches. Never use mayo, cheese is now also off my food list. I also avoid sugar. I don't eat dairy (yogurts or milk) I eat bagels, which can be calorie dense, so sometimes I just use a high fiber bread instead. Sometimes my dinner consists of a whole bag of frozen veggies with some kind of mustard, and believe me, that much food will fill your stomach almost uncomfortably. Drink lots of water, tea, diet soda (I know, diet soda=bad). If I get "snacky" I will measure out a half cup of jalepeno slices and eat them....that will kill your appetite! Veggie soup is another fave of mine...just veggies, though...none of the noodles or rice. IDK....1200 seems like so much to me. days I eat over that amount I feel "hungover" the next day. ok. thats my two cents.
    I am curious how much protein you are getting? From what you have listed there it doesn't sound like it would be much?