Eating too much one day, not enough the next...



  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    Hmm my friends with eating disorders joke about them a lot. They say its a coping mechanism to deal with something that's a really big issue they struggle with. But not everyone deals with things in the same way I guess.

    yeah.. eating a normal amount and then " fasting " by not eating the next day or eating a little? that's called being disordered. I used to do that.

    If one eats to much one day they NEED to eat the next day.. just not eat a bunch of horrible for your body food

    Sorry but that's not true and it is not an eating disorder. You're body doesn't work on a 1 day cycle. If you eat too much one day, it is perfectly fine to keep your calorie count low the next day. Many people in the scientific community refer to this is intermittent fasting and they even go as far as to say it's healthy for you.

    Being on a plan where you fast for some period and indulge during some other period is different than overindulging and restricting--the mindset is completely different. I don't think you can really equate the OP's plan to someone IFing.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    Hmm my friends with eating disorders joke about them a lot. They say its a coping mechanism to deal with something that's a really big issue they struggle with. But not everyone deals with things in the same way I guess.

    yeah.. eating a normal amount and then " fasting " by not eating the next day or eating a little? that's called being disordered. I used to do that.

    If one eats to much one day they NEED to eat the next day.. just not eat a bunch of horrible for your body food

    I'm sorry seem rather hypocritical. You are saying you have an ED but your username is eat clean stay TINY...hmmm....are you even TRYING to recover?

    Not your business if she's trying to recover or not. Go away.

    If she's posting on a public forum about how she has an eating disorder and is complaining about people joking about them--then yes, it has become the entire online community's business. Hasn't it?
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    Hmm my friends with eating disorders joke about them a lot. They say its a coping mechanism to deal with something that's a really big issue they struggle with. But not everyone deals with things in the same way I guess.

    yeah.. eating a normal amount and then " fasting " by not eating the next day or eating a little? that's called being disordered. I used to do that.

    If one eats to much one day they NEED to eat the next day.. just not eat a bunch of horrible for your body food

    Sorry but that's not true and it is not an eating disorder. You're body doesn't work on a 1 day cycle. If you eat too much one day, it is perfectly fine to keep your calorie count low the next day. Many people in the scientific community refer to this is intermittent fasting and they even go as far as to say it's healthy for you.

    Intermittent fasting rarely works for women. Yeah, I can provide all the studies and research if you'd like but this sums it up for this board.

    Yes, it's paleo/primal...I'm not. But that doesn't negate the experience of many women. When USF starts keeping me in their research groups I might look at it differently, for Different hormone levels, I am not the same as a 25 year old boy. :)
  • NocturnalGirl
    Hmm my friends with eating disorders joke about them a lot. They say its a coping mechanism to deal with something that's a really big issue they struggle with. But not everyone deals with things in the same way I guess.

    yeah.. eating a normal amount and then " fasting " by not eating the next day or eating a little? that's called being disordered. I used to do that.

    If one eats to much one day they NEED to eat the next day.. just not eat a bunch of horrible for your body food

    Sorry but that's not true and it is not an eating disorder. You're body doesn't work on a 1 day cycle. If you eat too much one day, it is perfectly fine to keep your calorie count low the next day. Many people in the scientific community refer to this is intermittent fasting and they even go as far as to say it's healthy for you.

    Being on a plan where you fast for some period and indulge during some other period is different than overindulging and restricting--the mindset is completely different. I don't think you can really equate the OP's plan to someone IFing.

    This exactly. It's about the mindset, not the actual eating.
  • NocturnalGirl
    Hmm my friends with eating disorders joke about them a lot. They say its a coping mechanism to deal with something that's a really big issue they struggle with. But not everyone deals with things in the same way I guess.

    yeah.. eating a normal amount and then " fasting " by not eating the next day or eating a little? that's called being disordered. I used to do that.

    If one eats to much one day they NEED to eat the next day.. just not eat a bunch of horrible for your body food

    I'm sorry seem rather hypocritical. You are saying you have an ED but your username is eat clean stay TINY...hmmm....are you even TRYING to recover?

    Not your business if she's trying to recover or not. Go away.

    Well actually, the rules of this site do specify that no pro-ED behaviours are allowed. If she's using it to worsen her eating disorder then yes people here can take issue with that. Also, are you supporting her for keeping her eating disorder? I'm not saying you are pro-ED or she is, but encouraging an eating disorder is essentially just that.
  • MargaretWalks
    MargaretWalks Posts: 38 Member
    Okay, here is the prospective of an old lady. Yesterday I went over calories by around 700. I had the new McDonald's CBO chicken sandwich for dinner and then a pumpkin milkshake from the same place later in the evening. This morning my weight was up nearly 2 pounds. Obviously I didn't eat 7000 extra calories, but there was carbs (way too many for the entire day--330 total). While I know this is not weight that is going to stick around, it is still disconcerting. I am eating normally. I'm not going to eat 700 less calories to make up for yesterday. When you have a day that is out of control or way over calories I think you just need to stick to the plan the next day. I've been counting calories for over 4 years and have lost 80 pounds. Not every day is going to be perfect. I still eat pizza, ice cream, and ???? But not every day and things have a way of balancing out.
  • Tiff1124
    Tiff1124 Posts: 261 Member
    I cannot believe one little thing can set off so many people.

    I do NOT make fun of people with anorexia, bulemia, or any other mental illness or eating disorder. It was a bad judgement call on my part, and I apologize for anyone that I offended with my comment.

    However, if you see something you don't like, or offends you, why bother to comment? If someone said something that bothered me, I wouldn't get all up and arms about it, I would just let it go, because lets face it this is the internet and someone somewhere will say something to piss you off and offend you. Are you going to yell and ***** in EVERY post because someone says something you don't like or agree with?

    I asked a simple question, looking for a simple answer. Not to get people upset.

    To those with the positivie advice, thank you. Today was a much better day. :)
  • ebr250
    ebr250 Posts: 199 Member
    I don't think its bad for you unless you develop a eating disorder

    Pretty sure that would NEVER happen to me. I love food too much! But being anorexic one day can't hurt could it? ;)

    that's not even funny.

    I have an eating disorder and one cannot just " be anorexic for a day "
    and we don't just not eat. we eat, just not very much. it's also about the mindset, not even the food.


    here we go

    sorry but people who make jokes about eating disorders make me sick. I HAVE ONE and it's nothing to joke about or say " omg i'm going anorexic for a day (; "
    just no.
    just stop.

    This doesn't seem like a good site to be on if you have an eating disorder...