Pregnancy 2010 - Week 4



  • oldegbers
    I found this group by mistake.....hope you dont mind another joining in. Im 29 married with a son who will be 2 in March. I am at the heaviest I have been since I was pregnant at 9 months. So with my little sisters wedding coming up in June I thought it was time for a change. Anyway My husband and I are also wanting another one and well I havent got a BFP yet I am sure showing a lot of the symptoms and going to take a HPT in the next week or so. I have low HGC levels and well I want to make sure I at least past my expected period date before I waste money on anymore tests. I already have taken 4 and all came up BFN. But it was way to early for me to be testing even the doc thinks so. Anywho I have lost 10 pounds in the last couple weeks and already feel it in my jeans. My goal is to lose another 40-60 lbs.
  • Hopeful4757
    Welcome Cannon15 and oldegbers! We're glad you're here. As you've probably read, we weigh in on Wednesdays and are all in different stages of trying, becoming, and yes-yeah-pregnant!

    Congratulations Cannon15 on just finding out yesterday! What great news.

    Have a great rest of your weekend.
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    Hi all! Mind if I join? I've been using MFP for about three weeks and love it! I have a 16 month old son and just found out today that I'm pregnant! According to the due date calculator, I'm due on October 6th. While obviously this is great news, I've been doing so well eating better, exercising, and losing weight, I don't want to lose steam. I was fortunate to only gained 15 pounds with my first pregnancy and I'm hoping I can stay as active with this pregnancy. (Perhaps it had something to do with the 18 weeks of vomiting!)

    00Angela00, I was always hungry in my first trimester last time. That slowed down a bit in my second & third. Hang in there, it'll get better. Since I just found out today, I haven't done any research yet. Do you know how many calories we should be eating each day to lose weight yet still keep the baby nourished?

    ICongrats on the pregnancy!!! I haven't met with the doctor yet, but according to what to expect when you're expecting you don't need to gain any weight first trimester and barely any in the second. They don't really recommend you diet at all, so I'm going for calorie goal of losing 1 pound a week and still exercising until I see my doc. I'm overweight, and get plenty of healthy foods with no DRASTIC dieting (not including being too nauseas to eat anything right now) so I don't think it will be a problem. When it gets to the point of gaining I'm only supposed to gain 15-25 pounds because I'm overweight so I won't need to increase my calories as much as someone who is average. I think for average they recommend eating 300 extra calories your third trimester, but I can't remember what the recommendation is for second.
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    I found this group by mistake.....hope you dont mind another joining in. Im 29 married with a son who will be 2 in March. I am at the heaviest I have been since I was pregnant at 9 months. So with my little sisters wedding coming up in June I thought it was time for a change. Anyway My husband and I are also wanting another one and well I havent got a BFP yet I am sure showing a lot of the symptoms and going to take a HPT in the next week or so. I have low HGC levels and well I want to make sure I at least past my expected period date before I waste money on anymore tests. I already have taken 4 and all came up BFN. But it was way to early for me to be testing even the doc thinks so. Anywho I have lost 10 pounds in the last couple weeks and already feel it in my jeans. My goal is to lose another 40-60 lbs.

    What does BFP, HPT, and BFN stand for? Sorry I'm so new to all this that I'm still learning the abbreviations. :-D
  • cannon15
    cannon15 Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks, Angela. Congrats to you as well! I look forward to going through this journey with all of my new MFP friends.
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Welcome to all the new faces!

    So I had a blast at the work-out marathon this past Saturday - hence the new pic of me and Richard Simmons! LOL I even made it to the gym yesterday to do a 20 minute cardio session and stretching, and I feel pretty great today. I am having a hard time getting my hydration level back up, and I'm hoping that after today it'll be back to normal.

    Made the mistake of hopping on the scale this morning. I didn't like it. I think it's water though.... okay I HOPE it's water. I worked my butt off this weekend! LOL

    I'm having serious baby-brain this week. All I want to do is read baby, talk baby and think about the baby we'll have next year (we aren't planning to try until a few months after our wedding this summer). But still - baby on the brain! And all related topics with it :)
  • Hopeful4757
    I am there with you! My sister just had a baby in the beginning of December. She is home with him all day and every time I call, he's cooing and just being adorable. She sends me picture texts of him. I would rather be with him all day long than at work. He is just so darn cute!!! Oh, and my husband and I were asked to be his godparents, so I really wish I were there instead of at work.
  • Hopeful4757
    (And I even like my job!) Still...I hear you.
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    Spent the day at Jury Duty, and didn't feel like going to the gym after. I am only 22 calories over today, so I think I am going to just chill tonight and read my book. I am hoping tomorrow I can get back on track, as I haven't been to the gym in a week and a half. I am having baby brain too. A lot of my friends are pregnant, and I am having SO much fun looking at their registery's. Although, I am wishing it was me. Only 5 more months till we can start trying!
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member

    I haven't worked out in 2 weeks! Ever since I got sick ... once I stop it's sooo hard to start again. I'm hoping to kick butt again this week. I'm supposed to watch biggest loser tonight with a friend (catching up from last week) and again tomorrow (catching up from today) so hopefully that gets me back in the mood! I know I'm going to have gained back some more weight again this week so I'm sad that I'll probably be starting all over again.
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    I am having so much fun watching your little baby ticker!!

    I have committed 100% to going to the gym tonight. I believe this week is going to be a gain week for me, because as of Sunday morning, I had gained 2.5 lbs:noway: Not looking forward to weighing in tomorrow morning. You all need to hold me accountable for working out tonight. Anyone else planning to go to the gym tonight? I think I need a new gym plan...any ideas?
  • Hopeful4757
    Our next goal could be to get at least 60 minutes of activity in on at least 4 days next week. That might get everybody moving.
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
  • pledbetter
    Hey yall,

    I have a question...I guess for those of you who have been/are pregnant. Is it possible to just "feel" like you are? I read somewhere that your mind can trick your body into feeling like you are pregnant...and maybe that is the case - that I am reading too much and my birthday is almost here and I feel the "clock" ticking like I've never felt it tick before. I haven't taken a pregnancy test...and we aren't trying, I'm on the pill. There were two times in the past month or so when I fell behind on pills and caught up. I'm just hungry ALL the time, tired, pee all the time, my breasts are crazy tender, and this sounds crazy but my lower abdomen is poking out. I normally work out hard, 4-5 days a week...but my body isn't letting me do as much as I want.

    After writing all this, I feel like I sound paranoid! Haha.
    Just in general, have any of you gotten that "feeling" before you actually knew you were pregnant? Or do any of you just feel so ready yet hesitant at the same time?
  • ChantillyL3
    Hi y'all, I'm a newbie to this website. A friend of mine joined to lose the remainder of her baby weight, and now that I'm stuck on the couch recuperating from emergency surgery, I finally have the time to check it out. :smile: I spent 2009 losing 25 lbs, and now I'll gain it all back with my third child! So my hope is just to be held accountable to eat reasonably, to exercise (well, have to take 4 weeks off, which is really scary!), and to try not to gain more than 30 - 35 lbs this time around! My first pregnancy I gained 35, my second 25, and for this one I'm up 13 lbs so far. It's harder now because I'm HUNGRY. Feel free to give me some snack ideas. I noticed some of you are carrying your second children (or first)... I never think of myself as an "experienced" great mom, but I'm happy to answer any Qs you might have on the adjustment from 1 to 2, or healthy recipes, or whatever... I like to cook, and after a year of dieting (with 25 lbs down) I think I at least have a good idea of how to do it. :wink: Looking forward to spending the next 5 months checking in with y'all!
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member