


  • FullOfWin
    FullOfWin Posts: 1,414 Member
    it's an awesome way to exercise.

    give it a rest. crossfit rules.

    Well let's see

    It isn't the cheapest way to do anything

    It isn't the best way to get stronger

    It isn't the best way to get more muscular

    It isn't the best way to build cardiovascular endurance

    It isn't the best way to lose weight

    Apparently it isn't the best way to prepare for the Crossfit games

    Yeah, it's awesome

    Did someone ask for this?

  • AnthonyKiro11
    Why dont you have a go at it first mate...
  • Plates559
    Plates559 Posts: 869 Member
    Why dont you have a go at it first mate...

    No thanks, I don't see any periodization so I don't see how it could benefit.
  • _stephanie0
    _stephanie0 Posts: 708 Member
    Why dont you have a go at it first mate...


    jeeesssus.... people.

    it's like....not ever trying reeses peanut butter cups....
    you're missing out on the BEST thing ever.

    whatever. this argument goes nowhere.
  • ChantelleFowler
    ChantelleFowler Posts: 208 Member
    it's an awesome way to exercise.

    give it a rest. crossfit rules.

    Well let's see

    It isn't the cheapest way to do anything

    It isn't the best way to get stronger

    It isn't the best way to get more muscular

    It isn't the best way to build cardiovascular endurance

    It isn't the best way to lose weight

    Apparently it isn't the best way to prepare for the Crossfit games

    Yeah, it's awesome

    Did someone ask for this?


    This has so much win.

    I took the CrossFit Foundations class as well as did a session of CrossFit classes at my local gym (yes, from a certified CF instructor) and I'll tell you does burn a crazy amount of calories. But it's also dangerous. End of story. When you're using heavy-ish weights or barbells and doing Olympic-style lifting (or, really, ANY style lifting) at a fast past, you're going to lose form when you're doing it for an extended period of time. I create my own "CrossFit style" workouts once in a while just to get in and out of the gym fast but it's not something I'd devote my entire training too.
  • FullOfWin
    FullOfWin Posts: 1,414 Member
    Why dont you have a go at it first mate...


    jeeesssus.... people.

    it's like....not ever trying reeses peanut butter cups....
    you're missing out on the BEST thing ever.

    whatever. this argument goes nowhere.

    Do you even Paleo?
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    Of all the cults crossfit is my favorite
    come play with us drmerc...


    and ever...

    and ever...

    and ever.....

    when i type LOL about 99.9999999% i dont actually L O L. this time i did. :)
  • ItsPheebs
    ItsPheebs Posts: 127 Member
    true story: i was at a race and the CF team invited me to "Bullets and Burpees" -- you know at the gun range, we shoot guns and then do burpees in between.

    That is the best thing I've ever heard! I wanna go.
  • ItsPheebs
    ItsPheebs Posts: 127 Member
    true story: i was at a race and the CF team invited me to "Bullets and Burpees" -- you know at the gun range, we shoot guns and then do burpees in between.

    I'm all about gun freedom, but if I owned the firing range I would kick out anyone doing burpees in between clips!

    Clips go in your hair, not in your weapon. :tongue:
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Love. That is all.
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    I just started taking a class called H.E.A.T. although I don't know what it stands for. The H should be for Hell. dunno. not important. The teacher has taught Crossfit and told someone interested in this HEAT class it's pretty much the same as Crossfit. She changes the routine up a lot from week to week.
  • divemunkey
    divemunkey Posts: 288 Member
    We do lifts before everything else. Much safer that way. Also, we spend 12 weeks in ramp learning FORM. Any trainer that doesn't stress form or know how to scale an exercise isn't worth taking ANY class from. Loving the judgmental a$$hattery on this forum. people are useless and stupid all over the planet, why do they seem to congregate here in masses?
  • jasong19
    jasong19 Posts: 4 Member
    I do crossfit but do not eat paleo, guess it doesn't count?
  • FullOfWin
    FullOfWin Posts: 1,414 Member
    I do crossfit but do not eat paleo, guess it doesn't count?

    If you do random workouts that don't include any plan for progression and do include high rep oly style lifts in a timed environment it counts
  • christy_frank
    christy_frank Posts: 680 Member
    LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE CrossFit! I have been working out for the last 2 years and then I started CrossFit about 6 months ago.
    It get in your blood! It's such a rush! There is no better feeling than doing a workout that you dont think you could do.

    I have never been stronger (still working on the lean part, start Paleo in January)
  • christy_frank
    christy_frank Posts: 680 Member
    "Is this water paleo?"

    HAHAHAHAHA Yes it is!
  • dane11235813
    dane11235813 Posts: 684 Member
    crossfit is taking over
  • nkklllll
    The almost non-stop intensity of cross-fit is a killer on your body. Imagine lifting 80% of your deadlift max for 6 reps, then doing 4 100yd sprints at 90% pace. Now do that for 15 minutes. That is a killer workout that will wreck your body. That's why the people that do cross-fit are absolute monsters in terms of endurance and continued strength (while not many lift massive amounts of weight (I"m talking 650lb squat maxes and up). However, if you aren't taking care of yourself with proper stretching, mobility, warm-ups, cooldowns, and eating enough food to rebuild your muscles, those injuries are inevitable. And with the high intensity, those inevitable injuries are more severe than someone who strains a muscle doing leg press because they're too tight.

    Granted, like you said it might be anecdotal but this is my understanding of cross-fit and why the injuries seem to pile up.

    Don't think it would be a problem if you have the right trainer and the spend the time to take care of yoruself though
  • nkklllll
    people need to stop dissing crossfit. im guessing 99% of those that diss it haven't tried it...

    it's an awesome way to exercise.

    but really, im so sick of people dissing it because it's "not safe"

    you could easily drop a dumbbell on your foot at the gym and break your foot... or better yet, you could get hit by a car ON THE WAY to the gym. life is dangerous.

    give it a rest. crossfit rules.

    Additionally, 99.367% of all those who think base jumping is dangerous haven't tried it either.
    Something even closer to 100% of people who have never tried Russian Roulette think it's dangerous.

    For some activities, simple observation will do...maybe even better than doing.

  • moniesisfun
    Yep, I got sucked into it for the first 18 weeks of this year. I burned out, and was very close to injury.

    I told this new trainer that I had been mostly sedentary and smoking pot for the last decade, and needed to get into shape. He told me to get with the program, so I tried it out.

    OMFG!! Way too much, way too quick.

    YES, I gained 20 lbs and stayed at the same lean body fat, but it was too much for my LBM minus the muscle at that rate.

    I woke up one day and EVERYTHING was sore, tight, and crackling.

    I quit. De-trained over the summer, and am slowly getting back into my own damned routine this time around.

    I'm thankful to have someone teach me basic warmup and lifting techniques, and to show me I could push through way passed what I previously thought my body could handle, but the guy wasn't entirely there in the head, and would have seen me injured if I would have continued to take his advice.

    If you want to learn the basics in some lifts, try it out for a month, but tell the coaches to buzz off if you're truly straining. I mean, strain is fine, but about to puke and dizzy, or incredibly sore the next day or two or even three?? take it off, you need to repair. Slow down, and take the yelling or whatever. Flip them the doesn't matter. You're paying them the monies, and ultimately you will learn what is best for your body...hopefully without injury.