Is this reasonable or am I crazy?



  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Hey yall! I weigh 219 lbs right now and would like to lose 20 lbs by January 1st. Is this possible? Granted, my eating hasnt always been perfect, and Im doing a combo of circuit training and cardio. I need help! I really dont want to take any sort of supplement. I know I will have be more mindful of my fat intake. Any other insite? Thanks.

    Stay consistent, eat healthy, stay within a sensible calorie goal, and exercise and you will see progress by Jan. 1st!!! Will it be 20lbs??!!! Probably not.. but you will look better and feel better! Don't stress over a date on the calendar and number on the scale...make this a lifestyle change.
  • ashleynicoled09
    ashleynicoled09 Posts: 38 Member
    you cray

    i will accept all this advice and agree that i am cray cray like your profile pic