Fat moms = fat kids??



  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    I can see this from both sides. If kids grow up seeing mom (or dad for that matter) self medicating with food then won't they learn that's the way to (not) deal with issues?

    Do most overweight moms(or dads) REALLY make two meals? One healthy nutritious for kids while she eats powdered Mac N Cheese and Prepressed chicken nuggets? Prolly not, kids are eating junk too. That's great while they are so young and their metabolism burns it off but what happens when they don't learn how to eat healthy. Then when they turn 20, 25, and 30 they are still eating junk and their body starts packing on the fat.

    Not saying ALL fat parents raise fat kids but I could see how the kids have a greater chance of being fat.
  • jenniferinfl
    jenniferinfl Posts: 456 Member
    That study is nowhere near thorough enough for my liking and doesn't take into account a lot of things.

    My parents are both normal sized, not rail thin, but on the high end of normal. They always have been. They have 5 kids, 2 of which stayed thin and 3 of which were morbidly obese before the age of 10. We all ate the same thing, we were home all the time due to being homeschooled, so no one received a different experience. Yet, two of them are still thin despite still eating garbage and three of us struggle with our weight.

    One of my best friends is huge, her parents are normal. She got big around 11 years old, both of her kids are stick thin bundles of energy. She eats right now, her kids eat right, but she still isn't doing quite enough to lose. But, her kids are eating healthy. There's no junk food in that house. Even though she's still around 300 lbs, she made positive changes in her diet and brings her kids to the park to play everyday. There's no soda, no pizza, no cheese noodles, none of that garbage.

    This study doesn't take into account the mothers change in diet after weight loss surgery and also doesn't take into account whether the same results are netted with weight loss via diet and exercise. Honestly, to me it sounds like a gimmicky study by a doctor who does lapband and gastric bypass surgeries. I wonder how many more customers you can net if you tell women that without your product they set their children up for heart disease?
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I can see this from both sides. If kids grow up seeing mom (or dad for that matter) self medicating with food then won't they learn that's the way to (not) deal with issues?

    Do most overweight moms(or dads) REALLY make two meals? One healthy nutritious for kids while she eats powdered Mac N Cheese and Prepressed chicken nuggets? Prolly not, kids are eating junk too. That's great while they are so young and their metabolism burns it off but what happens when they don't learn how to eat healthy. Then when they turn 20, 25, and 30 they are still eating junk and their body starts packing on the fat.

    Not saying ALL fat parents raise fat kids but I could see how the kids have a greater chance of being fat.

    My mother, as I said, has always been overweight. But she eats the healthiest food of anyone I know.

    It bugs the hell out of me that so many people assume if a person if overweight, that person is eating mac and cheese and bon bons all the time. You CAN overeat and gain weight on healthy food.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Mine are both healthy and fit. What will keep them that way is what i am doing now.

    I don't know if you read the article or not, but the fact that your children are currently fit is not the point. The study was on the genes of the children. Specifically on the difference in the genetics of siblings born to the same parent but one (or more) born when the mother was obese and the other(s) born after she lost weight.

    What matters to me is that they are not now and I make sure that as long as I care for them they don't become.

    I swear I'm not trolling, I really am curious HOW you do that? If you are overweight but they aren't... what are you eating that they don't? Is it just that you eat a LOT of healthy food or you hide junk food so they can't find it? Do you eat lots of food out of the house? Do you monitor how much they eat and cut them off at a certain point?
  • SoViLicious
    SoViLicious Posts: 2,633 Member
    My mother was super skinny with both of my sisters (one is now overweight, the other anorexic (but if she ate she'd be overweight too)) - and they grew up for the most part chunky, and mom was moderately sized with me and I am obese and have always been a heavy child. It is not just genetics, however yes they can play a part.

    I believe that lifestyle can trump and even activate certain genes, but your lifestyle and personal food choices are more responsible for how you end up than anything. It's a choice every time you put that food in your mouth (or your childrens' mouths). You know if it's not healthy or good for you before it even makes it to your plate, let alone your mouth. If you feed your children bad things, they will get heavy, fat, obese etc. If you don't and teach them healthy choices, guess what, they will most likely thank you for that when in adult hood they are healthy (regardless of size) and making great choices.

    And to Kelseyhere - I hope you haven't reproduced and if you have I pity your daughter. Heaven forbid she ever becomes overweight, you'll never have grandchildren with the ugly mentality you displayed here today.

  • SoViLicious
    SoViLicious Posts: 2,633 Member
    Mine are both healthy and fit. What will keep them that way is what i am doing now.

    I don't know if you read the article or not, but the fact that your children are currently fit is not the point. The study was on the genes of the children. Specifically on the difference in the genetics of siblings born to the same parent but one (or more) born when the mother was obese and the other(s) born after she lost weight.

    What matters to me is that they are not now and I make sure that as long as I care for them they don't become.

    I adore you. Smooches. Big, sloppy internet smooches coming your way.

    NO I love you more!
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I can see this from both sides. If kids grow up seeing mom (or dad for that matter) self medicating with food then won't they learn that's the way to (not) deal with issues?

    Do most overweight moms(or dads) REALLY make two meals? One healthy nutritious for kids while she eats powdered Mac N Cheese and Prepressed chicken nuggets? Prolly not, kids are eating junk too. That's great while they are so young and their metabolism burns it off but what happens when they don't learn how to eat healthy. Then when they turn 20, 25, and 30 they are still eating junk and their body starts packing on the fat.

    Not saying ALL fat parents raise fat kids but I could see how the kids have a greater chance of being fat.

    OK, so this might be one of the most embarrassing things I have ever admitted, but yes in a way. I had horrible snacks and drinks at my desk at work. I would eat horribly fattening, greasy lunches and eat junk food and snacks all day at work. When I was home and the kids were awake, snacks were yogurt, light cheese, hummus and vegetables, fruits, etc. Meals were lean meats, fish, veggies and very healthy carbs.After the kids were in bed, we'd order pizza, we'd get take out and make sure it was gone before the kids were awake. My kids are very used to healthy meals and snacks and proper portioning of junk foods.
  • kittyd7015
    kittyd7015 Posts: 4,546 Member
    My mum is skinny as a rake. My younger sister is skinny too with big boobs and Im podgy with big boobs. life isnt fair. xx
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    i personally don't think any woman more than 40 pounds overweight has any business being pregnant in the first place. it's selfish and irresponsible.

    young women, if you want to have children someday take care of your body now and get in shape.
    This is just cruel and wrong.

    My mother, as I said, has always been overweight. But she eats the healthiest food of anyone I know.

    It bugs the hell out of me that so many people assume if a person if overweight, that person is eating mac and cheese and bon bons all the time. You CAN overeat and gain weight on healthy food.

    I'm not trying to troll or anything, this topic really interests me. Both my parents were very thin when they were younger but overweight if not just into obese as they aged. I know that emotional eating was all learned from my mom and verbal abuse from my dad multiplied the problem. He would be horribly cruel and to soothe me my mom would make something delicious for me.

    I realize the article is about the biology of it all but really even putting that aside.... we learn eating habits from our parents. They are there teaching us through our formative years. If they teach us bad habits it's years (if ever) before we learn differently and change those habits.

    (..and yes, I realize you can get fat eating healthy foods too)
  • charlene77
    charlene77 Posts: 250 Member
    i personally don't think any woman more than 40 pounds overweight has any business being pregnant in the first place. it's selfish and irresponsible.

    young women, if you want to have children someday take care of your body now and get in shape.

    I can't believe I just read this.
  • lorib75
    lorib75 Posts: 490 Member
    i personally don't think any woman more than 40 pounds overweight has any business being pregnant in the first place. it's selfish and irresponsible.

    young women, if you want to have children someday take care of your body now and get in shape.

    this has to be a joke.... I have 2 healthy children. i was 80 pounds overweight when I got pregnant with my first child.... NOT ONE PROBLEM.
    Please tell me what type of scientific research backs up your theory!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • FinallyFindingLisa
    FinallyFindingLisa Posts: 222 Member
    i personally don't think any woman more than 40 pounds overweight has any business being pregnant in the first place. it's selfish and irresponsible.

    young women, if you want to have children someday take care of your body now and get in shape.


    Judgmental much?

    ^THIS - exactly what I said when I read the OP - Judgemental much?
  • melsmith612
    melsmith612 Posts: 727 Member
    In regard to the original article... it seems that they're specifically talking about women who have had weight loss surgery... not necessarily ALL types of weight loss. I wonder if the predisposition to obesity and heart disease is also avoided by losing weight through regular diet and exercise or if it's specific to the type of weight loss experienced after surgery because of some unmentioned factor. I'd really like it if the article specified that one detail because that's why I'm trying to lose weight... to start a family.
  • Andrea3030
    Mine are both healthy and fit. What will keep them that way is what i am doing now.

    I don't know if you read the article or not, but the fact that your children are currently fit is not the point. The study was on the genes of the children. Specifically on the difference in the genetics of siblings born to the same parent but one (or more) born when the mother was obese and the other(s) born after she lost weight.

    What matters to me is that they are not now and I make sure that as long as I care for them they don't become.

    I swear I'm not trolling, I really am curious HOW you do that? If you are overweight but they aren't... what are you eating that they don't? Is it just that you eat a LOT of healthy food or you hide junk food so they can't find it? Do you eat lots of food out of the house? Do you monitor how much they eat and cut them off at a certain point?

    She is on MFP...why do you assume she still eats unhealthy and/or binges? Just because someone is overweight before/during pregnancy doesn't mean they don't try to change their habits after.
  • mrs_schultz2012
    mrs_schultz2012 Posts: 395 Member
    i personally don't think any woman more than 40 pounds overweight has any business being pregnant in the first place. it's selfish and irresponsible.

    young women, if you want to have children someday take care of your body now and get in shape.

    The awesome things we say when we are young :-)

    hey now, I'm young and I'm not that ignorant or....well I'm not going to say the other things I think about the original post, because that just wouldn't be lady like :smile:
  • SoViLicious
    SoViLicious Posts: 2,633 Member
    i personally don't think any woman more than 40 pounds overweight has any business being pregnant in the first place. it's selfish and irresponsible.

    young women, if you want to have children someday take care of your body now and get in shape.

    I can't believe I just read this.

    I think Kelseyhere went to the mods to delete her original post. Too bad she did not have the balls to back up her garbage.
  • charlene77
    charlene77 Posts: 250 Member
    This is an interesting subject. One that frusterates me. I have five children, (and YES I did become pregnant when I was more than 40 pound overweight *rolls eyes*), Three of my children are built the same (large boned), and they are overweight. Two of my children are super slim. One of my "slim" children, we have actually been dealing with being underweight!!!! He is the second oldest, the other slim one is our youngest. I was "fit" when I had my first, and not when I had the others. They all eat the same foods, same activity level, same house....ect, but two have a totally different metabolisms and genes. So frusterating as a Mom!!!! The pediatrician told me that genes totally has a role to play. They just can't eat the same way their siblings do and need to have a higher activity level than them to be able to maintain the weight. I'd love to go on.....but I gotta fly....maybe I'll check in later :)
  • phyllio77
    phyllio77 Posts: 192 Member
    For me and my siblings we saw how my mother ate for confort and when she was stressed...there was always this urgency when she wwould cook a meal that we might not have it tomorrow so eat it all now.
    I was never overweight till after my first few years in college I was always robust and curvy.
    I see my mothes poor eating habits in what I do now..well before MFP.
    A good example..my nephew at 10...at least 100lbs overweight...he was at my house visiting for dinner...he asked for 'real' chicken for dinner..not the bbq chicken breast I made...the real chicken he was referring to...was the chicken from MCDONALDS.
    If you only offer your kids certain foods...they have no hope to avoid becoming overweight:(
  • phyllio77
    phyllio77 Posts: 192 Member
    i personally don't think any woman more than 40 pounds overweight has any business being pregnant in the first place. it's selfish and irresponsible.

    young women, if you want to have children someday take care of your body now and get in shape.

    I can't believe I just read this.

    I think Kelseyhere went to the mods to delete her original post. Too bad she did not have the balls to back up her garbage.

    wow...shocking...big or small...love is love
  • charlene77
    charlene77 Posts: 250 Member
    i personally don't think any woman more than 40 pounds overweight has any business being pregnant in the first place. it's selfish and irresponsible.

    young women, if you want to have children someday take care of your body now and get in shape.

    I can't believe I just read this.

    I think Kelseyhere went to the mods to delete her original post. Too bad she did not have the balls to back up her garbage.

    Wow, I have much to say on this....but just won't!! LOL