Does it bother you...



  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    Um no.... I am very much fine and unhungry on 1200 calories. I eat more because I can, but not much more because I don't have to.

    There really isn't a point of just eating calories because you have them to eat. If I'm not hungry, I'm not going to start eating to fill up my diary, I'm fairly sure that eating because I can is what made me fat in the first place. If you're eaten enough to run your body, then good. If you're not, then eat a bit more.

    Some people really can eat 1200 stupid calories and not be hungry. If you find that hard to believe, then maybe you need to realize that everyone is different? I know that's a little far fetched. :)
  • Shua89
    Shua89 Posts: 144 Member
    That only goes but so far, though. I'm eating at a deficit, and my stomach does gradually adjust to that over time so that I'm not hungry all day. But if you're eating 800 calories a day for example, you can't possibly be getting full off that amount of food. I honestly don't understand how anyone can say that with a straight face.

    It depends on lifelong habits. I grew up in a household where there was never enough food and what food there was went to my parents. The kids went without. I lived a childhood of going days on end without eating. That carried into my adulthood and I can honestly still "forget" to eat. I became overweight not because of amounts that I ate but because of choosing the wrong foods when I did eat. I struggle to hit 1200 calories when making correct food choices because *for me* that is way more food that I am used to eating.

    There are many overweight people who have very small appetites. Just because you're different from them doesn't mean they are lying or trying to insult you.
  • LisaLouisiana
    LisaLouisiana Posts: 145 Member
    I'm one of those people who do feel stuffed at 1,200 calories. That's me. That's my body. That's my way of eating. It has nothing to do with you or how you eat. Girl, you get it done however you can get it done. My diet isn't a reflection of yours and perceiving me to diss you because I'm full at 1,200 calories is like wanting to say you're diss'in me for not eating enough because I don't eat in your calorie range. The two have nothing to do with each other. Now there are people that might really be diss'in you.....and if that's the case, they're not true friends. Unfriend them. You need positive energy around you to do this....not negative people.

    So, with that said, I'll tell you why I feel full at 1,200 calories. I eat whole foods and clean meaning I eat food we cook and fresh veggies and fruit. I don't eat processed foods or fast foods. I eat all day long and often struggle to get to the 1,200 calories at night. Would I feel full if I spent my 1,200 calories on a whopper with cheese value meal? Heck no. I'd feel like I was starving. That's just me. Does this have anything at all to do with you? Nope. I have no idea how you eat. I wish you all the luck in the world finding what works for you at being healthy. :happy:
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    That only goes but so far, though. I'm eating at a deficit, and my stomach does gradually adjust to that over time so that I'm not hungry all day. But if you're eating 800 calories a day for example, you can't possibly be getting full off that amount of food. I honestly don't understand how anyone can say that with a straight face.

    It depends on lifelong habits. I grew up in a household where there was never enough food and what food there was went to my parents. The kids went without. I lived a childhood of going days on end without eating. That carried into my adulthood and I can honestly still "forget" to eat. I became overweight not because of amounts that I ate but because of choosing the wrong foods when I did eat. I struggle to hit 1200 calories when making correct food choices because *for me* that is way more food that I am used to eating.

    There are many overweight people who have very small appetites. Just because you're different from them doesn't mean they are lying or trying to insult you.

    Oh sad :(
  • r0se125
    r0se125 Posts: 228 Member
    To each their own. Everyone has their own way of loosing weight. I rarely tell people my calorie intake, as just because it works for me doesnt mean it would work for them. I just say they need to create a calorie deficient and eat healthier and exercise. Find what works for THEM.
  • I eat anywhere from 1100 to 1200 cals a day and I can say that I am never hungry. It is all about what you eat with those 1200 cals. If you eat lean meats,fresh fruits and veggies and the right type of starches then you will not be hungry. Every diet is different every person is different what is great for one is not for the other.
  • I'm one of those people who do feel stuffed at 1,200 calories. That's me. That's my body. That's my way of eating. It has nothing to do with you or how you eat. Girl, you get it done however you can get it done. My diet isn't a reflection of yours and perceiving me to diss you because I'm full at 1,200 calories is like wanting to say you're diss'in me for not eating enough because I don't eat in your calorie range. The two have nothing to do with each other. Now there are people that might really be diss'in you.....and if that's the case, they're not true friends. Unfriend them. You need positive energy around you to do this....not negative people.

    So, with that said, I'll tell you why I feel full at 1,200 calories. I eat whole foods and clean meaning I eat food we cook and fresh veggies and fruit. I don't eat processed foods or fast foods. I eat all day long and often struggle to get to the 1,200 calories at night. Would I feel full if I spent my 1,200 calories on a whopper with cheese value meal? Heck no. I'd feel like I was starving. That's just me. Does this have anything at all to do with you? Nope. I have no idea how you eat. I wish you all the luck in the world finding what works for you at being healthy. :happy:

    I so agree with you.
  • minkakross
    minkakross Posts: 687 Member
    Wow another criticism levied against those who eat 1200 or less. If there weren't enough threads jumping on the 1200 or less club for being unhealthy, telling them it doesn't work, telling them they are ruining their metabolism, telling them they are just going to gain it all back, or otherwise stating, not just implying, but stating, how horrible they are because they don't lose weight like the "eat more to lose" crowd now they get the wrap of somehow implying people who eat more are lazy....WOW.
  • pullipgirl
    pullipgirl Posts: 767 Member
    No it doesn't bother me at all
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    Doesn't me at all...that's their business. I would not feel stuffed on 1200 but I'm very active so maybe that's why. If you sit around all day and do very little activity/exercise, maybe you really don't feel hungry like an active person would.
  • petiteLady89
    petiteLady89 Posts: 198 Member
    Okay, here is the thing. I am definitely NOT at 1200 eater anymore. But I can say this, after eating 1200 calories for a few weeks your stomach definitely gets used to it. But that didn't last long for me. After about a month of sticking to 1200 calories most days, it definitely wasn't for me. I was working out, my metabolism was increasing. No way, you couldn't pay me to go back to that! I can see how some one could feel stuffed.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    Seeing as how - now that I'm within 5 pounds of my goal weight (154lbs as of Friday), and have non-overweight BMI and body fat% - I'm in better shape than most of those types of people? Nope - doesn't bother me at all. Especially since I had been losing pretty steadily for the past couple of months eating 2000 or more calories.
  • People lie to themselves and then repeat that lie out loud to validate their smokescreen. So anyone stating 1200 is ez is creating their own reality ... Or can't count or honestly recall. I love to exaggerate my portions... ( as in 1 four ounce serving), and its really 2.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Don't worry about them. Do what you want to do if it works for you. That is a key to success, and continued control. Genuinely not caring what others think or feel about your personal fitness and nutrition. Don't let anyone or anything get in your way.
  • I just kinda do a little laugh at them. I think 99% of people who say it are just trying to convince themselves that they arnt starving lol.

    or maybe they are not.
  • kimberliiw
    kimberliiw Posts: 242 Member
    The other day I only had 1000 calories at the end of the day and I was full. I went back and recalculated and it was correct, so I can see it happening. But believe me that was a rare day, I generally reach my daily goal or go over a bit.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    People lie to themselves and then repeat that lie out loud to validate their smokescreen. So anyone stating 1200 is ez is creating their own reality ... Or can't count or honestly recall. I love to exaggerate my portions... ( as in 1 four ounce serving), and its really 2.

    Now THIS is offensive.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    Don't worry about them. Do what you want to do if it works for you. That is a key to success, and continued control. Genuinely not caring what others think or feel about your personal fitness and nutrition. Don't let anyone or anything get in your way.

  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    How about trying to look at the other side of this coin.

    Imagine you were very petite, older, and had medical conditions that prevented you from lifting weights and doing very strenuous exercise, so you only actually burn 1700 calories per day. (Believe it or not, that is the TDEE for many people). You were 80 pounds overweight, newly diagnosed with T2Diabetes and you really needed to lose some weight quickly.

    eating at 1200 calories only gives you a 500 calorie deficit, for barely a 1 pound loss per week. At this rate it will take you 80 weeks to reach your goal.

    Now you go on the message boards to find some support and friends, and you see a lot of people claiming that anyone who eats 1200 per day is an idiot, is starving themselves and ruining their metabolism, and if they say they are not hungry, then they are liars and are just trying to say that people who eat more are lazy.

    Would YOU be offended by that?
  • JessicaBR0
    JessicaBR0 Posts: 256 Member
    ...when people who eat 1200 calories or less brag about how they are "stuffed" eating that amount and "couldn't possibly eat anymore"? Depending on the situation and who you're talking to, the implication is generally that people who eat above 1200 are lazier and have less willpower. I understand wanting to be able to choose your own path to weight loss without being jumped on, but dissing people who are trying to help you isn't the way to do it. :/

    Not at all. Everyone is different. It is totally silly to compare your calories with someone else, and it's equally silly to judge others. Not that I advocate anything unhealthy, but size (RMR/BMR) does matter in this case. I get a little nervous when they are taller and already under weight and you can kinda tell something unhealthy is going on, but some of us are just older with a slower metabolism, short, petite, have a low RMR, and the doctor's and labs have proved to us that we need less calories. Especially you have no idea if someone is under a doctors care and you are telling them to eat more or less calories.

    1200 is such a stupid number to get stuck on. What you need to eat for a deficit is relative to your RMR. If you are short you really don't have much room for up compared to the 1200. If you are taller you will have a higher RMR and can go up or down and still be in a deficit (way above 1200) so you can lose no matter what. All that matters is a calorie deficit.

    To tell everyone eat more is wrong.

    To tell everyone to eat less is wrong.

    To find the exact amount of calories for you to be in a sustainable calorie deficit is correct. Some people can handle a deeper calorie deficit than others. Some people have emotional eating disorders and it comes into play. Even a small deficit puts your body in a state of flux with hormones and such and everyone is different.

    You just need to find the correct calories for YOU to be healthy and sustainable and still lose weight. It might require some experimentation and tremendous patience. You can always notch up and down by 100 until you find what is sustainable and still allows you to lose weight.

    If you have emotional eating issues than you are not going to be able to handle such a deep deficit and if you eat to low it will backfire. A better strategy is to eat at a shallower deficit, and sometimes give yourself a break from the deficit and eat at maintenance. This is not going backwards, but eating to low and then binging because you can't sustain it is going backwards. It's better to stay forwards even if it is slower. The tortoise wins this race in the end.

    ^ LOVE this!