Why won't I exercise?



  • BelleHeart
    BelleHeart Posts: 281 Member
    Just gotta do it =) I know it's hard but it's for the best!
  • leeanneowens
    leeanneowens Posts: 319 Member
    I have to exercise right after work before I do anything else. If I sit down first I'm done for.
  • tinad120
    tinad120 Posts: 267 Member
    Find something you like to do. That way it's not REALLY exercise.
  • kayla1125
    You just have to make yourself do it and make it become a part of your everyday routine no matter what. I don't like to exercise every day, but if I don't I feel sluggish, so I do it everyday. I walk on the treadmill also at a fast pace so maybe you can start out doing 30 minutes of walking a day and build it up from there as that is what I did and I am now hitting 76 minutes of walking. You basically have to want it and be motivated to do so. Hope this helps and you are welcome to add me if you want as we are all here to help and support each other to reach the ultimate goal which is to become more healthy and lose weight!!!
  • MikkLuhnRozzWhuh
    MikkLuhnRozzWhuh Posts: 240 Member
    I am here to encourage...I don't strike anyone down and I definitely don't kick people when they're down. I simply try to offer that hand that could just be the saving hand that lifts others up from their fallen position. Yano? Wow, I could have worded that better. Okay. Here goes.
    "I simply try my best to be that hand stretched out to lift people from their fallen position..." - Grr, maybe there isn't a good way to say that?
    Add me if you wish. :D

    I try to be a helping hand?

    Perfect :D
  • n2thenight24
    n2thenight24 Posts: 1,651 Member
    Yep exercise is Boring.....here's what I do...pick a tv show, preferably a series, and only watch it when you are exercising. You get into the show, you want to go exercise to see the next episode. I'm getting the the end of the third season of Dexter...stupid show but strangely addictive! Makes it easier if you have netflix on an iPad. Helped me get fit over the last 3 months and drop 16 pounds. After a while exercise gets addictive too.....good luck

    I do this!!! I've been watching charmed!! Stupid show, but I can't watch something I have to pay close attention to.
  • MikkLuhnRozzWhuh
    MikkLuhnRozzWhuh Posts: 240 Member
    So here's the thing, doll.
    There is not really.....an easy way....to just start exercising again. I'm not being mean and I'm not being....well, mean. This is not to be taken in a negative way at all.
    The reason people say losing weight is hard is because it is. Whenever I want to exercise, I have to just take one step at a time towards exercising. Whether it be getting in a sitting position from my laying down. Standing up and moving around after having been sitting for a while.....getting off of facebook and whatever.....you have to learn to take that first step.....
    It's not something that just magically comes when you get the perfect advice, it's just something that you will yourself to do.....it's tough, but if I can, I'd love to add you and see how I can help you out.
    I'm sorry this came out really harsh. it's not meant that way. It's just....weight loss is hard...and there's never really going to be a day where somebody comes out with the breakthru advice about how to easily will yourself to exercise..... :/ We just have to take encouragement and try to think into it more than we want to.
    When you want to go for a walk on the treadmill....try to just...hang around where the treadmill is. Get up from your sitting position and just....walk to the laundry room and do some laundry if that's where your treadmill is (that's where mine is)....wherever you treadmill is, try to find something to do that's near it....and think while you do that thing...(hey, I need to exercise...hey, I need to exercise)....I don't know. I should try it too because I go through the struggle of motivation to walk on the treadmill too....
    How about this? We should challenge each other to pick 3 days of the week to walk on the treadmill.... :D Maybe?
    I am here to encourage...I don't strike anyone down and I definitely don't kick people when they're down. I simply try to offer that hand that could just be the saving hand that lifts others up from their fallen position. Yano? Wow, I could have worded that better. Okay. Here goes.
    "I simply try my best to be that hand stretched out to lift people from their fallen position..." - Grr, maybe there isn't a good way to say that?
    Add me if you wish. :D

    YOU ar a great person! just thought you should know!

    Awww.... *teardrop* I have gotten a lot of comments about this. I don't see it as a big deal....
    Hahaha, but thank you <3
    Here to help.
  • lilmisfit
    lilmisfit Posts: 860 Member
    So here's the thing, doll.
    There is not really.....an easy way....to just start exercising again. I'm not being mean and I'm not being....well, mean. This is not to be taken in a negative way at all.
    The reason people say losing weight is hard is because it is. Whenever I want to exercise, I have to just take one step at a time towards exercising. Whether it be getting in a sitting position from my laying down. Standing up and moving around after having been sitting for a while.....getting off of facebook and whatever.....you have to learn to take that first step.....
    It's not something that just magically comes when you get the perfect advice, it's just something that you will yourself to do.....it's tough, but if I can, I'd love to add you and see how I can help you out.
    I'm sorry this came out really harsh. it's not meant that way. It's just....weight loss is hard...and there's never really going to be a day where somebody comes out with the breakthru advice about how to easily will yourself to exercise..... :/ We just have to take encouragement and try to think into it more than we want to.
    When you want to go for a walk on the treadmill....try to just...hang around where the treadmill is. Get up from your sitting position and just....walk to the laundry room and do some laundry if that's where your treadmill is (that's where mine is)....wherever you treadmill is, try to find something to do that's near it....and think while you do that thing...(hey, I need to exercise...hey, I need to exercise)....I don't know. I should try it too because I go through the struggle of motivation to walk on the treadmill too....
    How about this? We should challenge each other to pick 3 days of the week to walk on the treadmill.... :D Maybe?
    I am here to encourage...I don't strike anyone down and I definitely don't kick people when they're down. I simply try to offer that hand that could just be the saving hand that lifts others up from their fallen position. Yano? Wow, I could have worded that better. Okay. Here goes.
    "I simply try my best to be that hand stretched out to lift people from their fallen position..." - Grr, maybe there isn't a good way to say that?
    Add me if you wish. :D

    YOU ar a great person! just thought you should know!

    Awww.... *teardrop* I have gotten a lot of comments about this. I don't see it as a big deal....
    Hahaha, but thank you <3
    Here to help.

    Yes, this is awesome advice. Very well said.

    To OP: Here's a little mantra I live by when it comes to working out: "I NEVER regret it when I do it. But, I ALWAYS regret it when I don't." Seriously, tell yourself that over and over again anytime you are considering NOT doing it. And btw, once you get into the routine (about 2 weeks) you will LOVE the way it makes you feel, and look, and that will be enough motivation to keep on going. Trust me. :flowerforyou:
  • bunsen_honeydew
    bunsen_honeydew Posts: 230 Member
    To OP: Here's a little mantra I live by when it comes to working out: "I NEVER regret it when I do it. But, I ALWAYS regret it when I don't." Seriously, tell yourself that over and over again anytime you are considering NOT doing it. And btw, once you get into the routine (about 2 weeks) you will LOVE the way it makes you feel, and look, and that will be enough motivation to keep on going. Trust me. :flowerforyou:


    I always feel SO GOOD after working out, so the times when i cba or if I think I'm too busy or whatever, I try to remember just how great I feel and how much energy I have after exercising. It's weird - how come I use energy to work out but then afterwards have more energy?!

    Maybe try to think of exercise as a "me time" thing. Something great that you are doing just for yourself. it's not your job, it's not the fricking housework, it's looking after yourself because you deserve it.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Just do it. Get off your *kitten* & do it. Don't make excuses about the weather...I run 11km in the rain yesterday & then 34 degree heat for 2 days in a row...... stop making excuses & do it. You think I LIKE being cold or boiling hot? You think I love being wet? No...I hate it... but every day I do it.... rain hail.... heat.

    Stop being a *****.... do it.

    BTW I've worked out every single day for just under 9 months...... I'd have every reason & right to stop for at lest ONE day...... but I refuse to do so. If you can't motivate yourself.... then nobody is going to be able to & this topic is a waste of everyone's time.
  • mschickiepoo
    mschickiepoo Posts: 91 Member
    After reading all of these blogs.... I did the 30 day shred last night! Thanks for all of the motivation, and help getting a girl back on track. I know it was only one day, but it's a start! THIS IS WHY I LOVE MFP (amongst many other reasons). :heart: